The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 5, Matches 37-42

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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I tend to think that every genre has some artists that go beyond the genre even if they are frequently associated with it, a lot of times they're doing their own thing and are assigned a genre label post-hoc when they were doing something pretty unique at the time. Linkin Park and SOAD both fall into those categories for me. Both pretty typical examples of nu-Metal, but were very unique for their time and inspired a ton of copycats. Faint is a cool song and one of the Linkin Park songs that has held up the best over the years. One of those songs that immediately takes me back. Hypnotize, on the other hand, clearly has a lot more to offer. The vocal harmonies are amazing and the song feels really coherent despite going in a lot of different directions. SOAD was also really effective at creating rock music with an interesting political message when a lot of bands were shying away from that.

Ah Riot. Despite the ridiculous album cover, Fire Down Under really is one of those often overlooked early Metal classics. An early example of an American Metal band with a ton of European influence (see also Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister). Once you get past the Metal cheese and goofy lyrics, the song has quite a bit to offer in terms of great guitar riffs and cool rhythmic moments. The vocalist is a bit of a budget Joe Elliott and Riot isn't exactly one of those bands where you wonder why they didn't get bigger, but it's a good pick when you want to go a little deeper than the usual suspects. Against some of the Popoff picks in the last couple rounds, it could have been more formidable. Unfortunately it's against a juggernaut that is actually a trailblazer in where Metal is at today. I've frequently recommended Unleash the Archers as a band that proves that there is still great Metal out there that isn't either primarily extreme metal or just plain stupid. Abyss has it all. Amazing riffing, amazing vocals, definitely one of the premier bands out right now. The guitar solo is also fantastic, really tasteful licks and the appropriate amount of shredding. Pretty impressive for a short solo moment too. I feel like this band is carrying the Maiden torch in a way where many power metal artists throughout the late 80s and 90s just never really got the formula right, whether due to subpar vocals, production, or just lack of memorable songs. Unleash the Archers has all of the makings of a legendary band.

At their best, Anthrax is probably the best pure thrash band. I think they were the most effective at having a polished Metal edge without losing too much of that punk rock attitude, where pretty much all other big thrash bands abandoned those roots pretty quickly. It also helped that everybody in the band is a pretty competent musician. Nobody here is at Marty Friedman level of virtuosity, but at the same time nobody is at Lars Ulrich level of mediocrity. I think there's a lot to that which is overlooked when talking about Anthrax, as every other member of the big four has a pretty major weak link. I Am the Law is a great slab of Anthrax with awesome comic book lyrics, tight riffing, and some awesome lead breaks. The whole Among the Living album in general is a Metal essential. Motorbreath is a cool song and I do really like the Kill 'Em All album but I have to wonder why so much of it is represented here. Yes, it represents a rough edged version of Metallica that we never got to hear again, but there's a reason other albums have more acclaim. Put this in a shuffled playlist with the other NWOBHM deep cuts that Metallica worshipped and it'll fit right in - which is also to say that it has no business being in a list of all time best Metal songs. Unsurprisingly, Popoff misses again.
Drokk it!!

I know Ghost has gone way too mainstream for a lot of people, but anytime I listen to anything off the first couple albums it feels really apparent to me that they made the right call to go more for the type of arena rock that they're making now. For one thing, it sounds a lot more original. The early Ghost is so throwback that it's fun as a novelty, but the riffing and songs themselves are seriously lacking. Still, Stand by Him isn't a bad cut especially when it gets going. The chaotic instrumental section is great and the macabre lyrics are fun. The chorus is infectious and strongly hints at where they're going. There's enough there that it beats Rapid Fire for me pretty handily. Rapid Fire isn't a bad song and it works great as an opener to British Steel, but Priest has so many better fast rockers in a similar vein. Freewheel Burning, Hell Bent For Leather, Exciter, all songs that do a similar thing but way better. Awesome middle section, but not a memorable enough song around it.

