The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 76-81

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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Limp Bizkit doesn't get their way as the devil in all of us selects Slipknot. Manowar is cut into eight parts by Unleash the Archers. King Diamond gets damned by Black Sabbath's hand of doom. In the end, no kiss of death can stop Whitesnake from walking in the shadow of the blues. Is stigmata a merciful fate? No idea, but Tarot wins. It's a Dark Funeral for Bathory and Hades indeed.

Part I, Round 41, Matches 241-246

Play In Round
Match 241
Remember Tomorrow Division​
While Heaven Wept - The Furthest Shore
Sleep - Dragonaut​
Rolling Stone 100​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 242
Stranger in a Strange Land Division​
Deftones - My Own Summer (Shove It)
Evanescence - Going Under​
Rolling Stone 100
Youtube 50​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 243
Stranger in a Strange Land Division​
Lamb of God - Overlord
Ted Nugent - Cat Scratch Fever​
Popoff 500​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 244
Trios Match​
Match 244
Stranger in a Strange Land Division​
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
Bon Jovi - Dry County​
Loudness - Crazy Night​
Popoff 500​
Popoff 500​

Play In Round
Match 245
To Tame a Land Division​
Aerosmith - Dream On
Van Halen - And the Cradle Will Rock...​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 246
To Tame a Land Division​
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams​
Youtube 50
Youtube 50​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
The While Heaven Wept song might be my favourite song from this cup I haven't heard before, honestly. I didn't have high expectations given the run time (and because the start made me expect harsh vocals for whatever reason) but that was a really good song.

I stand by Dry County as a pick but I fully expect it to lose here. Very unlucky draw.

Evanescence, Ted Nugent, Aerosmith, and Alien Ant Farm are easy picks for the rest.
The While Heaven Wept song might be my favourite song from this cup I haven't heard before, honestly. I didn't have high expectations given the run time (and because the start made me expect harsh vocals for whatever reason) but that was a really good song.

I stand by Dry County as a pick but I fully expect it to lose here. Very unlucky draw.

Evanescence, Ted Nugent, Aerosmith, and Alien Ant Farm are easy picks for the rest.
You will have my vote for Bon Jovi.
"The Furthest Shore" has some nice thick harmonized riffage to get things going, eventually gaining some airy synths for contrast. The guitar lead reminds me of the melody of "Ordinary People" a bit. Nice clean interlude. The singer isn't the best, but he's OK. Same with the vocal melodies. Nice synth interlude. Actually, all of the music is varied and quite good, and the vocals are the only somewhat weaker area. The song goes on a nice coherent journey over nearly 16 minutes without ever getting boring, and I love how the later part goes all Boston Third Stage with the guitars. Very good stuff overall, and I will definitely have to check out the rest of this album sometime. "Dragonaut" is pleasant enough as 70s throwback comfort food, but the song is simplistic, the singer isn't very good, and there isn't anything going on here that we haven't heard a thousand times before. A slam dunk for @Confeos's nominee here. Winner: While Heaven Wept - "The Furthest Shore"

"My Own Summer (Shove It)" has OK nu metal riffage and a pretty awkward softer verse that devolves into pointless screaming for the pre-chorus and returns to an uninspiring melody for the chorus. In one ear and out the other, really. "Going Under" outclasses its competitor in literally every respect, with great melodies, great songwriting, and great performances. I love that dark piano bit that makes the verse feel off-kilter, and Amy Lee manages to soar here without sounding overwrought for a change. Another extremely easy call. Winner: Evanescence - "Going Under"

"Overlord" has a nice bluesy opening and a strong melancholy verse. The heavy section feels a bit disconnected from the bluesy stuff, the brief screams in the pre-chorus aren't great, and the chorus is pretty underwhelming. The faster section has nice riffs, but the vocalist goes all screamy and Cookie Monstery at that point, which flushes any remaining good will down the toilet for me. "Cat Scratch Fever" is probably slang for whatever STD Ted Nugent got in the 70s that thoroughly slow-cooked his brain over the next 50 years, but as a song it's catchy, has a nice groove, and has self-indulgent but solid solos. It's not great, but it's solidly good -- and sorry, @Spambot, but that's enough to win this match-up. Winner: Ted Nugent - "Cat Scratch Fever"

