The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 37-42

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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  • The Darkness - I Believe in a Thing Called Love

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I took a look through the looking glass and I can see a Symphony X victory. This time Machine Head gets a win, but in the end, it's Hammerfall in the next match. You can love me like a reptile if you want, but it's still a Gamma Ray win. It really does feel like a countdown to extinction these days, which is why Megadeth won. And finally, down with down with the sickness as The Cult wins in a cakewalk.

Part II, Round 5, Matches 31-36

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 31​
The Evil That Men Do Division​
Arcturus - Fall of Man
Children of Bodom - Needled 24/7​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -3
1-1-0, 2 pts, -8​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 32​
Dream of Mirrors Division​
Rush - Subdivisions
Stone Temple Pilots - Plush​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -11
0-2-0, 0 pts, -28​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 33​
Dennis Wilcock Division​
Metallica - The Frayed Ends of Sanity
Black Sabbath - Computer God​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -7
0-2-0, 0 pts, -20​
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Group Stage - Round 5
Match 34​
Paul Di'Anno Division​
Bloodbound - Nosferatu
Judas Priest - Metal Gods​
Popoff 500​
1-0-0, 2 pts, +2
1-1-0, 2 pts, +7​
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Group Stage - Round 5
Match 35​
Michael Kenney Division​
Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary
Blood Star - Going Home​
@Diesel 11
1-0-0, 2 pts, +4
1-1-0, 2 pts, -5​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 36​
Dave Lights Division​
Helloween - I Want Out
Uriah Heep - Easy Livin'​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500
@Diesel 11
1-0-0, 2 pts, +2
0-2-0, 0 pts, -28​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
Stone Temple Pilots reminded me of Psycho Motel, but it didn't grab me at all. Rush's Subdivision has very nice calm melodic sound that is captivating in its own way.

The Frayed Ends Of Sanity is a very good song with a great rhythm (Metallica!), a chorus that works and the melodic riff-y break in the middle (plus the solo) is a big highlight, but Black Sabbath's Computer God is more melodic and sounds like a classic Dio song, which is so cool. With the heaviness of Sabbath in the great riffs. That chorus, calm middle part (love it!) and solos - so good. Kudos for the nomination @KidInTheDark666

Metal Gods is classic Priest with a great groove(!) and verses, but against an awesome Maiden-esque song like Nosferatu (one of the very best; that chorus, and not only! The melodies make you forget that there is no proper solo), no chance imo. Of the band's big classics, it's not exactly my favorite. I appreciate it ofc.

Blood Star's Going Home. Vocals. And the song is a cool classic metal vibe. Quality ideas (riffs, calm part, solos, chorus). Younger band sounding old school!

Easy Livin' is classic old school rock (quite good), but I Want Out is just one of the treasures of the power metal. It's so catchy and melodic. Kiske's voice works perfectly for it.
Happy to vote against my Uriah Heep nomination because “I Want Out” absolutely fucks (and is metal).

I would have been happy to vote against another of my nominations for not being metal but “Plush” is actually way more metal than “Subdivisions” (and a better song too).

Easy vote for Carcass though. One of death metal’s definitive tracks.

Children of Bodom.

Computer God.

I don't care for either song in the first match, but I guess Bodom are more fun?

Rush is not metal, but Plush is also not metal, and I have Rush bias.

Frayed Ends is a great tune from a great album, but they have far better. So do Sabbath and Dio, but Computer God still crushes.

I have a great time listening to Nosferatu every time it pops up in this game. Sure, it's derivative, but it sounds good. I personally think Metal Gods kinda sucks.

Carcass are not my thing. Blood Star are also a bit derivative, and their whole energy feels like middle-aged Unleash the Archers (I know they're not), but once again: it's fun.

I greatly dislike Helloween, but Uriah Heep have no place here.
Arcturus for me due to @Magnus bias.

Rush given that it's my own nominee.

I guess it'll be Metallica but I think Computer God is better than its rep.

Judas Priest in a walk, even if I quite like this Bloodbound song.