Hadn't really listened to Avantasia before. The Scarecrow was a pretty cool track, super melodic and some great riffing as well. The orchestral section in the middle is really cool, kinda video game-y sounding and a nice dynamic change. Epic guitar solo. This is a cool find and I'll definitely be checking out more from this band. Beauty of the Beast provides a similar power metal styled epic. There's some great riffing and melodies throughout this song, although it definitely plods in places. I've also come to vastly prefer the band's sound with Floor on vocals, even if their latest album wasn't very good. It's close, but I'm gonna throw it to The Scarecrow as that song had a lot more interesting stuff going on.

Diamond Head's vocals are hilarious, but he really does have a lot of interesting musical ideas. There's a bit of Zeppelin in there, a bit of Maiden, and even some Kiss. I appreciate the variety and that he aims high with his material. It's hard to get into, but I can see how this song and album are considered classic. I have more appreciation for something like Black Horsemen which is really going for something despite the rough edges than an overly polished competently executed but ultimately forgettable track. The song is really well performed and the guitar playing is fantastic. A really solid Metal epic that keeps things interesting throughout the long run time. I do enjoy Tyrant quite a bit, but I have to give it to the underdog here.
Hypnotize is a latter stage (hah) SOAD tune and I really don’t care for those because fuck Daron’s stupid voice. Just let Serj do it and stick to singing harmonies. As usual, there’s some unexpected cool musical sections throughout and spirited performances all around. But the song does nothing for me. Conversely, Linkin Park was never been my thing at all. The difference here is that both vocalists can handle their own and balance rather well. Also I have distinct memories of screaming this chorus (and many other LP choruses) into people’s ears while they tried to sleep during high school sleepovers, so it holds a special place in my heart.

Hi Riot, thanks for helping Adrian Smith write a better song! Thanks for helping inspire like 17 Judas Priest songs at least! Besides that, this is a silly little bop. It’s fun. It doesn’t inspire me to listen to more Riot, but it’s a solid slice of early 80s metal cheese. Abyss is an amazing track off of an exceptional album. I love every second of it and every second of most of the album. What an amazing band. There is a majesty to this song (and this band) that I have not experienced since, IDK, Brave New World? Early Kamelot? Dio? It’s just fucking catchy, fun, and beautiful. That final “oh oh oh oh, whoa-oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhh” vocal belt is perfect. Arrows away, motherfuckers!

I Am The Law is a good track for Joeythrax. It’s actually one of the most put together, catchy tracks from the overrated Among the Living album. I’m not the biggest Motorbreath or Kill ‘Em All fan, so I guess I’ll give a vote to Joeythrax since it will be a rare occurrence in this game.

I love Ghost, but the first two albums are pretty average for me. Stand By Him is a weaker track that really only stands out for the instrumental bridge. Comparatively, Rapid Fire kicks ass from the get go and is one of the best tracks on British Steel. Priest all the way.

I had forgotten just how good The Scarecrow was. From the orchestral flourishes to the massive chorus to the solo…it’s really, really good. This is truly tough, though, because I LOVE Beauty Of The Beast. It’s the unsung hero of my favorite Nightwish album and I think everyone shines on it, particularly Tarja and Marko, of course. The vibe is magical, dark and mysterious. It’s a beautiful thing. The chorus is wonderfully mournful and expressive. It’s just as pompous as any good Nightwish song should be. I love the orch hits in the bridge and the swaggering Disney villain riff that follows. Emppu is actually playing riffs and leads! Ya know, I really thought Jorn’s Dio-isms were gonna sway me towards Avantasia, but I simply love this Nightwish track too much.

