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The main (and opening riff) is taken from a White Spirit demo-song from 1981, called "Till the Kill"
This was the first Maiden song I ever heard, and as such it holds a special place in my heart. The music is really catchy; Adrian's solo and the following interlude are really the high points. I could actually see Janick giving up his solo in the song HE wrote just so H could get an extra solo (what is that, 4 solos for him on BNW total?!)
This is one of the weaker songs. It is still pretty good though. The vocals are pretty good but there isn't much to the lyrics or the music.
Although it's a Jan's song, contains blistering solos from Dave and H and the melody after the solos is great.
After a magic three-in-a-row, this one is a bit of a letdown - although the type of song fits well after three semi-epics. Unlike on the previous two songs, who both have quite unoriginal choruses, I do have a problem with the repetitiveness of this song. The line !show 'em no fear, show 'em no pain" just seems to go on forever. The song has its moments, but it doesn't really live up to the high standard set by the opening four.
A pretty good rocker, but without much weight behind it. A weaker cut off the album, but Bruce's vocal saves the day.
An awesome rocker, but a bit repetitive. That riff under the chorus is sweet. I really love Nicko's drumming on this song.
The main riff sounds like something off of Fear of the Dark. The chorus totally rocks. It sounds like familiar territory for Maiden, but it's not a rehash. It sounds like a modernized Maiden.
After what are arguably the best four openings songs on any Maiden album, this is a bit of a letdown. It does have it's moments though.
it is intresting that according to nicko, birch was away when they were recording this song so they produced it theirselves. i hear no particular difference than the rest of the album in sound, but it certainly might have "sweetened" steve to the idea of becoming a producer
I can't really think of anything to say about this song; it's a total non-entity for me. Meh.
Not much to say, except this may be Maiden's most nondescript track.
I had to listen to this song to remember it. Completely forgettable and not really worth the listen, but I don't completely hate it either.
Great and beautiful harmonies, which bear a lot of sadness and melancholy making a counterpoint to the desparate and kinda excited carachter trying to get his message through to his grilfriend on this plane of existence.
Really boring song. Main riff is kinda good, but still meh
This one is firmly in the "meh" category for me. Paul's voice grates annoyingly throughout the song, balancing out the rather decent main riff.
Always though this was a boring song, but after listening to it again a find the chorus quite good. But the rest of the song is still boring
Paul's worst song when he was in Maiden. Way too short for a Maiden song. I hate the lyrics, I hate the way they are sung, I hate the vibe of it. Dave delivers with some slightly redeeming guitar work. This is a song I always skip.
A bit forgettable. Honestly can't think what it's like until I play it. When I do it's....ok.
You have made six assertions. One of them is right. The other five are incorrect.I'll predict the first songs from the albums that haven't appeared yet.
SIT - first song to appear is probably Deja Vu somewhere in the 80-90 range.
SSOASS - first song to appear is probably The Prophecy somewhere in the 90-100 range.
AMLOAD - first song to appear is probably either The Longest Day or Out Of The Shadows somewhere in the 100-11o range.
Heard it live last year. Better, still too long and concert-time-consuming ... but better.
I think I know one of the wrong ones. The lowest ranking song from AMLOAD is probably Different World (forgot about this one).You have made six assertions. One of them is right. The other five are incorrect.
If this list is anything like the one I tallied up, then the first SIT song will be Heaven Can Wait, the first SSOASS song will be Can I Play With Madness, and I forget offhand the first AMOLAD one but, we'll see. This ones already a bit different so I dunno.I'll predict the first songs from the albums that haven't appeared yet.
SIT - first song to appear is probably Deja Vu somewhere in the 80-90 range.
SSOASS - first song to appear is probably The Prophecy somewhere in the 90-100 range.
AMLOAD - first song to appear is probably either The Longest Day or Out Of The Shadows somewhere in the 100-11o range.
