Woe is me, what twisted monster only nominates 15-min prog songs?!
Didn't know what to expect from
Gizzard. I've heard the name and I know they're an experimental band that has touched metal. Grungy sound, good riff, the bass playing is the highlight. The gruff vocals complement the grungy guitars. My Generation is great, even if the stuttering vocals can get annoying, but doesn't really belong here.

This song is so fucking epic from the get go! What did you take
@Confeos ?! The singing and drums are massive, the guitars powerful. You just need to let that opening riff sweep you and you're on for a headbanging adventure! And then there's Candlemass. Even liking Sol Invictus as much as I do, it's hard to vote against A Sorcerer's Pledge. It's epic doom goodness and doesn't really do anything wrong - as expected from what I understand is
the doom album. But familiarity is 90% of music so it's
Sol Invictus.
Does the remaster have better sound? I listened to the original mix and the lead is really, really buried. It starts off blazing before the song gets stuck in a loop for some bars. It continues evolving with some changes to the rhythm guitar, and there's a bit of funny stuff going on the high-hat towards the end, but the lead is just arpeggiating chords throughout as far as I can tell. It's not bad, but it doesn't fire me up like say, Transylvania. Prong is decently thrashy, but fuck that do you want to hear all the different rhythms you can say "unconditional" in? Seriously, the instruments are tight, the riffs are fine, but the vocals ruin it big time. Dismayed vote for
I sometimes wonder what my favourite C-Horse song is, but the question fades when I play Graves. It's an emotional epic that never steps into pretentiousness, despite stepping into a lot of realms. Honest and down to earth, but very dynamic. The musicianship is insane and it's clear that a lot was put into it. I'm a big fan of their melodic djenty riffs, and the last four minutes, from when THE riff kicks in for the first time to the end of the dueling sax and guitar, are bliss. Now when you compare it with Master's Apprentices, yes it's... messier. (Not that that ever stopped me). I must agree that MA evolves seamlessly, probably better than most Opeth. My main problems are the repetitive beginning, and the final heavy part. The brutal scream never really did it to me like Ghost of Perdition's and the whole outro is really mediocre by Opeth standards. The riffs are wicked though, to the point of parody.
Look at my Horse, my Horse is amazing.
Meh... I guess
Marduk was pretty good. Vintersorg isn't for me...
Shame that
Wilderun didn't face Opeth because there's a lot of inspiration from them. Woolgatherer specifically only really shows it in the transitions between folk and heavy, which I think are done really well. I like how the majority of it is the cleans. A lot of the highlights for me are actually the most quiet parts: the tremolo in the intro, the weird bendy post-outro, and the creepy part right before the very creative solo. The climax before the choir at the end, reprising the main riff, with the irregular snare hits, is sweet too. Knightrider of Doom was fine, very similar to Gargoyles at times. It's better than the average power metal song but not special to me.
Also wanted to toss a recommendation for Opeth fans and anybody who liked Woolgatherer - Wilderun's 3rd album Veil of Imagination is a lot like Oldpeth but more symphonic/cinematic for the clean sections. It's my favourite album of the 2010's that isn't Devy's Deconstruction. Check it out the next time you want to play Blackwater Park!