Black Horseman is suitably spooky, as is King Diamond’s goal. Tyrant is very average for Priest and kind of a mess, but I just can’t take Mickey Mouse seriously.
Hi Riot, thanks for helping Adrian Smith write a better song! Thanks for helping inspire like 17 Judas Priest songs at least!
I can name atleast 20 songs by different bands having that same riff :p

First time checking out Unleash The Archers and they really good! I always considered Swords & Tequila as one of the best openers in metal, to an already underrated album. Its a tough one to compare!
"Hypnotize" starts off pleasantly enough, but I really don't care for Serj Tankian's voice, nor the obviously fake vibrato on the other guy's voice, and the vocal melodies aren't working for me at all. The gentle yet driving interlude is pretty cool, but that's about it. Based on everything of theirs I've heard to date, System Of A Down apparently just isn't for me. "Faint" has an appealing verse rhythm and melodic loop, and the chorus is solid. Even the shouty bridge is fine. While I wouldn't personally consider this to be one of Linkin Park's best songs, it's enjoyable enough, and that's enough to take this match. Winner: Linkin Park - "Faint"

"Swords And Tequila" is one of those songs that I've heard covers of more often than the original. The main riff is good (though I like Adrian's variation in "2 Minutes To Midnight" much better), and the chorus is solid, but the rest doesn't make much of an impression either way. "Abyss" has a lot more going on musically, with a nice synth lead and harmonized guitars, and a strong verse melody. Unfortunately the vocal melodies are a lot less memorable in the pre-chorus and chorus, as are the guitars. The bridge vocal and the solos that follow are quite good, and the outro is nice, but about half the song treads water in the "flashy but 'meh'" space. Every time I listen to Unleash The Archers I hear a lot of elements that I like, but the songwriting just isn't fully up to par, and that continues to be the case here -- but that's still enough for @LooseCannon's nominee to edge out a fun but shallow competitor. Winner: Unleash The Archers - "Abyss"

"I Am The Law" chugs along aimlessly until an uneven and unmemorable verse vocal comes in. The chorus is marginally better, but still not good. The rhythmic play in the interlude is the first interesting thing in the song, but it's quickly washed away by more general mediocrity and a bad guitar solo. Yeah, Anthrax pretty much sucks -- on to "Motorbreath". I'm not a fan of Kill 'Em All in general, and Hetfield's vocals are pretty far off the note in places, but literally every second of this song is superior to the Anthrax track. The vocal melodies are memorable, the rhythm guitar work is simple but fitting, and that solo fuckin' rips. Absolutely no contest here. Winner: Metallica - "Motorbreath"

"Stand By Him" has a solid main riff, and the vocal melody is fine, but the singer almost sounds bored during the verses, and the chorus is bizarrely syrupy. The midsection has some interesting parts, and the harmonized guitars in the outro are nice, but I don't really get what they're going for here. Is this a parody of 70s occult rock? Is it Blue Öyster Cult in a funhouse mirror? Is it serious, but just coming off as campy? Whatever it is, it doesn't really click with me. "Rapid Fire" has a nice momentum to it, but the verse riff is unremarkable and Halford also sounds bored about half the time. The periodic guitar flourishes are nice at first, but soon become repetitive, as does the rest of the song. It's not a good sign when a 4 minute long song starts to feel like it's dragging. Not a fan of either track, but I guess @srfc's nominee was a little less mediocre. Winner: Ghost - "Stand By Him"

"The Scarecrow" has some nice folky elements to it and strong vocal melodies throughout. I'm not a fan of the quirks of Sammet's voice, but the guest singers are good, and the atmospheric interlude in the middle is cool. Great solo, too. "Beauty Of The Beast" has some twee Disney-like symphonic flourishes, and the verses don't seem to hold together very well, but chorus 1 is solid. The synth fills are about 50% recycled parts from Oceanborn, but they work well enough. The bridges are unremarkable, but the guitar leads that dance around them are nice. The spoken word part is lame, but the extended choral outro that follows is good. So, sorry @JudasMyGuide, but your nominee creaks a bit under its own weight while @Poto's is much more consistent. Winner: Avantasia - "The Scarecrow"

