UK Politics

Go Scotland!
As I said on the previous page, Foro; I can't see any of this going very far without the support of the EU itself. If the EU supports Scotland's position, which remains to be seen, then momentous things might be afoot. Can't see the EU taking anything other than a sympathetic but neutral view of this though. Spain, for one, aren't going to support any separatist agenda.
Something else: Harriet Harman says Britain's difficulties are for "Government to sort out" and are "not the fault of migrants."

And the people of the leave campaign really make believable statements, don't they?

"Can the Prime Minister name a country that has full access to the single market, but which does not also have to accept free movement for people?" Labour MP Pat McFadden quizzes David Cameron on statements made by Boris Johnson this morning.

And now for some dumb ignorance:
Some of the parts of Britain that voted most clearly to leave the EU were the very ones that benefited most from its funding. Wales is set to get 2.5 billion Euros by 2020.
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Interestingly enough, I read that Westminster still has to actually ratify the referendum result i.e. approve Brexit. Everyone will respect the referendum result, but it'll be a total rammy on the day, with everyone wanting to get their tuppence worth!
I have well brought on the table how important the EU is. No one has shown how unimportant it is, unimportant enough to leave it.
To be frank, I don't like big Govt. and you don't get much bigger than the EU.

As for being important, you don't need a political union to trade with other countries. Why would you - Govts get in the way and load it with bureaucracy. Almost all of Africa is willing to trade with us, why limit it to an exclusive club?

You don't need a political union to allow free movement. If a country puts up it's borders, don't go there. I would like to see our borders open to anyone and every one that wants to better themselves here. Again, why restrict this to just EU citizens? Why should a person from Italy be given more privileges than one from India? Give both the same chance.

You don't necessarily need a political union to achieve peace. War is almost always brought about by Govts and religious zealots. The Swizz get along being very peaceful without EU help.

As for the Welsh voting out when they stood to get £Xbillion in EU funding? Where does this money come from? It does not magically appear.

Look, the feelings in this country has been boiling up for decades and the vote to leave should not have been seen as a shock. What did NOT help the Remain cause was to get Obama in to deliver a "Go to the back of the queue" to any one thinking of voting leave. That was seen as typical of the type of dismissive remarks from Remain.

And all the doom and gloom that we keep getting told is happenings is pretty much a ploy to make the susceptible leave voter to feel guilty. "Look what you done, this is your fault.".

I really hope that when it goes through Westminster, the MPs vote to block it. Just to show us how they really do not care what we think. "OK proles, you’ve had your say, now it's time for the grown ups to take over.". I also think that this may well be the end of any further referendums (not on the EU, but anything that requires a change in our constitution). They really do not think we have the ability to vote on these matters, the vast majority of us are seen as a bunch of uneducated fools that can barely muster enough nounce to put an X in a box.
I have no doubt there will be volatiity as this plays out, but FTSE is back in pre-Brexit territory and the Pound has made a bit of a comeback ... though a (moderately) weaker currency is not really a bad thing

Looks like Scotland will not be able to join the EU,not have a border with England, and stay on the pound at the same time. Shocking!

Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy said Ms Sturgeon’s Scottish Government is not authorised to barter with other EU member states.
Following a summit of 27 EU leaders in Brussels, he told a news conference: "I want to be very clear Scotland does not have the competence to negotiate with the European Union.
“Spain opposes any negotiation by anyone other than the government of United Kingdom.”
He added: "I am extremely against it, the treaties are extremely against it and I believe everyone is extremely against it. If the United Kingdom leaves... Scotland leaves.”
French president Francois Hollande backed up his Spanish counterpart, insisting exit talks will only be held with the UK Government and not the Holyrood administration.

He said: "The negotiations will be conducted with the UK, not with a part of the UK.”
And here I thought Spain would be offering to host the negotiations in Barcelona. Silly me.
Fuck Spain. This Scotland situation is different from the Spanish/Catalonia/Basque situation. Spain does not want to go out of the European Union, forcing Catalonia/Basque to go down with them.
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A year ago, I'd have said the Catalan independence movement is more dangerous, because Catalan independence would almost certainly disintegrate Spain, whereas Scottish independence would just bring Scottish independence. Right now, I'm really not sure what to think anymore, though.
I haven't read enough on the subject, but the impression I'm getting is that by the UK leaving it weakens the EU in the economic eyes of the world, leaving room for China to throw its weight around. instead of being a unified trading block now they have that to worry about, not to mention the ripple effect it's had in Europe itself with other countries thinking, "Well, if they can leave, so can we!" Sadly the countries reported to have said thoughts are NOT Greece or Spain or other "weak" economies, but most of Scandinavia and even France (at least according to The Economist). So the Brits may have wanted their country back, but in doing so they possible opened Pandora's Box and we may see the dissolution of the EU and global instability.

On a minor note, I see some of you are using the word "except" when you mean to say "accept." Very confusing for a Mexican like myself, I assume you are taking exception to something, but it turns out you approve of the point thus accepting it. Which is it?
On a minor note, I see some of you are using the word "except" when you mean to say "accept." Very confusing for a Mexican like myself, I assume you are taking exception to something, but it turns out you approve of the point thus accepting it. Which is it?

The spirit of delta51pwned lives on. :D
Haven't checked if this is true. Even if this is an hoax, still funny nonetheless!


EU Referendum Local Results 2016 vs. Mad Cow Disease Outbreak Areas 1992. However, it would be a mistake to jump to conclusions.