The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 82-87

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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UFO, I guess.


I'm a simple man; like I said, Twilight of the Gods is really good and I've more or less come around regarding black metal in general, but if you make me compare that and Turilli, I will vote for Turilli. I don't make the rules.


That Schenker track has better guitar (duh), but Long Way is probably the better song of the two. Besides, Schenker is very overrated. That said, for the instrumental part alone, I'm giving this vote to Assault Attack.


Lita Ford is another legend I've never been able to get into. Maybe because I'm not Iommi :ninja: So, you know, I've had my choice made beforeh---... oh, wait, I have never seen the video. What? Music? It's a music video? Oh, right. Music. We're talking about music. Not about the... other assets. Get it together, Judas, you dirty old cunt.
ANYWAY, there's a bit of a discrepancy here, since Lita sounds ... well, she sounds really kinda underage - maybe it's just the way she tries to sing the low notes; that has a bit of a teenage aura there - which certainly does not fit well with all the writhing and with the fact you could mishear the chorus as "kiss me Daddy", but as a whole it also kinda reminds me of ... Paramore? Really? I mean.... kinda... Not that that's a bad thing, I mean, I know you never meant to brag, but you got me where you want me now... what? Oh, music. Right. This is not metal. And for the hundredth time, I don't really care, it's forgettable, but kinda nice. A nice bit of 80s nostalgia.

Nightmare is - as of this date - still the only A7X song I genuinely like, the intro, the riff, the Portnoy. Sure, it fellates Metallica so hard you could actually see Hetfield's cock sticking out of M. Shadows' throat, but you say that like that's a bad thing, you plagiophobe. Still, the basic essence of the band is being annoying - just look at their stage names - so I'm only kinda halfway there, myself.

I'm really torn, I mean, dirty old men will be dirty old men, so I guess I'm going with Lita here and be her Daddy, oh deadly, yeah, right, I'll be her deadly.


I'm kinda worried that this is an uphill battle - Black Hole Sun is a radio staple and it probably justly reminds people of 1994, Superunknown, California, Blind Melon and heroin, but honestly, even without nominator's bias, I'd still vote for Swallow the Sun - not just am I currently 100% in the mood for some doomy dooms of doom, but the wistful atmosphere gets me every time. It wasn't among the first songs off the album that captivated me, but soon it became my dark horse of the record (somewhat akin to The Leper Affinity on BWP).
Also, like I said, the song being metal is not that important to me, but this is some prime-dog's-bollocks metal (oh, the tasty drumming!) over an okayish 90's alt-rock ballad. I like Soundgarden quite a lot, actually, but this is really no contest for me.


I'd be really inclined to go with the boomer choice here, but Priest's win is almost a given, so I'll give the vote to early Death - although I realise more and more that Schuldiner must be among my least favourite growlers in general, and not just the tortured shrieks on Perseverance, but also this dudebro-(lad-bloke?)-style regurgitating here. And hey, I'm fine with harsh vocals. But here for once, I'm gonna have to agree with Dustman Jer. Still voting for the song, it's awesome otherwise. And what kind of title is "Hell Bent for Leather" anyway? I feel way too kinky saying that out loud! And I've already said how I feel about old, kinky men. Now, "Choke on It", that's a nice, clean title that you can safely say without the risk of being misunderstood. Schuldiner was such a nice, proper lad, indeed!
I didn't think anyone would vote for Rhapsody against a legendary Bathory track but there you go. And I'm afraid there will be more.
I have every intentions of voting for that incredible Bathory track, just so you know. I have to listen to Choke on It again to make my decision but HBFL is a Priest song I consider very average.
Lights Out is pure class (big classic, Maiden knows; playing, tempo, solo!), but the energy of Riff Raff's riffs is just so good.
Bathory's Twilight Of The Gods has an epic mood, musical structure and ending solo (reminds me of Manowar), but Rhapsody's Reign Of Terror is more effective and brings the vibe with speed, power metal playing and choir vocals. Not a fan of both tbh, the vocals. What I like in the moment, it is.
Long Way To The Top is a good AC/DC song, but MSG's Assault Attack is classic old-school metal with a Rainbow vibe.
A7's Nightmare is very solid. While not one of my top favorite catchy songs, glam metal for the win.
Hell Bent For Leather, super easy.
“Lights Out” is one of those songs that’s kinda fun but unless you’re Steve Harris there’s no reason to return to it all that often, maybe once a year, and when you do all you can think of is how silly but catchy “Lights OUT… lights OUT in Lon-DON” is and then you forget about anything else because the rest of the song, you hate to admit, is unmemorable. But it’s an easy vote for UFO (who have the Steve Harris Metal Pass) over AC/DC who bring to the table a song that isn’t metal at all and is even less memorable.