"The Black Horseman" makes very nice use of the 12-string, with an interesting flamenco fill on top. King Diamond's voice doesn't bother me in the way that it seems to bother some others (though it's definitely not my favorite), and the high-pitched harmony parts actually sound pretty good. The vocal bits through the middle are less compelling, but the multi-part solos are excellent. Actually, everything about the guitar work in this song is great, and it's just some of the vocal parts that drag things down a bit. I really need to listen to some more King Diamond, because everything of his that I've heard so far has been interesting. "Tyrant" has enjoyable riffs, solid solos, and pretty good vocal lines, though the supporting vocals are a bit strange at times. I really like that self-duet vocal later on in the song. Oof, this one's difficult, because I feel like "Tyrant" is more consistent, but "The Black Horseman" is more complex and has higher highs. I could really go either way on this, but I'm going to throw @The Dissident a bone and vote for the presumed underdog here. Winner: King Diamond - "The Black Horseman"
Cool round.

Linkin Park. No contest.
Riot's song is nice and old school, but Unleash The Archers song is more interesting, nice vocals, it's power metal and I want to hear a song like this from Nightwish with Floor.
Motorbreath because of the riff, tempo and solos.
Rapid Fire is one of the best Priest songs (/openers) with a NWOBHM vibe.
Nigthwish's song is really nice with those calm parts and the chorus is pure magic, but Avantasia's song has some really great melodies (Nigthwish vibe to them) and I like the verses a lot. Both songs deserve to win.
''Tyrant'' is one of Priest's songs from the 70's I like, but man this King Diamond's songs is so interesting with different parts (really cool acoustics), great melodies and an amazing outro (Maiden vibe, classic metal). The vocals are too high for me, but thanks for this nomination @The Dissident . The music is awesome.
When it comes to Linkin Park there are only a few songs I really dig, most of them can be found on their debut album. Faint is quite bland compared to those songs. With System Of A Down it´s often hit or miss for me. I don´t like it when they go too quirky or chaotic. Hypnotize falls under the "hit" category so an obvious vote here.

This Riot song seems pretty generic and has an awful chorus. The first minute of Abyss allready blows Swords and Tequila away so another obvious vote again.

A Bay area round again. Both good songs. Not great. (Although Motorbreath is @Lamia020281 ´s favorite ´tallica song) It takes quite a long time before I Am The Law shows its potential. In the end I went with Motorbreath.

Ghost is one of the bands I only recently got into. Especially their latest 2 albums are great, still need to get to know their early material. And here we have one. Great chorus, juicy riffs. Where´s the "I like this very much" button again?
Rapid Fire is very generic and too repetitive and far from Priest´s best songs. Coming from one of the most overrated metal albums of all time ( yes Breaking The Law is great but which other song on this album is as great as this one, let alone better?)
Stand By Him by far it´s not even funny.

Never been a big Nightwish fan and certainly not of the Tarja years. I have listened to some Edguy and Avantasia and that's more my thing. The Scarecrow.

I quite like King Diamond and especially the guitar work of Andy Larocque who´s a very underrated metal guitarist. Unfortunately for King and Andy it has to face one of the best early Priest classics. The solo sections in Tyrant are pure gold!
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System of a Down - Hypnotize vs. Linkin Park - Faint
I agree with @Mosh 's assertion above that these are bands that have a bit more going for them than their peers, however, that's not saying a lot. Linkin Park has by far the more memorable chorus, otherwise the tracks are on a par, middle of the road nu-metal. Faint

Riot - Swords and Tequila vs. Unleash the Archers - Abyss

The Riot track is about the standard of second rate bands from it's era, such as Samson, i.e. you could put an album on and enjoy it but you're not sure if there's anything worth showing to a newbie 40 years after it was written. The cover is from the "so shit that it's great" school of album covers. Unleash the Archers play a style of metal that doesn't appeal to me bar one or two albums, but to be fair to them they have a bit more going for them than a lot of such bands. For a start the female vocals give them a bit of individuality, apart from just being female, she also doesn't go towards the mock opera style vocals that is usually de rigueur. But the over production holds them back, as do some of the drum choices, particular going for half time beats where the song is crying out for a head nodding groove. I think both tracks here are probably of the same standard but am going with the band I'd be more likely to give a second listen to Swords and Tequila