Carcass and Helloween to finish it off, I suppose.
Not mad about either, Bodom closer to my tastes

Not a grunge fan, not sure why a genre openly hostile to Metal gets a pass from people on here just because it's closer to their age group than actual classic bands, but that's neither here nor there. Saw Unto Others a few weeks ago and Subdivisions was their Doctor Doctor equivalent

Computer God wouldn't be anywhere near my first choice from Dehumanizer but it's great, Frayed Ends of Sanity isn't great, it has a similar section to Lost in a Lost World where it get's stuck in a loop of repeating two riffs in a row

Metal Gods is brilliant, plus was ripped off by James Cameron

Blood Star has been the find of the game for me

Tough call on this one, both big tracks for their respective band, going with Easy Livin' as it's not a complete rip off of Gary Moore and Phil Lynott's Out in the Fields
Not a grunge fan, not sure why a genre openly hostile to Metal gets a pass from people on here just because it's closer to their age group than actual classic bands, but that's neither here nor there.
Hi srfc,

What the fuck are you talking about? Grunge bands were heavily influenced by the metal (and rock) bands that came before them. STP’s biggest influence was Led Zeppelin. Kurt Cobain was an Iron Maiden fan. Soundgarden and Alice in Chains were straight up successors to the Black Sabbath lineage. Just because the genre pushed metal out of the spotlight in the ‘90s doesn’t mean that it was hostile to it. They share a lot of DNA.

With love,
Hi srfc,

What the fuck are you talking about? Grunge bands were heavily influenced by the metal (and rock) bands that came before them. STP’s biggest influence was Led Zeppelin. Kurt Cobain was an Iron Maiden fan. Soundgarden and Alice in Chains were straight up successors to the Black Sabbath lineage. Just because the genre pushed metal out of the spotlight in the ‘90s doesn’t mean that it was hostile to it. They share a lot of DNA.

With love,

I was actually there at the time
I was there too. In fact I discovered Nirvana and AIC before I discovered Maiden. I loved all of them at the time, not alot hostility.
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It's fall of *man*, not Children of Bodom. We can subdivide plushes if we really need to. Rush. Black Sabbath's computer god could have frayed ends of sanity after this narrow win. The metal gods fall in what can only be described as an upset to Bloodbound. The quandary here is how did Blood Star beat Carcass? Uriah Heep probably wants out of this tournament after losing heavily to Helloween.

Part II, Round 5, Matches 37-42

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 37​
Death on the Road Division​
Cult of Luna - Waiting For You
AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill​
@Night Prowler
Popoff 500​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -7
0-2-0, 0 pts, -18​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 38​
Dance of Death Division​
Rush - Limelight
Rainbow - Tarot Woman​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -1
2-0-0, 4 pts, +15​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 39​
Sign of the Cross Division​
System of a Down - Aerials
The Darkness - I Believe in a Thing Called Love​
Youtube 50
Radio EHS 100​
1-0-0, 2 pts, +1
0-2-0, 0 pts, -31​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 40​
Beast Over Hammersmith Division​
Queensrÿche - Deliverance
Stratovarius - My Eternal Dream​
1-0-0, 2 pts, +1
0-2-0, 0 pts, -7​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 41​
Afraid to Shoot Strangers Division​
Iced Earth - A Question of Heaven
Scorpions - In Trance​
Popoff 500
1-0-0, 2 pts, +9
2-0-0, 4 pts, +17​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 5
Match 42​
Edward the Great Division​
Slayer - Postmortem
Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -1
1-1-0, 2 pts, +11​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
Shoot To Thrill, no contest. Pure and great rock for the soul!
Rush's Limelight is very nice and nostalgic, but Tarot Woman feels epic, especially Dio's vocals. And those melodies and the solo.
Deliverance vs My Eternal Dream is a curious matchup. The former is classic Queensryche (Helloween-inspired; impactful chorus) and perhaps more unique than the Stratovarius song, but the latter has a proper melodic vocal parts and is catchy. Close call.
A Question Of Heaven (despite some odd vocal parts) is a very effective metal and melodic ballad. In Trance is quality Scorpions with great vocal melodies. Very tough choice. Memorable chorus vs ballad parts... if only the chorus of the former was more present.
Toys In The Attic is fun, but classic thrash (not the vocals) always gets the attention.
Grunge rebelled against the image and topics of hair metal. That is a very important distinction. They rejected the flashy, bright, groupie-focused ideology.

What we call today hair metal, the groups were calling themselves R'n'R or hard rock and younger bands also rejecting the term heavy metal since the late 80s. I remember Axl rejecting Iron Maiden during their tour together. During the 90s it got worse, grunge and many heavy music groups of the era, were avoiding the term "heavy metal" as if it were the plague.
Cult of Luna.

I love Limelight but Tarot Woman is more metal.

I Believe in a Thing Called Love never should have been in this game, it’s not metal, it sucks. Aerials is a fucking classic.


A Question of Heaven. Barlow’s vocals are insane.

If Toys in the Attic beats Postmortem I might flip my lid.