Black metal > power metal (sometimes).

Bagpipes > who gives a shit.

Tempted to vote for Lita Ford but “Close My Eyes Forever” is an even better song AND features Ozzy Osbourne in one of my favorite performances of him. It’s not exactly a metal song, but “Kiss Me Deadly” is even less of a metal song and frankly its inclusion is another case where Rolling Stone didn’t know what they were doing. It’s not even one of the best hair metal songs, man. Her voice is great though. “Nightmare” isn’t one of A7X’s best songs but they have the Diesel Metal Cred stamp, even if Metal Archives refuses to give it to them. Shoutout to Rebecca from high school, I talked a lot of shit back in 10th grade and now I actually like Avenged Sevenfold. My bad, yo.

The extreme battalion must stick together against the odds, so that’s a vote for Swallow the Sun. Love the Soundgarden track though, it just isn’t as metal as some of their other songs.

“Hell Bent for Leather” is awesome, love the chorus, but again, we must stand united for the sake of extreme metal within the game. Death.
Lights Out is pure class. Riff Riff is meh.

Bathory have an absolutely killer, epic track that exemplifies how good black metal can be (as incredibly rare as it may be). Rhapsody of Fire's song kind of exemplifies the things I dislike the most in power metal.

I'm of AC/DC so I'll give it to MSG, even if I don't think the song is very good.

I'd rather look at Lita Ford sing a pop song than listen to M. Shadows shred his disgusting voice all over a song that not even Mike Portnoy can save.

I absolutely love Soundgarden and I think they have a few songs that would be worthy competitors here, but Black Hole Sun is not one of them. Swallow The Sun win this round for just being such heavy sadbois.

Eh, I still just can't get into Death. Priest.
From everything I've heard in this game, Bathory seem to be virtually the only black metal act that can sound dark and evil while also have melody in their songwriting and vocals. Oh, and not record everything inside of trash cans.
From everything I've heard in this game, Bathory seem to be virtually the only black metal act that can sound dark and evil while also have melody in their songwriting and vocals. Oh, and not record everything inside of trash cans.

Uada, Summoning, Dark Fortress, Agalloch, Saor, Vintersorg, Dissection, unfortunately, Winterfylleth, Wayfarer, Borknagar, Marrasmieli, Alcest (if they count), Sun of the Sleepless, Bal-Sagoth, Antestor, Arcturus...

Honestly, just checking my artists saved on Spotify, I find black metal more melodic and approachable than death metal.
Uada, Summoning, Dark Fortress, Agalloch, Saor, Vintersorg, Dissection, unfortunately, Winterfylleth, Wayfarer, Borknagar, Marrasmieli, Alcest (if they count), Sun of the Sleepless, Bal-Sagoth, Antestor, Arcturus...

Honestly, just checking my artists saved on Spotify, I find black metal more melodic and approachable than death metal.
I do remember actually digging some of Agalloch’s stuff. Gotta give them another listen this winter.
I'm mostly ripping on the kvlt early stuff and the throwback trve shit.

Yeah, I also have trouble appreciating those (although again, even there you can find exceptions, like Dissection). But overall, it's kinda hit or miss and even with the stuff I like...