Anthrax - I Am the Law vs. Metallica - Motorbreath

Metallica are the ones bringing a knife to a gunfight this time. In 99% of possible ties between Metallica and Anthrax, Metallica would be pointing and laughing at them, but I've always thought that Motorbreath was the weakest on Kill 'Em All, if not the weakest of all their 80's output, whereas I Am the Law is a pretty good Anthrax track, even if being a bit geeky lyric wise for my tastes, the main "respect the badge" riff is great. I Am the Law

Ghost - Stand By Him vs. Judas Priest - Rapid Fire

I wanted to pick a track from the first Ghost record, as it's still far and away the best thing they've done, and the best metal album by a band who's career started this millennium. Ritual and Elizabeth are probably the bigger hits, but let's face it, all the tracks (bar the intro) are hook laden. Stand by Him is my favourite, with it's catchy chorus and the outro being the high point of their career. Despite being essentially one man, this album sounds far more like an actual band in a rehearsal room than the majority of stuff released in the last 20 years, and compare it to the atrocity of Hunter's Moon on the last record, which is produced like a Justin Bieber track. Saying that, I'm split down the middle as to whether to vote against my own track, as Rapid Fire is obviously a stand out track from one of the best metal albums of all time. Stand By Him

Avantasia - The Scarecrow vs. Nightwish - Beauty of the Beast

Avantasia, Maiden melody in the intro is good, first couple of verses sound like Maiden if they were produced like a Heart power ballad with metal guitars, moody break before the solo went on a bit long but when the solo kicked in it was good. This is really good actually, I'm intrigued to here some more, vocals are great. Nightwish intro is a rip off of Tubular Bells, verse sounds pretty good, this is actually excellent too. Very surprised by this round as I was expecting it to be cringey, but both tracks are tasteful, not sure if a full album by either would retain my attention span but I'm looking forward to hearing more tracks. Really struggling to choose but think I'll go with Beauty of the Beast

King Diamond - The Black Horseman vs. Judas Priest - Tyrant

The Black Horseman is a great track off an even better album, but as is often the case, I'm not sure it has the same impact out of the context of the album. Tyrant is one of the best tracks from Priest's best album. It's a shame that live albums aren't included as like Cowboy Song and Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be from earlier rounds the definitive version is from Unleashed in the East, This type of metal riff may just have been invented on this track, certainly as far as my knowledge goes, and I always say if you look at what went on in the following years Sad Wings was as influential in what other bands put out as the first 6 Sabbath albums combined, Sabbath may have invented it, but the bands where copying the style of riffs Priest wrote. Tyrant
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Match 31 - System of a Down - Hypnotize

I imagine a lot of people here dislike Linkin Park but I don't have strong feelings against them. Their top few songs are genuine bangers but Faint isn't one of those for me. I think SOAD have done better than Hypnotize as well, to be fair, but it's pretty enjoyable nonetheless.

Match 32 - Unleash the Archers - Abyss

The opener from one of my favourite modern power metal albums. The only criticism I have of pretty much the entire album is that I physically cannot hear the bass in it whatsoever. I enjoyed Swords and Tequila a lot - definitely revisiting this one - but UTA for me.

Match 33 - Metallica - Motorbreath

Difficult matchup for me. The Metallica song was quite interesting instrumentally, but vocally I was not impressed at all. The Anthrax song was altogether less polarised, but if I were to listen to one of them again I'd choose the shorter one with the more interesting riffs.

Match 34 - Ghost - Stand By Him

I love Priest, but I controversially think that outside of a couple of tracks, British Steel really isn't anything special. Rapid Fire is plenty enjoyable but I forget it as soon as it's done. I'm a massive fan of Ghost - especially their newer stuff - and Stand By Him is one of my favourites from their earlier albums. Easy one for me.

