Ultimate collection of Vintage Eddie pics

That's all for the time being folks. I had to, unfortunately, size down both 'Be Quick or Be Dead, The Clairvoyant, and possibly another one.
Thanks, is there anyway I can get a copy of your great collection, space is not an issue

My whole vintage Eddie collection is 10GB, so there is no way I can send the whole lot to you. If there any particular vintage hi-res Eddie pics you are looking for, let me know. I nearly have every single vintage Eddie from 1980 to 1993 including a lot of very rare ones, and I also have a lot of Eddie's and rare Eddie's without any type, and lastly I have every single Christmas Eddiw from 1980 to 1998. I'm only interested in Derek Riggs, some of Melvyn Grant and Mark Wilkinson. I don't like the new Eddie's by that new Polish chap.
You could make a Google Drive account and upload the whole thing to it. That way, you'll have a backup of your collection, and you'll be able to share it with other people.
I'm just not that mad about Google Drive. And I do have it backed up to my 6TB HD and my 64 GB card. I'm more than happy to share any Eddie pics if someone can tell me what they are looking for. I nearly have all the Eddie pics that Derek ever did, and they are all high res to very very hi resolutions.