...I mean, here I'm actually kinda enjoying Burzum's Filosofem, but after a while, inexplicably, I find myself singing to myself

UFO turns the light out on some Australian riff raff. Rhapsody of Fire has seen their reign of terror ended by Bathory's gods, even if they are at the twilight of their power. Michael Schenker has a long way to the top, where AC/DC issues their assault attack. Lita Ford's nightmare isn't a deadly kiss. Soundgarden's black hole has swallowed the sun. Judas Priest wants you to choke on their leather. They're kinky like that.

Part II, Round 4, Matches 52-57

Group Stage - Round 4
Match 52​
Doctor Doctor Division​
Blind Guardian - Into the Storm
Nightwish - The Kinslayer​
1-0-0, 2 pts, +11
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 4
Match 53​
Heaven Can Wait Division​
Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites
Sanctuary - The Year the Sun Died​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -15
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 4
Match 54​
22 Acacia Avenue Division​
Solitude Aeternus - Destiny Falls to Ruin
Venom - The Seven Gates of Hell​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -5
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 4
Match 55​
Rod Smallwood Division​
Drowning Pool - Bodies
Death - Overactive Imagination​
Youtube 50
0-1-0, 0 pts, -8
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 4
Match 56​
Futureal Division​
Slayer - At Dawn They Sleep
Deep Purple - Stormbringer​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -10
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 4
Match 57​
Dave Murray Division​
Nocte Obducta - Und Pan spielt die Flöte (Desîhras Tagebuch - Kapitel II)
KISS - Shout It Out Loud​
Popoff 500​
0-1-0, 0 pts, -12
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
What the fuck is that first match supposed to be? Two of my top 5 overall bands, a killer song off their respective probably best albums, what am I supposed to do with this? I guess I like Tarjawish slightly more than Blind Guardian (although the latter thrill me more consistently throughout their discography), I suppose I also like Wishmater more than Nightfall (already on a thin ice here)... well, no, actually scratch that, Nightfall is probably better, but Into the Storm thrills me slightly less than The Kinslayer. I guess.

Also, Into the Storm gets a small point detraction for the fact the verse steals a bit from Queensrÿche's Spreading the Disease (but then again, the riff would be again used by Maiden in The Mercenary - again only slightly tweaked).

Troubled and pained, I reluctantly vote for Nightwish here.


The Morbid Angel track is more musically interesting and was 1000x more innovative/influential and I'd be inclined to vote against the general anti-extreme bias here, but then again, I'm a really doomy frood who knows where his bowel is and the Year the Sun Died is really, really sweet. It's a coin toss between my brain and my heart, I think I'll sleep on it and pick tomorow.


Again, sorry, Maggie, I know you really tried to pick a Venom song that wouldn't suck as mercilessly as usual and I guess you actually managed it, even, but like I said,



Drowning Pool should never be in the vicinity of this cup, there's one single thing to this song and that's its memetic potential and even that one is something I could certainly do without. I do find certain aspects of nu metal palatable, but this song... when I hear it, I feel fucking ancient. Like, I feel like it's me who has been captured on ancient cave murals by the primitive cultures. And I felt that way even when the song was young and I was much younger than today.

Without further ado, Death, duh.


I know, I know, only one song is metal and Slayer and Hell Awaits (which is altogether better than Reign in Blood) and whatever, but you can't expect me with clear conscience to go and vote against a Purple Mk III album, can you?

So let me put that into a song

"Here they come to snuff the boomer, ahh yeah
Yeah, here come the boomer, yeah


I don't need much incentive to vote against Kiss, let alone 'tis being the season for Nocte Obducta.
Match 54 was really difficult.
I like Solitude Aeturnus, I really like what Robert Lowe did with Candlemass, and I totally appreciate @MindRuler voting against his own nominee.
Was wondering if I should return the gesture or vote for the Venom song (not because I nominated it but because I just like it more) while feeling really guilty about it, and then Judie's post here helped me make my mind. Thank you so much!:okok:
Again, sorry, Maggie, I know you really tried to pick a Venom song that wouldn't suck as mercilessly as usual and I guess you actually managed it, even, but like I said,

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