Match 35 - Nightwish - Beauty of the Beast

Tough round. I like both songs, but The Scarecrow probably wouldn't make my top 5 off its respective album. I enjoy it, of course, but if I'm going for an Avantasia song with a slow buildup leading to a Jorn Lande breakdown then I'll take The Raven Child every time. I'm going to go with Beauty of the Beast for that gorgeous chorus, as well as the guitar part starting just before 5 minutes.

Match 36 - Judas Priest - Tyrant

I keep saying I'm a big Priest fan, but I think this is the first Priest track I've voted for. Oops...
Linkin Park vs SOAD is tough. Both songs are solid, but not exactly ones that I would go back to over other classics of theirs. SOAD's is overall more interesting, though, although LP have a stronger chorus.

"Swords and Tequila" vs "Abyss" is a really solid round. "Swords" has that b-list classic heavy metal vibe, complete with the stereotypical staccato riff; the vocalist sounds like Joe Elliot with maybe a little more range on the high-end. The better vocalist of the round is Brittney Slayes, who has an almost faceless voice and yet absolutely crushes it at the same time. The final, wide-ranging hold of hers at the end is amazing. "Abyss" has maybe a few too many power metal trademarks for me, but I think it's the stronger song overall. I'd be happy to see either song take this, but I'll be voting for the Archers.

"Motorbreath" is a solid little song, that's about it. "I Am the Law" is one of three Among the Living tracks (alongside "Indians" and "Caught in a Mosh") that I just genuinely like the shit out of. It hits hard, it pounds harder, it's super fun, the riffs are chunky, the chorus is fire, the lyrics are silly in a good way, and the final "I.... AM.... THE... LAWWWWW!" is fucking amazing. Anthrax, no contest.

"Stand by Him" started strong but the vocals and lyrics are far from Ghost's best and the chorus is so out of place. I guess you could enjoy this if you picture the Munsters singing Blue Oyster Cult songs, but it's not for me. "'Tis the night of the witch tonight" is so dumb. Priest kinda win this by default, although "Rapid Fire" isn't among their best songs and only gets good halfway through.

"The Scarecrow" was better than I expected, the Nightwish fan in me had a field day with all the violins. The music is strong, but I'm not 100% sold on where the song went and the chorus kind of fell flat. Kinda wish Marko Hietala was singing all the vocals lol. It's good, but Nightwish is still getting my vote. "Beauty of the Beast" is a fantastic two-songs-stuck-together kind of epic and I love how the waves of depressive emotions turn into such a beautifully layered song. And Emppu is actually an MVP here! And it's a song featuring their best singer, so yeah, easy vote. Really wish this song got more affection than it does in the fanbase too. If they ever tour again they should definitely open up their chest of wonders and do some of these old songs again.

And if I had thought that "Beauty of the Beast" was the best song this round, then I had completely forgotten just how amazing "The Black Horsemen" was. The beautiful intro, the chilling and campy storyline, the way it transforms into a stomping metal banger complete with a powerful chorus, the way the guitars blaze the trails, the bass is thumping, and then the ending when it gets all twinkly and King turns it up to 11. "That's the end of another lullaby; time has come for me to sayyyy GOODNIIIIIGHT!" FUCKING CHILLS DUDE. AND THEN THE ENSUING GUITAR SOLO. FUUUUUUCK. Best moment of ANY song that we've had thus far, I love it so much, and it definitely beats Judas Priest trying to do a heavy metal Beatles track. King Diamond all the way, and I'm still gonna keep pushing @JudasMyGuide and @MrKnickerbocker to embrace the ridiculousness of his voice so you guys can get invested in the fucking music. Andy LaRocque and Michael Denner are a fantastic duo on this album.
Match 31 - SOAD
Great match. I binged the sh** out of Faint when it came out. I get Linkin Park is an easy target, but for a hormone-ragging teenager this was the real stuff. OTH, I didn't like "Mezmerize" when it came out, "Hypnotize" even less so, but the title song hit me on first. It took years until I learned to ignore Malakians voice and fell in love with both albums.

