The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 82-87

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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A lot of people nominated at least some songs that are "pet" favourites, just to share what they like with their friends. I don't think that the nominations on their own are the key indicator of popularity.
Call me a heretic, but sorry The MoossiderDJiDDotono5Bartienter
@Mosh, @The Dissident, @MrKnickerbocker, @Black Bart, @____no5, @The Sentient, @LooseCannon, @DJMayes, @Poto, @KiDDo

Just noticed this ahahahahh, missing LC or sort of. Also kudos to srfc for voting against his nominee.

I don't think that the nominations on their own are the key indicator of popularity.

Maybe not Key Popularity Indicator (KPI) but if 10 people The MoossiderDJiDDotono5Bartienter nominated Stargazed, it surely is not unpopular.
"Stargazer", "Victim of Changes" and "Highway Star" are all easy and obvious choices. All three belong among their artists best; two of them have Blackmore, which is already an advantage in itself, and while the studio version of "Victim of Changes" doesn't slay quite as hard as the live version on Unleashed in the East, it's still phenomenal. As for the opposition - I really like the songs from both Grand Magus and Dark Funeral, but they're basically just up against superior tunes. I'm sure they'll rack up some points in future matches. "Cat Scratch Fever", on the other hand, still sucks so hard.

The rest of the matches:

I was about to go with "More than a Feeling" at first, but "Balls to the Wall" rocked much harder than I remembered it did, silly title aside, and I think Accept deserves the win here. But definitely the toughest choice this round.

Someone mentioned somewhere that Queen was a band of great musicians and performers, but also very poor songwriters, and I agree. It probably sounds ridiculous to say that about the same people that made "Bohemian Rhapsody", but give it enough tries, and you're bound to strike gold eventually, eh? In any case, "March of the Black Queen" is all over the place; some parts are alright, but most of the time it rambles on without any real sense of direction. I'm not a fan of how Halford sounds in the chorus of "Exciter", but it's still a pretty cool song overall, and I'd much rather listen to Judas Priest again here.

"The Oath" has great and interesting music, but unfortunately also King Diamond putting on another incredibly annoying and obnoxious performance. "Hand of Doom" is not my favourite from Paranoid, and I kinda tend to skip it, but it's still much better than it's opponent here. Black Sabbath.
So far I haven’t voted on a round in which I haven’t listened to every song. Admittedly if I get 90 seconds in and it’s not done anything for me I may skim through it, but I’ve given everything a listen even if it’s up against my nominees. For me, that’s the enjoyment in the whole thread.

Several times I’ve voted for unknown (to me) bands over bands that I ‘like’ simply because I’ve listened.
“Stargazer” is merely good with some great parts, “Victim Of Changes” is kind of boring, and “Highway Star” can’t really stand up to any reasonably good driving metal song from the 80s or beyond, aside from that neoclassical solo. Take off the rose-colored headphones, people…!
I'm by no means a particular Deep Purple fan - in fact, Machine Head is the only album of theirs I've listened to in its entirety - which hopefully puts some perspective into me being the user who nominated Highway Star. I absolutely love the song, and I listen to it very regularly because it is in the majority of my running playlists.
I absolutely love the song, and I listen to it very regularly because it is in the majority of my running playlists.

Good idea, I’ll add it for the half marathon race in March.

I’ll put it around the end about 1h20 -1h30 mark when I’ll start pushing hard
Judas, Mrknickerbocker

I really don't understand why you're so sure you know why people vote. Like no5 said, we're only a handful of individuals. Just because 50% of the general population is stupid doesn't mean 50% of this forum is stupid.
download (7).jpeg

In the end this is about getting exposed to music, at least that's where I take it (and I believe that's LC's original idea as well). If anybody actually just sees Stargazer and votes for it without listening to the other song "cuz Stargazer", well that's their loss and shouldn't affect you.

Personally, I have committed the many sins of GMSC, including familiarity bias, pity voting, and using Deep Sun as a tie-breaker. Yes, sometimes I even guessed without listening, specifically when I don't have time or the result won't change. So hang me because I didn't realize I was upsetting you (even at times I didn't admit!) and let's find the other 9 idiots to fill the statistics.
I'm by no means a particular Deep Purple fan - in fact, Machine Head is the only album of theirs I've listened to in its entirety - which hopefully puts some perspective into me being the user who nominated Highway Star. I absolutely love the song, and I listen to it very regularly because it is in the majority of my running playlists.

