The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 76-81

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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  • Dark Tranquility - Punish My Heaven

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System of a Down - Toxicity vs. The Who - My Generation
I've never been a huge fan of My Generation, I think Maiden's cover may be the worst ever Maiden recording, but the bass solo alone is enough to beat Toxicity which was very basic, light and shade cliches with a vaguely Children of the Grave ish bit at the end My Generation

Sepultura - Refuse/Resist vs. Opeth - Master's Apprentices

Chaos A.D. was big album in my formative years, and one I go back to maybe once every couple of years, and enjoy it when I do. Refuse/Resist isn't one of the best tracks on it, but it's got a catchy riff. Insert standard Opeth response here, loads of real good stuff but no need for grunting Refuse/Resist

Helloween - Halloween vs. Porcupine Tree - Even Less

Halloween is like a Power Metal version of Satan's Fall, just riff after riff that shouldn't work, but does because they're all great. It's probably all anyone needs from the Power Metal genre, anything that the genre has to offer is in the track and all the other bands are just offering a pale imitation. Porcupine Tree was inoffensive but it was clear it was beaten while I was listening to it. Halloween

Dream Theater - Metropolis, Part I: The Miracle and the Sleeper vs. Meshuggah - Broken Cog

I have this DT album, and Pull Me Under and this track were the only ones that held my interest on it, this track is real good, the main body of the song is great with some good riffs, and the masturbatory section is brilliant. Don't see the appeal of Meshuggah. Metropolis, Part I: The Miracle and the Sleeper

Megadeth - Tornado of Souls vs. Iced Earth - Prophecy

A contender for the greatest metal solo, but this shouldn't over shadow the rest of the track, which has everything but the kitchen sink thrown in. A painfully average track from Iced Earth Tornado of Souls

Iced Earth - Dante's Inferno vs. Dark Tranquility - Punish My Heaven

Tough going having to listen to two Iced Earth tracks in a row, this one has some better riffs. Dark Tranquility has some good guitar stuff, it takes the win for the Genghis Khan riff Punish My Heaven
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I’ve never liked System of a Down, although this song is better than most. However, it still has morose verses and a (to be expected) obnoxious chorus. On the other hand, nothing about The Who’s song is metal in the slightest. Yes, the bass playing is awesome, but the vocal stuttering is just as annoying as the guy from SOAD’s voice. I don’t like either of these songs, but I’ll go with The Who simply because of the bass. But I’m ashamed of myself.

Lol. This Sepultura song sounds like it was recorded on a toaster, with the vocals being particularly annoying. The music is at least tight, though. Meanwhile, I put Master’s Apprentices in the “great but not quite amazing” tier of Opeth’s stuff. Akerfeldt sounds like a Tyrannosaur during the first few minutes – to me these are the best growls in the business. Once the onslaught lets up, the trippy middle part with groovy bass gets me every time. Sadly I think the song goes downhill in its final act, but it’s still mostly quality Opeth.

I’m not a fan of Helloween’s singer’s voice at all (cliché power metal voice with no depth), but I’d be lying if I said the music here isn’t catchy. It goes on for far too long without variation, but that neoclassical Russian-sounding part near the end is splendid. On the other hand, I’ve been on a Porcupine Tree kick lately (beginning when I heard Arriving Somewhere But Not Here in this game a while back), but Stupid Dream is one album I’ve yet to listen to. This song is pretty solid. The big instrumental “choruses” remind me of Falling Into Infinity-era Dream Theater for some reason. It gets even better at 4:33 once the guitar stabs come in, and the solo has a cool vibe to it. The ending is stupid, though. Still, I’m gonna roll with the band I far prefer in Porcupine Tree, although I can see that it won’t matter in the end.