Match 32 - Unleash the Archers
Weird match. I mean, they're both really good songs: Riot's "2 minutes to Swords and Tequila" is a classic early 80s rocker with enough spice to not sound generic; Unleash the Archers hasn't bought me full price but there is enough potential here to draw me back. It's like deciding which is your favorite food, a snack or a dessert. Completely two different areas. I went with Unleash the Archers because they have more replay potential and I'll definitely check out rest of their discography (also, I already stepped on one mod's toe, imagine stepping on toes from five mods - I'm smarter than that).

Match 33 - Anthrax
Boring Match. With 3 Anthrax songs in last two rounds I can only guess there aren't that many Anthrax nominations from forum members. It's a good song, but I posted what I think about their 80s material before. Motorbreath comes from a really overrated album, and although it's also OK, it has nothing going for it. If Motorbreath was spice it would be flour.

Match 34 - Judas Priest
I can't believe I actually agree with Kerry King on something, but I do. And this is what he said: "Ghost imagery is cool, but their music is shite." I went through their entire discography when the last album came out and there were only a couple of moments where I thought "OK, this is cool". Which is not enough considering we are talking about entire discography. I listened to "Stand by Him" a couple of times and with each listen I'm becoming more certain that Ghost is an project to be fan-service for metal-hipsters who wish they have a band which they can track from small and humble beginnings to selling out artistically so they can moan in years to come.

Match 35 - Avantasia
Every round there is a song that just hits way harder than all the others and in this one it is "Scarecrow". Bookmarked the album this morning. It starts amazing and even if there are some things I shouldn't like in a song, it just works amazing. "I'm just a loser in the game of love" Damn it, way too cheesy but I don't mind. "I'm just a straight boy in shade" Wait, what? WTF?! Oh, stray! Stray boy! It's a song about scarecrow. I get it now, jeez this could've been weird...

Match 36 - Judas Priest
I like the ending of "The Black Horseman". And that flamenco intro. Solo is also good. Actually, I like every part where King Diamond doesn't open his mouth. And his passing of kidney stones in studio is so off-puting that for second time this round I'm voting for a early-bland Judas Priest song. Blah

@LooseCannon deserves standing ovation for GMSC so far (I think it's a big step up from GMAC organisation-wise and way more interesting) and I also have to applaud @MrKnickerbocker for putting Spotify playlists of each round and thus making my listening experience way easier and more enjoyable.
I love SOAD, but Linkin Park are still probably the most important band of my lifetime. Faint is great but not really one of the best tracks on Meteora. Hypnotize is a classic but there are better SOAD songs in this game.

Match #2 was difficult, the songs are pretty equal but I reckon Abyss has more potential to grow on me.

I Am The Law is a tad overrated, while Motorbreath is an underrated classic on Kill Em All. Both songs are very good though.

I love modern Ghost, the early stuff not so much. Rapid Fire is one of the top tracks on British Steel.

Avantasia vs Nightwish is basically a tie for me. I voted for Mr. Sammet's project since the song was a lot better than I remembered and I was pretty sure Nightwish were going to win this easily. Guess I was wrong lol.

Tyrant is one of the best early Priest tracks, while King Diamond might just be my least favorite vocalist in all of music.
I picked SOAD, Riot, Anthrax, Avantasia and Priest x2. I'm surprised with Avantasia having the lead, thought Nightwish were bigger here.
Just wondering what percentage of Popoff's 500 are Priest?

I think even 10 songs from one band, even Maiden, in such a list would be overkill, and as much as I like Tyrant and Rapid Fire, they wouldnt be pushing into a Priest top 10
while King Diamond might just be my least favorite vocalist in all of music.
I also don't like his high-pitched voice. He should use more of his lower voice like in parts in the song ''Magic''. He has a bit of a 70's Rob Halford vibe in that voice, but it still put me off of the music. ''Black Horsemen'' is a perfect example of this.
I'm surprised with Avantasia having the lead, thought Nightwish were bigger here.
They are. It's just that this time it's against a really strong ''celebration'' of heavy metal in the form of a long epic song. Also, this Avantasia song could have been written by Nightwish, with little changes ofc.
I think even 10 songs from one band, even Maiden, in such a list would be overkill, and as much as I like Tyrant and Rapid Fire, they wouldnt be pushing into a Priest top 10
More JP in the game is something normal and welcomed, but I understand what you mean.

