One thing that Marvel Studios managed to pull off flawlessly is that they didn't repeat stuff from the first 5 Sony movies.
- No Osborns of any kind
- No villains that already appeared
- No origin story, no Uncle Ben
- No Mary Jane (well, mostly), no Gwen Stacy
- No Daily Bugle, no JJJ
- Aunt May (for some reason I always type this as Ant-May

) is totally different than before (the one from Raimi's movies was way too old to be his aunt)
- No "with great power and blablabla"
- No mention of his parents
- Flash Thompson isn't a jock, rather a rich douche; Peter probably would've been able to kick his ass even before getting powers
- I also don't think they didn't have Spidey swing across Times Square once
All of this made the movie so much refreshing. At last he actually had some school friends other than love interests or Harry Osborn. Marketing fooled us into thinking Tony Stark was in the movie much more than he actually was, which is fine by me.
They also struck gold with the casting of Tom Holland. Tobey was way too uncool and wimpy. Garfield was mostly OK but was a bit too cool and also too old to play a teenager. Holland struck the perfect balance between the two of them.
The only problem is the "8 years later" thingy which complicates the timeline, but after so many movies it's a blimp in the radar compared to continuity errors of X-Men movies, for example.