Lol. Here we have another classic tune from Dream Theater’s classic iconic album, with a classic tapped bass solo and a classic instrumental interlude where the entire band shines without ever getting too* masturbatory. That intro is classic, as are the choruses. I also really love the vocal part right before the final chorus, as well as the classic “death is the first dancing turtle” line. Opposite this we have Meshuggah, who have always done very little for me – and this is one of the better songs I’ve heard by them. I think I voted for them once when they were up against nu-metal or something, and I will at least give their musicians credit for having rhythmic talent. Super easy vote for the Dream Theater classic.

*relative to Jordan Rudess-era Dream Theater

Tornado of Souls is a top-tier Megadeth tune with an iconic solo and frenzied riffage. I love how the bass climbs during that last vocal part, too. It’s also one of the three best songs from Megadeth’s treasured golden nugget. Prophecy is a decent Iced Earth track, but it’s far from their best. Easy vote for Megadeth.

Dark Tranquility’s song started off awesome, and then the vocals and uncreative blast beats entered. It’s too bad, since the guitars are excellent in this song. But against Dante’s Inferno? One of Iced Earth’s best songs? No chance. I love when Barlow whispers “buried head first in shit” near the end, and when he barks “Lucifer!” and that pummeling riff comes in it’s just so bad ass. Like most IE songs from this era, though, the version from Alive in Athens is superior.
It's a shame that Prophecy is getting brutalised like that, it's the best track from Iced Earth's best album (still not my favorite song by the band though). Tornado of Souls however is without a doubt one of the greatest songs of all time and it deserves to go very far in the game.

Also great classics by SOAD, Helloween and especially Dream Theater in this round.
Toxicity is a great track, love the way they play around with the rhythm and dynamics, keeps you guessing. The Who isn’t metal, but My Generation is a good early influencer. Awesome bass solo.

I am surprised it’s close. Masters Apprentices, as I’ve mentioned already, is kinda everything great about Opeth wrapped into one track. Sepultura is one of those bands that have not impressed me in this game, so it’s an easy pick there.

Even Less isn’t one of my fav PT songs and it really doesn’t belong in this game. Say what you will about the band Helloween, but Halloween is an undeniable classic.

Metropolis is rightfully shutting out its opponent. Possibly the greatest Dream Theater track.

Pleasantly surprised to see Tornado of Souls demolishing the competition, although I notice @Night Prowler hasn’t voted yet. :D I was never a fan of the Iced Earth trilogies and this is no exception. Prophecy is good when it gets going, but it takes a long time to get there. Tornado of Souls is an onslaught from start to finish. A top 5 contender honestly.

Dante’s Inferno is in the small handful of Iced Earth songs that deserves to go far. Seeing it live was a revelation, I still consider it the best riffing in the IE catalog.
"Toxicity" is just fantastic from beginning to end, with its psychedelic verses and raging heavy chorus. Against The Who? Please. SOAD.


This is how you write a simple, straight-forward protest song. God DAMN did they go hard. Sepultura should win even against stronger Opeth material, frankly.

Tough match but Helloween have a classic here.

I'd love to vote for Meshuggah but damn, "Metropolis" is just so good. One of those moments where Dream Theater were firing on all cylinders (and frankly not much in the sequel rivals the original).

Marty's solo alone wins this match for Megadeth.

Dark Tranquillity's heavenly track extinguished Ahab, so it's time to send them straight to Hell. Iced Earth motherfuckers.
I just fundamentally don't like System Of A Down. I don't like Serj Tankian's voice or the quirks of his singing, and I generally don't like most of their songwriting choices. "Toxicity" does nothing to change this opinion of mine. The clean bit is nice, and the main riff is fine, but the singing is super annoying and the chorus sucks. The crunchy interlude toward the end is pretty good, at least. But overall, no sir, don't like it. "My Generation" is also not my kind of jam. The stuttery lead vocals and the whiny, cheesy background vocals aren't very appealing. Some of the vocal melodies are alright, and the interlude in the middle is OK, but the outro is pretty awful, and this isn't the kind of thing I would ever intentionally listen to. Not a fan of either track, but sorry Spam____not2.5, I think the list nominee has more mildly catchy elements, I suppose. Winner: The Who - "My Generation"