"Sweet Child O' Mine" is ridiculously overplayed, but it's one of the small handful of GNR songs that I genuinely enjoy. Great melodies for both the vocals and the guitars, the song is put together really well with a great melodic solo, and the long crescendo to the end of the song is excellent. As I said in the Crusade Of Epics, “Dry County” tries to be earnest, but it comes out as ham and cheese with extra mayo. I literally felt greasy after listening to it. No thanks. "Crazy Nights" has a decent riff, but poorly phrased vocals, and the melodies aren't very good outside of the chorus. Great solo, though. I find myself wishing this was Kiss's track of the same name instead, and I don't even like Kiss much. Sorry @DJMayes, but this is an easy call for GNR. Winner: Guns N' Roses - "Sweet Child O' Mine"

"Dream On" has an excellent melancholy opening and verse that builds beautifully through the pre-chorus into a brighter but still bittersweet chorus 1. The instrumentals are tasteful, and the buildup through chorus 2 is pretty epic. Tyler pushes way past his limits there, but the performance fits the material. Excellent song. "And The Cradle Will Rock" is a solid enough track, with strong guitar work (duh) and vocal melodies, but it largely just treads water in an enjoyable way, and I wouldn't say it's a top tier Van Halen track by any means. An easy call for Aerosmith here. Winner: Aerosmith - "Dream On"

First in the cover-off we have a crunchy version of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal", which adapts pretty well to a metal format. I don't like the changes to the vocal melody in the pre-chorus, but I appreciate the commitment to the "oww"s and the high-pitched backing vocals in the chorus. The "MJ's greatest hits" approach to the video is also pretty funny. I wish they'd added an over-the-top guitar solo to the song, but what's here is still quite good. Next up is a dark and heavy cover of Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams", which could have been pretty cool if it had been handled with a little more care. Manson sounds passable during the early verses, but the screamy and cackly stuff sucks, the rhythmically boring guitars and bad solo don't help, and throwing away the vocal harmonies was a missed opportunity to twist them into something more sinister -- but Manson just kind of sucks in general, so the outcome isn't surprising. Another easy call. Winner: Alien Ant Farm - "Smooth Criminal"
Sleep are a classic band with a great sound, but While Heaven Wept are progressive, incredibly atmospheric (with some Floyd overtones thrown in for good measure), with good riffage and catchy. I'll write more about this track further in this cup (I'm not afraid it wouldn't win); I can't fire all my ammunition right at the very beginning.
The Furthest Shore, no contest.


Deftones vs Evanescence. Huh. Okay, I think I finally grew out of my Deftones stage, if there ever was something like that; listening to Moreno screaming his head off here made me want to go out and die in the snow and the cold. I feel really decadent voting for fucking Evanescence of all things, but I have mostly good memories of this track and Amy Lee is more tolerable (although I stil hate her timbre with a passion). Yeah, I admit, it's catchy. Always liked it. So, a vote from me to a band that fucked Nightwish up.


This next match is really hard to care about - on one side you get Cat Scratch Fever, whose popularity I never got, it's duller than a Dull McDave's dull cousin and even Motorhead couldn't make the song work, really, whereas in the opposite corner there's Lamb of God who sound as if they were intentionally trying to annoy me, with everything - the cleans, the shrieks, the growls, the ... sound.
I really don't want to vote for either, I usually go with a member's pick over a list, but then again, Ted Nugent only kills animals, not his fans and he probably pisses off most of this forum politically (me too, but you know, enemy of my enemy...), so - with both eyes closed and fingers in my ears - I'll go with the boomer choice and vote for Ted Nugent.


Even though I like Guns N Roses nowadays (a lot, actually), Sweet Child of Mine mostly has just that riff and that's it. Dry County is of course absolutely ridiculous (Bon Jovi of all bands shouldn't be doing epics like this), but not only is the band my long time guilty pleasure outlet, the ridiculousness of it all is kinda endearing in itself, much like the Illiad song by Manowar.

The Loudness song is just pedestrian, I don't care about it at all.

My vote should be obvious, then

Well, yeah, but he'll say she was born to be his baby and that he'll be there for her, expecting that she'll say "thank you for loving me" and to lay his hands on her, further expecting to bounce and end the evening in and out of love, but unfortunately eventually Saap'll end up in the dry county.