This is the worst song on the album but again, it's not bad. I, like many others, think that the mood of the song is too happy for the lyrics which aren't so good either. The lyrics are like an actual conversation between the prophet and whoever he is talking to. The solo, if you would even call it a solo, is somewhere around only 10 seconds long and sounds like something Adrian put together just so they could say the song had a solo (it would've been better without one). The chorus is probably the best part of the song.
Stupid lyrics, annoyingly happy and definetly overrated.
this song has never really done it for me. It doesn't have enough punch to become anything more than an album filler. End of case. They should have released a single of Only The Good...
I was pottering around today after work, trying to get more work done, listening to Maiden, etc. "Can I Play With Madness?" came on and I realised that I had forgotten what a real gem this song is. It's a rocky number (God, I hate myself for being cliché), but one you can have a lot of fun with - and a catchy chorus to boot.
The worst song off the album for me. It's too happy sounding and has nothing that makes it stand out.
Annoying, overly happy, and it doesn't even work live though you might expect it. The lyrics fit in the album's story, but that's about it.
Yeah, everybody said it: Catchy and poppy. Is that bad in itself? No. What bothers me a bit is how this works on the mood of the lyrics, and the album as a whole. They lyrics are rather mystical, but the way they are delivered don't do them very much justice. It is as if Bruce came along and said, "Oy mate, I just talked to the prophet, and guess what he told me! He said that you ain't free and your soul's gonna burn in the lake of fire. Bummer, eh? Well, catch ya later!"
Fucking great tune, if you ask me. I worked in Korea for 4.5 years until a year or so ago. Karaoke is big over there and I was regularly belting out Can I Play With Madness in the pubs, full of the demon drink. It was one of my signature tunes.
The song is incredibly awkward and feels really sloppy to me. Not to mention the worst chorus I've ever heard, only rivaled by "Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday".
I'm not actually a huge fan of the short upbeat rockers generally. But I think the chorus couplet is one of the best they've ever done. Especially the final chorus which has a wonderfully subtle tempo change. Great, if simple song
I'm pretty sure songs that were played last year can be freely discussed, but songs that are being played this year cannot. Spoiler-tagging any reference to the 2016 setlist seems kind of silly and unnecessary.Guys. Spoilers.
118: Can I Play With Madness? - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (Smith, Dickinson, Harris)
Average score: 7.32/10 Deviation: 0.80
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 1/8
Top 100: 2006, 2014, 2015, 2016
Welcome to the Experimentation Era, with its first synth-enhanced entry from Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, leaving only three albums yet to debut in our countdown. This one started out a little lower than it is today rated, although it has a snug deviation, under a full point. It meandered lowest in 2005 and is enjoying its strongest performance right now, as modern-day Maidenfans seem to enjoy it somewhat more. The music video is a popular one, and for those who are unaware, features Monty Python's Graham Chapman in his last pre-death role. A lot of critiques have been made about the song's happy and casual tone, but most people still think it's an acceptable track.
