Unplayed live songs and the future of Maiden: what's next?

Deja Vu: Bruce kind of joked with it, teased it when introducing The Time Machine. Could be an option for the second leg of the tour as a fast , easy song with a good chorus. Due to its lenght it could create space for Hallowed/Number as additional classic if it replaces Heaven Can Wait for example?

Darkest Hour/ Parchment: could possibly replace The Time Machine/ Death of the Celts next year?

I think me just made the pun for the sake of it, not particularly teasing the song to be played. I could be wrong, but I just don't see where they'd put it in this set, let alone what would be dropped out of the way.

I'm all for the live debut of The Parchment - I love that song! I just don't expect it to happen. I think one of the reasons why Death of the Celts is played instead is.. well, it's got seemingly more dynamic instrumental sections (I still prefer The Parchment) and as far as Bruce's role goes, I think it's also slightly more simple for him.

With Celts:
- Introduction
- Some moderately easy singing
- long break
- couple of easy vocal lines, move on to the next song/it's introduction

Where as with The Parchment it would be...
- Introduction (if any)
- some moderately easy singing, but loooots of words, not as much opportunities to move around and "illustrate" the text as with Celts
- looong break
- some more singing
- another break
- Come back on stage, move on to the next song...

So I can see why they rolled on with Death of the Celts.