Trivial Pursuit, history edition?

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I knew...5, 6, and 7.

8. What monarch said, "I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart of a king"?
- Queen Elizabeth I of England
9. After being deposed, who informed loyal followers that, "I intend to write the history of the great achievements we have performed together?"
- Napoleon Bonaparte
10. Who said that, "We cannot dedicate, we cannot hallow this ground.  The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have hallowed it far beyond our poor power to add or detract"?
- Abraham Lincoln
11. Who said to the people of Paris that, "To defeat them we need to dare, to dare again, always to dare, and France will be saved!"?
- Georges Jacques Danton
12. Who famously refused, "To believe the bank of justice is believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation"?
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
13. Who, while on trial for the heinous crime of voting, said that, "Women are citizens; and no state has a right to make any law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities"?
- Susan B. Anthony
14. Who asked, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?"
- Patrick Henry
15. Who stated that, "It does not matter to the practical suffragist whether she alienates sympathy that was never of any use to her."
- Emmeline Pankhurst
16. What concept, to Nelson Mandela, was, "An idea which I hope to live for and to achieve.  But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."
- The end of apartheid in South Africa
Struck out there. (on Perun's)

1. Who was the last (only) Emperor of the Central African Empire?

Jean Bedal Bokassa

2. Italian composer, Giorgio Battisteli named an opera "______'s Traum" , meaning "______'s Dream." The ______ is the name of the German scientist that proved planets follow an elliptical course, not a circular one.  What is the name in the blank?

Johannes Kepler


LC, just got #10
Loosey: Got #16. Wasted: Got #1.

8. Which city, according to Herodotus, had walls so thick that a quadriga (chariot with four horses) could ride on top of them?


9. Apart from Berlin, which other city was divided into four sectors following World War II?


10. In which Cuban city were the Spanish ultimately defeated in the Spanish-American War?


11. What was the southernmost point reached by the Hedjaz-railway prior to its destruction by T.E. Lawrence and the Arab revolt?


12. What is the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi?


13. What was the only colony ever founded by Sparta?

Taras, modern-day Taranto

14. What was the homeland of Charles V, King of Spain and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire?


15. What was the capital of the Mongol Empire?


16. The dispute over which island started the First Punic War?


17. Name the seven hills of Rome.

Palatinus, Aventinus, Caelius, Esquilinus, Viminalis, Quirinalis, Capitolium
Uh.  Do we have an independent website on which the format is so easy to post?


18. Who declared that, "I have in my hand fifty-seven cased of individuals who would appear to be card-carrying members [of] the Communist Party"?
- Joseph McCarthy
19. Who stated, "I do not fear prison, as I do not fear the furty of the miserable tyrant who took the lives of seventy of my comrades.  Condemn me.  It does not matter.  History will absolve me."
- Fidel Castro
20. Who told Dan Quayle, "Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy"?
- Lloyd Benson
21. Who told his nation that, "We fell morally ill because we became used to saying something different from what we thought," after his country's Communist reign ended?
- Vaclav Havel
22. Who accused the peacemakers of 1918 that they had, "Without regard for the origin of the peoples, without regard for either their wish as nations or economic necessities, Central Europe...was broken up into atoms."
- Adolf Hitler
23. Who said that, "There must be no room in our ranks for whimperers and cowards, for panicmongers and deserters; our people must know no fear"?
- Joseph Stalin
24. Who said that, "The battle of the laboratories held fateful risks for us as well as the battles of the air, land, and sea, and we have now won the battle of the laboratories as we have won the other battles."
- Harry S Truman
25. Who famously said that, "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent."
- Sir Winston Churchill
Not right now, mate. Eventually. Let's first gather questions, and then we'll see what we do with them.

I only got #25, while #18 was just a very good guess.

I'll shift my focus to people now.

1. Who is considered by many historians to be the greatest Roman who ever lived?

Marcus Tullius Cicero

2. Which man is famously considered a saviour by the some, and a pirate by others?

Sir Francis Drake

3. Which Roman Emperor reportedly fought with shield and armour of Alexander the Great?


4. Who is the first person documented in contemporary writings?

Scorpion, King of Upper Egypt

5. Who is the "Apostle of India"?

Saint Francis Xavier

6. Who described herself as the "first mother of [her] country"?

Maria Theresa of Austria

7. Who has been called the only Roman to ever fight against Rome?

A few innocent remarks about Trivial Pursuit then leave you guys alone for 5 minutes and this is what we get..........

Can I suggest a little structure to the endeavour.

First anyone can submit questions obviously.....but we'll need a 'check as we go' submitted questions will need vetting.....Maybe double person checks the question....finds two citations.....then passes it on to another checker for further citations....then passes on to the Editors.

Editors:  Central control would be essential.  Editors would be responsible for balance.........time periods, content, etc

Also questions would have to be carefully phrased.....some facts are eternal.....others might be subject to change or to alternate correct answers.  I think it was Perun's question regarding the name of the oldest human era......this is true until an older discovery......also is the term acknowledged on a worldwide basis?....I remember differences existed between British and American geological era names......though I believe that a slow shift to American terms is being accepted.  All of this would have to be carefully judged by the Editors.

I'm guessing that the three main men here.....Perun, LC and Wasted would make the best Editors..........I would be happy to submit and assist with the checking.....any suggestions for an efficient system of accepting submissions and passing from one checker to the next and finally to the editors?  We would have to organise the checking process so as to avoid repetition.

Sorry for the haste of these words....short on time.
Double- and triple-checking is certainly the way to go- as is open dispute. Of course, anyone can submit questions, and I think those of us with the resources are free to verify them.
I feel I am going to have to jump into this endeavor since I was the first to mention the damned game in the first place. I'm off to find a suitable history question since I'm an I.T. major........
Does this sound too drawn out?

Questions could be posted in manageable groups.....say 5 at a time.....on this thread.  Another member would then pick up the questions.....quoting the original posting and declaring that they would carry out the research.

Once vetted the questions, plus citations, would be placed in a second thread where another member would be free to pick up the questions in the same way as in the first thread and check the research.....maybe looking for additional citations when needed.

Finally the thoroughly vetted questions would be posted to a third thread where the Editors would sort the questions by content and carry out final vetting if necessary.  The editors would carry out the final judgement on questions and also by constantly collating the questions already submitted direct the content of future submissions.

Trying to work with the what we have to hand.  Apologies if it strikes as a little too regimented.  Thoughts?
My first question:

When did the last emperor of China ascend the throne?


Trying to work with the what we have to hand.  Apologies if it strikes as a little too regimented.  Thoughts?

That sounds fine to me. This is LC's and Perun's Magnum Opus anyway........  :)
I was short of one year in yours, Deano.

I think it's about time for me to come up with some new ones, eh?
I don't care for the points (I won't win anyway ;) ), but can I just throw in questions without taking part in the complete competition myself?

In other words, perhaps I'll answer some questions, but the most I've seen I'd never know by heart.

I rather test the skilled ones instead. :)
I think the real challenge has to be creating a body of work.  Extensive checking can be done at a time, but I am not capable of editing questions, say, from work.  Perun and I will likely notice any obvious fallacies.