Income tax is constitutional. There's an amendment that specifically makes it constitutional.
Huh, what do you know, damned 16th amendment... I'm not forgetting that one.
I am sure Onhell will see the differences between us two, and our two posts.
Bearfan already beat me too it and much more eloquently than I could have ever phrased it, but essentially I'm merely playing devil's advocate and frankly the main reason I like Paul, whether he has a chance in hell or not, is he's like what an old Tyler Durden would sound like: "Let's bring this mother down!" Does it need to be that extreme? No, but revamping is needed.
As for sharing and caring... I grew up in Mexico. Let me tell you a little bit about my 3rd country. I am sure you have read at least a little bit of Marx and when Marx wrote about the bourgeois and the proletariat and the petite bourgeois joining the proletariat and blah, blah, blah... well, he might as well be writing about my country. The Mexican independence and later its supposed revolution are text book Marxism, except that nothing changed. We still have a small ruling class with a practically non-existent middle class and a HUGE working/poor class. While social movements were a fad back in the 60s practically world wide they are still a reality in Mexico and most of south america. The guy in my avatar? He is known as Sub-Comandante Marcos, leader of the EZLN. A revolutionary group supposedly fighting for indigenous rights and declared war on "the Mexican State." He cropped up in 1994 and has not gone away.
The contrast between uber rich and filthy poor is blatantly obvious so revolutionary writings are very popular and motivational. People think Capitalism is evil and I don't blame them, most of Latin America operates on an oligarchical model that would make the 19th century proud, so they think Socialism will be their savior. I grew up on this crap. Ate it up. After living in the U.S for close to half my life, learning about Marxism, Smithian Capitalism, the Cold War, etc in context and aftermath it is blatently obvious that the way people have decided to apply Marx's ideas have failed miserably and it does NOT improve peoples conditions, definitely does NOT share the wealth and Capitalism is FAR from evil. Flawed? Of course, what isn't, but it is the best we got and since Weber wrote, "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," it is obvious no other system has enriched peoples lives more or more consistently.
Now, to answer the question as to who should pay what. In the U.S it clearly states that "we the people" are the government, so when people say "the government should do this, pay that, etc." while they mean the FEDERAL government, they fail to realize it is the citizens duty to take care of things. I wholeheartedly agree with SMX in that I would pay (when I finally own a home) property tax, not because I have to, but because it is my responsibility as a member of my community and society to put in my 2 cents. We need an educated citizenry and an invested citizenry, a difficult task given the size and diversity of the U.S population.