Like with Sabbath, whatever the band did later, the first six or seven Aerosmith albums are pure fire and although Dream On is overplayed and its atmosphere/approach has always rubbed me off the wrong way, with this fully serious attempt of sounding majestic and vaguely nostalgic from the Toxic Twins themselves, Msrs "Lord of your thighs" and "Down on your muffin". But, well, I can't deny its greatness, the buildup, the riff, the haunting production of the vocals... it has this almost Zeppelinesque feel to it, maybe a tad adapted to the arena rock era, but I could still imagine this song being on Physical Graffiti or something.

Ah, Van Halen again. Again, their charm completely misses me, it's not catchy, it's not particularly rocking, it's just... there. Thanks, I'll pass.



Two covers by bands I couldn't care for in the final round. BUT - there's something inherently rock-like in the Smooth Criminal original already and doing a mostly straight cover with guitar feels absolutely natural and the result is - much as I hate to admit it - awesome. Also, it was in American Pie 2 and nostalgia's a bitch.

I actually like Eurythmics very much, but I never liked Sweet Dreams in the first place, it's monotonous and annoying and even of their bigger hits I'd still much rather listen to There Must Be an Angel, Here Comes the Rain Again or, dunno, I Saved the World Today, rather than this overplayed drone, especially as seen through a lens of Brian Warner, whose sweet dreams are probably made of raping to death both Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart. And probably Moon Boy, for all I know.
I listened to both Manson versions and I don't know which is the most wretched, but Manson's tone and "distinguished methhead's rasp" is something I could live without, it just sounds so... adolescent. The video, too. Ugh.

Cheers, Alient Ant Farm, for actually doing a good song (now here's a sentence I never thought I'd utter).
The 4th matchup is really curious - the best Guns song vs one of the most interesting Bon Jovi songs vs one of the best riffs in metal! Only Aerosmith's Dream On is missing.
While Heaven Wept - The Furthest Shore vs. Sleep - Dragonaut
Never heard of While Heaven Wept before, intro is decent but the vocal delivery is pretty hammy, keyboard and guitar doubling is ok but would be better without the keys. The tone has a bit more edge to it it than this sort of music usually does. Some decent parts musically, Sleep, first riff is decent, then it turns into Into The Void. Dragonaut is much more the style of metal I like but it's outright theft, even the solo apes Iommi and then turns into Geezer playing N.I.B. I'm presume this is all totally on purpose with the song name and all but you can't have an homage progressing when we have real Sabbath there. The Furthest Shore

Deftones - My Own Summer (Shove It) vs. Evanescence - Going Under

Deftones, terrible stuff from the heyday of NuMetal. Evanescence pretty bad too Going Under

Lamb of God - Overlord vs. Ted Nugent - Cat Scratch Fever

Lamb of God a bit more subtle than I was expecting, pretty good, decent vocal. Change in the middle is a bit shit. Ted may be a cunt but he's a tasty player and the riff is one of the best of all time with a great turnaround. Cat Scratch Fever

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine vs. Bon Jovi - Dry County vs. Loudness - Crazy Night

Dry Country, the intro is a rip off of Kayleigh, otherwise a pretty good track not what I was expecting from Bon Jovi. Crazy Night is decent enough Hair Metal too, but let's be fair, there's only one track I was ever going to vote for in this round. Sweet Child O' Mine

Aerosmith - Dream On vs. Van Halen - And the Cradle Will Rock...

And the Cradle Will Rock is decent enough but Dream On is miles ahead of it. Dream On

Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal vs. Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams

Smooth Criminal is a great version and Sweet Dreams is a shit version. Smooth Criminal
The progginess of While Heaven Wept over the stoner rock of Sleep.

I don't know what you'd call Evanescence, but at least they're not nu-metal.

The Nuge easily, as I don't care for Lamb of God. Far from my favorite of Ted's songs, though; hopefully Stranglehold (my favorite classic rock song of all time) shows up.

GNR's track is solid, as is Bon Jovi's. Went with the latter.

Aerosmith, of course. I've yet to hear a song by Van Halen that I like.

