The Seventh Son has chosen a side. The good has won and
conscious young man uses power over his powers towards
benefit of.
Lucifer, with motives of revenge or perhaps with the hope of his conversion
young man, plans a disaster on the young man's village. The Seventh Son,
trying to protect people, he prophesies the impending
disaster and warns them. The young man feels a deep sense of injustice
because while he uses his powers, which he considers a curse, for
thanks to the whole, it ignores him.
The plan of Eusphorus has been implemented. The
holocaust is coming, the village is destroyed and the
survivors turn against the Seventh Son,
accusing him that his prophecies caused it
evil bringing a curse on the village. It is a development that
agrees with the words of Jesus in the New Testament
"There is no prophet dishonorable except in the homeland
in him and in his house "(Matthew, 13:57)," There is not
prophet dishonorable except
in his homeland and in
his relatives and at home
of "(Mark, 6: 4)," Verily I say unto you, That no man
a prophet is not accepted in his homeland. "
(Luke 4:24)
The symbol that accompanies the lyrics in
insert is a variant of the "Winged Disc" of Ancient Egypt, the
which was probably inspired by the ancient Egyptians from the crown that
appeared around the Sun during a total eclipse.
It was a symbol of divine supervision, protection or kingdom.