"Blood Of My Enemies" has an OK bass + harmonic intro. The verse rhythm is fine, but the vocal melody isn't anything special, and the half-singing is annoying. The chorus melody is a little better, but not by much. The solo's pretty good at least. God, those high vocal notes sound awful. Well, that was a waste. "Metal Daze" has an OK Priest-like riff, but
fuck are those lyrics cheesy. The group vox are terrible too, and the solo is a pretty directionless mess. The groove is a little better in this song than its competitor, I guess. Wow, both of these songs suck, but I guess the first one sucks a little less overall.
Winner: Manowar - "Blood Of My Enemies"
"Night Goat" has kind of an aimless bass intro that falls into a plodding groove. The verse and pre-chorus are OK, as are the non-solos. The song is generally inoffensive, but never really goes anywhere. "Change (In The House Of Flies)" has a creepy clean intro that folds into a gentle, uneasy verse. The heavier pre-chorus and chorus are fine, but never really take off. Checking the clock at the 3 and a half minute mark. Yeah, that one dragged on longer than was necessary. Not a fan of either track, but I guess the Deftones song had a little bit more going on, so I'll give it the nod.
Winner: Deftones - "Change (In The House Of Flies)"
"I'm The Doctor" (a.k.a.
@Perun) has a simple, peppy groove. Not a fan of Lemmy's voice in the first place, and the layered vocals make him sound worse than usual here. The solos are pretty good, though. I don't know, this all sounds so stock and generic musically that it's hard to have much of an opinion about it. In one ear and out the other. "Welcome To Hell" apparently has the looks that kill riffwise, and low-fi production to match. The woman speaking on top of the guy while he keeps singing is bizarre. The song is a mess, but vaguely interesting at times. Yeah, this is another match-up that just makes me shrug my shoulders. I could just flip a coin, but congratulations
@DJ James, I'll go with the MaidenFans nominee instead.
Winner: Motörhead - "I'm The Doctor"
"Hole In The Sky" has a simple but appealing main riff. The vocal melodies are solid and the solo's alright. Seems like every modern stoner band sounds almost exactly like this song. Well, that was an abrupt ending. Pretty good overall. "Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)" has a much better riff out of the gate, but the lyrics are cringey as hell. The verse vocals are really uneven, but the chorus is better. Bonus point for gratuitous cowbell. Solo's pretty short, but also pretty good. The song has its strong points, and it probably hits higher highs than its competitor, but it really needed more time in the oven and also needed to dial back the nonsense a bit. Overall I think I still need to give this one to Sabbath.
Winner: Black Sabbath - "Hole In The Sky"
"Mean Streak" has a cool riff and strong vocal melodies. The singer sounds a bit like Sammy Hagar. Strong bridge. The solo is a bit tryhard at first, but gets its sea legs during the more melodic section that follows. Nice ending, good stuff overall. "Rock The Nation" gets a bonus point for cowbell right out of the gate. This singer sounds even more like Sammy Hagar!

The riffage is fine, but doesn't make as much of an impression as the Y&T song's did. The bright variant chorus in the middle is nice, and the solo is fine. Not bad, but this is still a pretty clear call for Y&T.
Winner: Y&T - "Mean Streak"
The Hendrix cover of "All Along The Watchtower" is classic for good reason. The vocal melodies are strong and the guitar work is obviously great. Not really anything negative to say about this one. "Black Betty" also has sweet guitar work, and the verses are funky and infectious. It doesn't really hold together as well as a song, though it does go to a number of different places musically. Not really a fan of the harmonized guitar parts here. Both songs are good overall, but the Hendrix track is definitely better.
Winner: Jimi Hendrix Experience - "All Along The Watchtower"