Now that you mentioned nominations, I should have nominated AD's ''City Of Golden Gates'' song (instead of another Primal Fear song) - I'm really curious how far it would have went and if it is liked a lot. Ahhh, what a mistake on my part.
I kinda feel like once when you've heard one SOAD song, you've heard them all. I guess you can apply that same logic to Linkin Park, but anyway. The second voice in "Hypnotize" felt really out of place, and despite som good ideas, the song didn't really go anywhere. "Faint" is pure nostalgia and also a very well-crafted tune. Linkin Park.

I don't really know Riot, and I'm one of the probably few people here that's quite... indifferent to Unleash the Archers. I dunno, I guess I just have other bands I'd rather listen to when I'm in the mood for this kind of power metal. Still, can't deny they have the superior song here - "Swords and Tequila" is average and generic (and that riff has been bettered since!). Unleash the Archers.

"I Am the Law" is catchy as hell, has great guitarwork throughout, and the sound is just massive and heavy. "Motorbreath" is the worst song on the worst Metallica album of the 80's. I love Hetfield, but his voice is all over the place here. Anthrax.

What does Ghost have that appeals to so many people? No, seriously, I just don't get it. I saw them open for Maiden in 2016 and it was fine, but nothing memorable. Whenever I've tried listening to their studio efforts, I can't seem to find anything that really stands out and grabs me. The riff in "Stand By Him", in the words of Judge Ulrich, sounds stock; the production isn't great; the singer's voice is flat and uinspiring, and the chorus, although decent on its own, doesn't quite fit the rest of the song. No thanks, I'll toss my vote to an extremely underrated album opener to one of THE classic metal albums of the 80's instead. Priest all the way.

"The Scarecrow" didn't do much for me. It's a track I wouldn't mind having playing in the background, with some nice melodies throughout, even though the chorus could be stronger. It doesn't hold candle to "Beauty of the Beast" - now, THAT's how you write a chorus! Great performances from all the members, the individual parts flow together really well, and even the spoken word part somehow fits. A reminder that I need to listen to Century Child again soon. Nightwish, easily.

The music in "Black Horsemen" is phenomenal, especially the intro and outro. Too bad King Diamond himself has one of the absolute worst voices in metal. I won't say the music in "Tyrant" is better, but it's a much more enjoyable listening experience overall, and I'd probably rather listen to this again. Priest again.
Linkin Park - Faint -->I like System more though generally, strange choice from YouTube 50
Unleash the Archers - Abyss -->Nice group :)
Metallica - Motorbreath -->I wanted to vote for Anthrax but Motorbreath is just way better.
Judas Priest - Rapid Fire -->Really wanted to go with @srfc but Rapid Fire is such a gem.
Avantasia - The Scarecrow -->Nice group! I was quite sure that anything vs Nightwish would win, gave it a try and it does :D
King Diamond - The Black Horseman -->Tyrant is historic track but Black Horseman is just better.
Missed out on this contest so far. Not sure how the songs are chosen to vote on but it's all so subjective. While there are some good songs in the current batch there are none that I would consider "greatest" at all, though others might.
King Diamond all the way, and I'm still gonna keep pushing @JudasMyGuide and @MrKnickerbocker to embrace the ridiculousness of his voice so you guys can get invested in the fucking music. Andy LaRocque and Michael Denner are a fantastic duo on this album.
Hahahahahah, good luck, my friend!

I really, really do love and appreciate the music. From everything Mercyful Fate to King's solo work, I haven't heard much music that wasn't quite good.

But that voice.

That fucking voice.

It's not one I can grow accustomed to.