The last match was the toughest as I'm a actually a fan of both of the originals. Smooth Criminal is probably my favorite Michael Jackson tune, and Sweet Dreams is... the only Eurythmics song I've heard. But going off of these covers, Alien Ant Farm's rendition is stronger. Props to the bassist for playing a 6-string (for whatever reason).
I wouldn't say I'm a Deftones guy either but that song was pretty big for me when I was getting into metal.
The Furthest Shore - Ooooh yeah, this is my jam. Huge and melodic. I'll be honest, I thought at multiple places it could use some trimming. The strongest section was easily the first 5 or so minutes. Very good nonetheless. Dragonaut was on my need-to-hear list for some time. Chunky and has a Black Sabbath feel. I don't know guys, I dig the laid back vibe and it has dragons. I'll toss Sleep a bone, it's losing badly and it will probably find it's way to my library before WHW.

My Own Summer sounds like a filler. Token riff, annoying whispered vocals, same old drawn out vocals in the chorus. Unfortunately Going Under is much the same with probably the weakest chorus we've heard from them yet and some headache inducing production. Going out of this round felt like turning off an engine. Deftones.

Overlord is... good enough. The clean first half has decent guitars but the drums are pretty distracting and the vocals are meh. I hoped for something big when the switch happened but it didn't come. There were some nice riffs in there, one of them reminded me of Mastodon's Blood and Thunder slightly. Cat Scratch Fever is probably fine as inconsequential background music. Nothing special. Lamb of God at least try and I can see it being someone's favourite. Oh and it also has a place in a metal game.

I'm not sure I heard the entirety of Sweet Child O' Mind before. Or at least I didn't recognize anything other than the riff. It's honestly very enjoyable. I did not expect a 10 minute Bon Jovi song, but it's structured well and has some sick solos. Loudness isn't on the same league. Very close but I'm going with Dry County.

I was subjugated to countless hours of Dream On thanks to TikTok, and I still love it. It only maybe misses a bit of flare for me. Cradle is good too. The second half passed like a breeze. Aerosmith

Alien Ant Farm's take is funny and relatively faithful to the original. Soulless modern production is a minus. Manson completely misses the vibe of Sweet Dreams and has some cringy vocals. Alien Ant Farm
I’d call Evanescence gothic pop metal, at least for their first album.
Musically, The Furthest Shore is awesome. I have literally no idea what it is, but it is epic as hell. The vocals are a bit iffy, but overall this is great, ridiculously overlong and pompous metal. Dragonaut is fun and checks all the pentatonic boxes, but does very little else. The rabid Clutch fan inside wants me to vote for Sleep, but While Heaven Wept are easy winners here.

Stop making me vote for Evanescence!!! Stop it! Sorry, but I absolutely loathe Deftones. Going Under is middling pop rock with goth metal aesthetics, but at least Amy Lee can technically sing and knows what melody is.

I don’t know much about Lamb of God, but I know that I will definitely not be voting for Cat Scratch Fever.

Sweet Child is iconic and has an immediately recognizable, awesome riff. As far as Axl Rose goes, it’s one of his better performances and the song is legitimately good. Same goes for Dry County, which has the benefit of being super epic and powerful. I’ll be honest, though, the bridge and solo are hands down the best part here. It’s a good song, but something keeps it from hitting perfection. Crazy Nights is not a contender. I’ll give a rare vote to GnR here.

Dream On is, far and away, the best song Aerosmith ever recorded. I honestly still have a hard time hearing this as an Aerosmith song, it sounds that different from their usual schtick. The clean guitar part is iconic, the composition is endlessly emotional and Tyler sounds absolutely fucking unbelievable. I’ve heard this song a million times and never once thought, “nah, I should switch that off.” David Lee Roth can shut up already. Lame.

The battle of the covers is tough. Both are good in their own right. Both take the song to relatively new heights while doing a good job retaining the core sound of a unique artist AND pay fairly respectful dues to the original track. In the end, I think Alien Ant Farm might actually improve upon the original, whereas Manson just gives us a darker twist on the original (and half asses the “movin’ on” section).
I despise The Deftones.

True hell in this game would be if a Deftones song was somehow paired with a DLR Halen song.

I legitimately wouldn’t vote.
Due to a shallow pool in Alt Metal, 2 of the three Deftones songs are against Evanescence. The other is against Melvins.