Don't know if you've listened to Made in Japan, but if not check it out. As with most of the 70s bands on here, the versions of tracks from the classic live albums are usually superior.
Judas, Mrknickerbocker

I really don't understand why you're so sure you know why people vote. Like no5 said, we're only a handful of individuals. Just because 50% of the general population is stupid doesn't mean 50% of this forum is stupid.
View attachment 34498

In the end this is about getting exposed to music, at least that's where I take it (and I believe that's LC's original idea as well). If anybody actually just sees Stargazer and votes for it without listening to the other song "cuz Stargazer", well that's their loss and shouldn't affect you.

Personally, I have committed the many sins of GMSC, including familiarity bias, pity voting, and using Deep Sun as a tie-breaker. Yes, sometimes I even guessed without listening, specifically when I don't have time or the result won't change. So hang me because I didn't realize I was upsetting you (even at times I didn't admit!) and let's find the other 9 idiots to fill the statistics.

First of all,

"I really don't understand why you're so sure you know why people vote"

I never said that, even implied that. I was talking about myself and my approach to music, if you're talking about my rant about the people who don't listen to the songs, that was based on the people who actually said that.

Second of all, sorry if you feel offended, here's my tuppence/point of view:

I have a job that's been somewhat more stressful recently, an old house that has some issues and quirks, three little kids who are very intense, million responsibilities and other hobbies, health issues, stress issues, fucking issues issues. I have million other, better things that I should be doing in my spare time than browsing this fucking forum, no offence intended. I'm kind of in a fucked up place right now.

And yet, I try to vote in every round possible and listen to all the tracks I don't know by heart (and to some that I do), I manage to find the time anyway (most of the time).

Because of the fact Loosey's put such a gargantuan effort into this thing, because of the community here, which I'm a part of for over 10 years and I like a lot of people here quite a bit and because a huge number of these tracks were nominated by someone - because that someone wanted to put them forth as one of the best tracks he knows, because he wanted to share them with us, because they were important. I think that I should at least make the effort to go and listen to them, or at least some representative part of them, at least once. Especially since it's been more or less stated that one of the goals of this game is to discover new music, discover other people's music and so on.

And I'm not in any way particular towards my tracks, I kinda get angry on behalf of someone else, when his song gets neglected - like explicitly saying "didn't even listened to that, lol". Don't know, feels disrespectful.

However, do what you have to do, just, if we were all really listening to the music, it would be nice.
Judas, Mrknickerbocker

I really don't understand why you're so sure you know why people vote. Like no5 said, we're only a handful of individuals. Just because 50% of the general population is stupid doesn't mean 50% of this forum is stupid.
View attachment 34498

In the end this is about getting exposed to music, at least that's where I take it (and I believe that's LC's original idea as well). If anybody actually just sees Stargazer and votes for it without listening to the other song "cuz Stargazer", well that's their loss and shouldn't affect you.

Personally, I have committed the many sins of GMSC, including familiarity bias, pity voting, and using Deep Sun as a tie-breaker. Yes, sometimes I even guessed without listening, specifically when I don't have time or the result won't change. So hang me because I didn't realize I was upsetting you (even at times I didn't admit!) and let's find the other 9 idiots to fill the statistics.
You’re taking this far more personally than I was when posting. I never called anyone out or said they were stupid for voting however they choose to vote.

I was stating a fact: some of us listen to every song every time and obsessively dissect every chord change, then fight about it, and some of us just click a button because they see “Stargazer”. It is what it is.

LC wants votes. He has stated that many times. However you vote is still a vote, and that’s what counts. I myself have made completely random voting decisions during matches or rounds I don’t care for. I never called anyone idiots for voting this way.
First of all,

"I really don't understand why you're so sure you know why people vote"

I never said that, even implied that. I was talking about myself and my approach to music, if you're talking about my rant about the people who don't listen to the songs, that was based on the people who actually said that.
Yes, I was talking about the rant. I thought you were agreeing with MKB's statement which read to me as accusing the silent folks of giving no effort into their votes (and this we can't know).
Second of all, sorry if you feel offended, here's my tuppence/point of view:

I have a job that's been somewhat more stressful recently, an old house that has some issues and quirks, three little kids who are very intense, million responsibilities and other hobbies, health issues, stress issues, fucking issues issues. I have million other, better things that I should be doing in my spare time than browsing this fucking forum, no offence intended. I'm kind of in a fucked up place right now.