Choice comments:
Yearly ratings & rankings
2004: 7.12; 108/123
2005: 6.80 -0.32; 109/124 -1
2006: 7.06 +0.22; 90/124 +19
2008: 7.50 +0.44; 102/134 -12
2011: 7.04 -0.46; 108/144 -06
2012: 107/144 -1
2014: 7.41 +0.34; 97/144 +10
2015: 7.53 +0.12; 96/144 +1
2016: 7.60 +0.07; 86/155 +10
118 - Can I Play With Madness? (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son)
119 - Twilight Zone (Killers)
120 - The Mercenary (Brave New World)
121 - When the River Runs Deep (The Book of Souls)
122 - The Fallen Angel (Brave New World)
123 - Shadows of the Valley (The Book of Souls)
124 - Charlotte the Harlot (Iron Maiden)
125 - Invaders (The Number of the Beast)
126 - Age of Innocence (Dance of Death)
126 - Look For the Truth (The X Factor)
128 - When Two Worlds Collide (Virtual XI)
129 - Drifter (Killers)
130 - Another Life (Killers)
131 - Public Enema Number One (No Prayer For the Dying)
132 - Sun and Steel (Piece of Mind)
132 - Innocent Exile (Killers)
134 - Sanctuary (Iron Maiden)
135 - Be Quick or Be Dead (Fear of the Dark)
136 - Wildest Dreams (Dance of Death)
137 - Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger (Virtual XI)
138 - The Fugitive (Fear of the Dark)
139 - The Assassin (No Prayer For the Dying)
140 - Iron Maiden (Iron Maiden)
141 - Fates Warning (No Prayer For the Dying)
142 - New Frontier (Dance of Death)
143 - Holy Smoke (No Prayer For the Dying)
143 - Tailgunner (No Prayer For the Dying)
145 - Gangland (The Number of the Beast)
146 - Quest For Fire (Piece of Mind)
147 - Bring Your Daughter... ...To the Slaughter (No Prayer For the Dying)
148 - Gates of Tomorrow (Dance of Death)
149 - The Angel and the Gambler (Virtual XI)
150 - From Here to Eternity (Fear of the Dark)
151 - Fear is the Key (Fear of the Dark)
152 - Chains of Misery (Fear of the Dark)
153 - Hooks in You (No Prayer For the Dying)
153 - Weekend Warrior (Fear of the Dark)
155 - The Apparition (Fear of the Dark)
Song deviance (least to greatest)
0.34 - The Fallen Angel (Brave New World)
0.68 - Invaders (The Number of the Beast)
0.76 - Fates Warning (No Prayer For the Dying)
0.78 - The Mercenary (Brave New World)
0.80 - Can I Play With Madness? (Seventh Son of a Seventh Son)
0.81 - Another Life (Killers)
0.92 - Fear is the Key (Fear of the Dark)
0.93 - Sun and Steel (Piece of Mind)
0.96 - Innocent Exile (Killers)
1.29 - Gangland (The Number of the Beast)
1.45 - When Two Worlds Collide (Virtual XI)
1.52 - The Fugitive (Fear of the Dark)
1.56 - Iron Maiden (Iron Maiden)
1.68 - The Apparition (Fear of the Dark)
1.82 - Drifter (Killers)
1.83 - Tailgunner (No Prayer For the Dying)
1.84 - Age of Innocence (Dance of Death)
1.86 - Sanctuary (Iron Maiden)
1.94 - Public Enema Number One (No Prayer For the Dying)
1.94 - Quest For Fire (Piece of Mind)
1.95 - The Angel and the Gambler (Virtual XI)
2.04 - Wildest Dreams (Dance of Death)
2.20 - New Frontier (Dance of Death)
2.22 - Hooks in You (No Prayer For the Dying)
2.27 - Look For the Truth (The X Factor)
2.72 - Twilight Zone (Killers)
2.82 - Gates of Tomorrow (Dance of Death)
2.93 - Bring Your Daughter... ...To the Slaughter (No Prayer For the Dying)
2.94 - Holy Smoke (No Prayer For the Dying)
3.04 - Be Quick or Be Dead (Fear of the Dark)
3.32 - Charlotte the Harlot (Iron Maiden)
3.34 - Chains of Misery (Fear of the Dark)
3.40 - Weekend Warrior (Fear of the Dark)
3.76 - From Here to Eternity (Fear of the Dark)
3.90 - The Assassin (No Prayer For the Dying)
3.95 - Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger (Virtual XI)
n/a - Shadows of the Valley (The Book of Souls)
n/a - When the River Runs Deep (The Book of Souls)
Iron Maiden 3/9 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 2 Top 100: 5
Killers 4/11 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 2 Top 100: 11
The Number of the Beast 2/9 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 2
Piece of Mind 2/9 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 1
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 1/8 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 4
No Prayer For the Dying 7/10 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 2 Top 100: 4
Fear of the Dark 7/12 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 9
The X Factor 1/11 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 3
Virtual XI 3/8 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 2 Top 100: 5
Brave New World 2/10 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 4
Dance of Death 4/11 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 6
The Book of Souls 2/11 Top 10: 0 Top 25: 0 Top 50: 0 Top 100: 0
Let's say that if 'Age of Innocence' is for conservatives, then 'Childhood's End' is for liberals
I love it. Lyrics are thoughtful and very relevant. That guitar intro is great, as is the main riff. I quite like the drums too, although a little more variation from Nicko wouldn't have gone astray. Solo is amazing too.
