Not really, the capital gains tax rate is 15%, if you make money on investments/property/some business ventures, that is what your tax rate is. I am not sure how discouraging investment into the private sector is really a good idea in a bad economy.
There is risk in investment and that risk taking allows companies to expand.
I suppose folks like Obama believe that money is best spent when filtered through the government ... I (and hopefully most Americans) do not. almost half of Americans did not pay any income taxes last year and assuming the tax code stays the same next year, that will continue (certainly in part part due to a poor economy). It is also worth noting, that obviously the federal government game up with this monstrosity of a tax code sue to over reaching, social engineering, flat out bribery, etc. I am not sure why the solution people come up with is to give that same entity even more power.
Nor do I understand how people in government complain about what people are paying in taxes when they set up the rules that people like Romney follow. No one is saying he cheated his taxes, they are complaining that he did exactly what he should.
There are plenty of studies out there that show the top 5% of Americans pay more taxes than the other 95%, I am not really sure how that is not "paying your fair share"