And yet, I try to vote in every round possible and listen to all the tracks I don't know by heart (and to some that I do), I manage to find the time anyway (most of the time).

Because of the fact Loosey's put such a gargantuan effort into this thing, because of the community here, which I'm a part of for over 10 years and I like a lot of people here quite a bit and because a huge number of these tracks were nominated by someone - because that someone wanted to put them forth as one of the best tracks he knows, because he wanted to share them with us, because they were important. I think that I should at least make the effort to go and listen to them, or at least some representative part of them, at least once. Especially since it's been more or less stated that one of the goals of this game is to discover new music, discover other people's music and so on.

And I'm not in any way particular towards my tracks, I kinda get angry on behalf of someone else, when his song gets neglected - like explicitly saying "didn't even listened to that, lol". Don't know, feels disrespectful.

However, do what you have to do, just, if we were all really listening to the music, it would be nice.
Hey, no offense meant, neither to you nor MKB despite the toxicity in my last paragraph. And none taken. I got angry on others' behalf as well - used myself as an example because I can't use anybody else, that was the entire point of the reply.

I'll argue that a lot of comments I've seen here (and written myself) straight up shitting on songs are far more disrespectful and offensive than admitting you skipped a song, but frankly, I have no problem with them either because I trust people here that it's all in good fun. I don't engage in discussions very much, but I've been here for a not insignificant amount of time. On this note, I want to wish you and your family quiet times and good fortune God willing. I don't make voting a moral obligation upon myself. Of course I appreciate LC's dedication and effort, massively, but participating only out of respect is worse than not participating at all in my book. I don't want people to wait for me to finish eating when they need to go the toilet.
You’re taking this far more personally than I was when posting. I never called anyone out or said they were stupid for voting however they choose to vote.

I was stating a fact: some of us listen to every song every time and obsessively dissect every chord change, then fight about it, and some of us just click a button because they see “Stargazer”. It is what it is.

LC wants votes. He has stated that many times. However you vote is still a vote, and that’s what counts. I myself have made completely random voting decisions during matches or rounds I don’t care for. I never called anyone idiots for voting this way.
I was exaggerating with the "idiots", and it's my fault for conflating yours and Judas's points. Should have quoted separately.

You don't know people here vote "red vs blue", because we're such a small group. It's a numbers thing, nothing personal. Writing in length shows you listened to and dissected the music, yes. It doesn't mean that anybody who doesn't write doesn't go to the same depths, and surely not that they're going purely by familiarity. What I'm saying is very similar to what you said to Jer. I was originally going to address him as well.
I would *prefer* people listen to every song, at least in part, before making a decision. I recognize that not all people are going to do that. One of the reasons I decided on a group stage was to give multiple chances to become familiar with the tracks.
Accept had a feeling that they needed to go balls to the wall to earn a win over Boston. The black queen might be marching on, but is she as excited as Judas Priest? Fear isn't the key to beating Stargazer. Rainbow. The hand of doom swore an oath of equal power as we have a tie. Dark Funeral is indeed a victim of Judas Priest's changes. And Ted Nugent must have thought this was a draft, because he shit his pants against Deep Purple.

Part II, Round 1, Matches 85-90

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 85
To Tame a Land Division​
Blind Guardian - Nightfall
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
Youtube 50​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 86
From Fear to Eternity Division​
Emperor - I Am the Black Wizards
Symphony X - Masquerade '98​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
Best Music Art 100​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 87
Iron Maiden Division​
Motörhead - Iron Fist
Slayer - Dead Skin Mask​
Popoff 500, Best Music Art 100
@DJ James
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 88
The X Factor Division​
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Thin Lizzy - Don't Believe a Word​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, VH1 40, Best Music Art 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 89
Man on the Edge Division​
Metallica - Fade to Black
Black Sabbath - Snowblind​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, Best Music Art 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 90
Stratego Division​
Judas Priest - You've Got Another Thing Comin'
Iced Earth - Burning Times​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, VH1 40, Best Music Art 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
There's a lot of list nominees in this one, and that means a lot of classic songs I expect are beatable. See, I don't think Jer is entirely *wrong* with his assertion that some people vote on nostalgia. I just think he picked the wrong hill to make that stand upon.