When I bought Fear of the Dark, this was one song that I was quite surprised by: I had somehow managed to miss it completely when I had the album in MP3. I really like what the guitar and drums are doing together in the beginning and the general vibe of the song. Bruce's singing is again not that good, but I'm already tired of saying that again and again.
I'm with Albie in my assessment of this track. Apart from two stand-out songs on the album, the rest are sub-par and this is near enough the best-of-the-rest. It was also one of the first songs on the album which clicked with me, and I still get my kicks playing it
Not a bad song. It's one of the better one's on the album. Nicko's drumming in the intro and chorus is pretty cool.
One of the strongest tracks of the album, and Nicko's drumming is very cool. I never realized the solo was split like that, and I thought I had an ear for these sorts of things.
I like the stripped down chorus with pounding drums and keyboards.
It's quite an experimental song and the novelty does kind of wear off after a few listens though
It's such a unique Maiden song, if for only the drums alone. That chorus is epic, I long to hear what it would sound like with modern production and a double bass pedal.
2016 setlist is now fair game, as long as you don't insinuate that a song is still being played. IE, it is ok to say that they played Childhood's End in 2016, but not OK to say they are playing Childhood's End during this tour.I don't think so. By that rule it automatically means if it's being discussed it's not in the setlist any more, which is a spoiler in itself. Just refrain from talking about current tour regardless if the setlist has changed or not.
This is one is awesome. I really like the very begining where the synths set the mood for the rest. Those 2 or maybe 3 seconds are just amazing, they send shiver down your spine. It feels like you are about to see something really "mystical" however you feel calm as if you already knew what was about to happen.
The guitar lines underlying the sing-a-long are really nice and give this weird, unearthly feel don't they?
Played way too often live. This is a decent song, but the chorus really ruins it for me.
When this song starts I always eagerly wait till the mid part comes. That is such a great part. A joyful part, but not too joyful like the chorus of Coming Home, where it sounds a bit too sweet and hallelujah in my ears.
All in all, it's a very good song, but not as good as other SiT stuff (which just says what standard that album sets as whole). I can't escape the feeling that it was crafted to please audience...with all the experimentation and new stuff that SiT introduced, seems like the fast rocking ordinary riffs + singalong section was something that they needed for crowd participation in concert.
This is one of those Maiden songs that when you hear it on its own, you go “yeah, good tune.” Then you start stacking it up against the rest of the catalogue and realize it’s well down the list.
Not really too fond of this song, and I don't like the chorus particularly. The 'Whoa oh oh' chant is a highlight.
Let me start by saying, I really don't like this song. Nothing special about it, overly long, and the only good thing is the chorus, which is ok.
This has always been a favorite of mine. I think the bass intro is awesome and I also can't get enough of the "Take my hand" part. This is also an awesome live song
It must be clear by now that I don’t love upbeat/happy/major-key Maiden choruses and Heaven Can Wait has the mother of all upbeat choruses. There’s big chords, starry arpeggios, and a repetitive vocal line that quickly grows tiresome. The rest of the song, however, is quite good. The verses are a bit reminiscent of The Number of the Beast, Dave’s guitar solo is killer, and the “whoa-oh” bridge is a classic moment.