The Man Of Sorrows

How good is The Man of Sorrows on a scale of 1-10?

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I love the song. It is so emotional! I like the odd changes,the single chords over the vocals. For a strange reason I can't get enough of it. Favourite on the album for the time being.
I think this is the song I like the least. It's annoying, because on one hand it has some of the worst moments on the album, and on the other hand some of the guitar parts in the second half are great (the chorus is also ok), so I can't just say the song is weak with clear conscience. ;)

Nonetheless, first half is definitely weak in my opinion, quite boring, and I really dislike the part at 1:54. The rhythm guitars go strangely long without changing anything, that's really weird... Terrible moment.

Maybe it'll grow. As I'm listening to it right now, I'm not sure about it anymore... ;P Maybe the song hasn't clicked just yet. Well, I'll risk and stick to what I said - I like it the least at the moment :P
The rhythm guitars go strangely long without changing anything, that's really weird... Terrible moment.

Guys you really need to relate the lyrics to the music
Maybe there's a chance they are trying to tell you something and accentuate it with (strange or even awkward if need be) musical expression

You think they really don't know how to write someting generic but pleasing to the ear? If they put the standard I-VI-VII progression then the song would be better?
That's by far the worst sounding moment on the album. It sounds so forced and unmusical.
Not at all. A great change in mood, fitting the lyrics. I love it when Maiden tries new things. Makes them less predictable. The whole song is a pearl on the album. Such beautiful, sensible playing. Haunting solos. Dave Murray is the man. His leads are so emotional.

And well said, frus, bull's eye!
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For instance, it might symbolize a long, fruitless and impatient search for something ("Now we need to know the truth now"), even an obsession, with everything else put on hold ("So we live and breathe again"), therefore a monotonous single chord rhythm part whose duration is 12 measures, so it sounds longer than what you would expect (8), but is cut short from being a double verse by an unexpected downward key change and some sinister synth, which enforces the lyrics - they started to go astray ("As one turns against the other, With a brother against brother")
btw, the key goes down by a tritone, which was long considered "a devil's interval" in music
think Black Sabbath (the song)
btw, the key goes down by a tritone, which was long considered "a devil's interval" in music
think Black Sabbath (the song)

Does it go from c minor to f# minor ? Haven't worked it out but know the intro is in c minor which is sort of interesting as maiden haven't wrote anything in this key before.
"We are so far away" and the following keyboard part is probably my favorite moment of the album along with Empire.
To me, this song is by far and away the biggest disappointment on the album. It is one of two songs (alongside TGU) i think are noticeably worse than the other songs but this one is more disappointing because the first minute and a half to two minutes are genuinely great. From there on ("now we need to know the truth now") to the chorus it just feels monotonous to me. The chorus is better, but that doesn't mean I like it and I don't understand why people praise this and yet call WTRRD's chorus slow and sludgy.

Then the solo bits. Up until 4:09 is monotonous. It's good from there to the second chorus. After the second chorus it's not awful up until around 5:37 after which it just feels like it draws out the ending unnecessarily.

What am I missing? So many people seem to love this song but for me it is not only the worst on the album (the only one close for me is The Great Unknown, but that one doesn't make me yearn to hit the skip after the first minute and a half even if I don't feel it has a point as good as the intro on this) but easily the worst song Murray has credits on. Probably the best way to express it is that I feel the song is flat after the first 2 minutes.
"We are so far away" and the following keyboard part is probably my favorite moment of the album along with Empire.
This one is another grower. Very emotional song. The shift in style from a power ballad to a much darker song was very unexpected and weird when I first heard it but now I love it. Didn't think it was possible, but it's better than Bruce's Man Of Sorrows :D Currently it's my 4th favorite song of the album, but might overtake Tears soonish.
The first 2 minutes is bad (except for the solos). The riff reminds me to much of X-Factor or Virtual Xi, and that is not a good thing. After that the song becomes better!
For the time being I think this song has one of the best choruses ever on a Maiden album.
Now it grew on me now. I think I appreciate it more than Tears of a Clown and When River Runs Deep. The second part of the song makes it better than those. I also noticed something about the 1:54 instrumental part (which I really dislike as a background for vocals) - it's steadiness sounds very, very cool under Adrian's solo (one of his better ones on the album)!
Took me a few listens to warm up to this one - mostly because everything before (and after) was more memorable to me. But it's a good song. I LOVE the key changes throughout. Definitely sounds like a Murray/Harris song although far, far, far better than The Man Who Would Be King even thought it's not entirely dissimilar.
OK, like I said there's a slow synth part here in this track that really reminds me of Sea of Madness...

But what about the opening....the song Deja-Vu?