"Refuse/Resist" has some interesting percussion at the very beginning, but it soon devolves into a series of OK riffs with bad non-melodic vocals. The solo section has pep, but the solo itself isn't very good. Yeah, Sepultura pretty consistently sucks. "Master's Apprentices" lost me within the first minute as soon as Åkerfeldt opened his mouth with that incredibly grating, extra-coarse Cookie Monster impression of his. The first couple minutes of the track are pretty boring, but then the proggier instrumentals come in and the music stays pretty interesting afterward. Yes, tease me with splashes of great clean vocals and show me how much better this track could have been without the Sesame Street posing. Luckily for @Mosh, his nominee's competitor is particularly weak, so the Muppet tax isn't enough to throw this match, and the strength of the music wins out. Winner: Opeth - "Master's Apprentices"

"Halloween" is clearly the better of the two epics from the original Keeper albums. The music is consistently strong and often great. The verses are a bit of a mess, but the pre-chorus is good, chorus 1 is excellent, and chorus 2 gets the job done. The various interludes and bridges through the middle section are also consistently strong, and the song feels like it follows a coherent through line and earns its runtime. The production is a bit weak, especially the wimpy-ass bass sound and the cringey backing vocals in a couple of parts, but on the whole this is a very good track. "Even Less" is generally bright and epic, despite the darker subject matter. It's well executed across the board, and I really like the sparse interlude that flows into the feely guitar lead later on. The outro is suitably creepy. Really good stuff. I could probably go either way on this one, but sorry @The Dissident, I think BlogmasMyBargedno5's nominee has a bit more going on and is more explicitly metal. Winner: Helloween - "Halloween"

"Metropolis, Part I: The Miracle And The Sleeper" is one of the highlights of Images And Words, managing to be both complex and minimally masturbatory, with memorable melodies and a clear through line on the songwriting. Excellent song. "Broken Cog" starts off interestingly with an odd-rhythm chug and some nice color work on top. The spoken word verses work well, and the interlude is pretty groovy, but then screamy guy shows up and takes a dump on the tail end of the song. The spoken word outro works much better. Certainly one of the least annoying Meshuggah songs I've heard, but sorry @Night Prowler, it can't compete with DJooseCameson's nominee. Winner: Dream Theater - "Metropolis, Part I: The Miracle And The Sleeper"

"Tornado Of Souls" is a tour de force, showcasing everything that made Megadeth great in 1990. Killer riffs, amazing lead playing, and pretty catchy vocal melodies. Love the little harmonized section before the solo, and the solo itself is the stuff of legend. Excellent song. "Prophecy" starts off like a Blaze-era Maiden song, but with Barlow hamming it up. God, he sounds terrible on those low weepy notes. OK, I'm already bored with the verse by 2:40. Then we get a more uptempo Priest lead in Maiden dressing and some annoyingly shouty choruses with no hooks. The dual guitar interlude is nice, as is the outro piece. Another very mixed bag that wears its influences on its sleeve. No contest here, an extremely easy win for Cogfeno5get's nominee. Winner: Megadeth - "Tornado Of Souls"

“Dante’s Inferno” embodies the same pros and cons as most Iseditionist Earth songs — nice guitar work and some cool thrashy riffage, half strong and half hammy vocals, and consistently weak songwriting that comes off like a ransom note of unrelated parts pasted together without a common through line. I started checking the clock with some frequency about halfway through, because this thing wasn’t really going anywhere, despite having a number of nice sections along the way. Doesn’t really merit its runtime — I think everything it had to say musically could have been wrapped up in 6 or 7 minutes. Not bad overall, though. "Punish My Heaven" starts off with some neoclassical promise, but then the cut time drumming and higher-pitched Cookie Monster stuff starts. There are some nice guitar leads in here for sure, but the song feels pretty disjointed in places. The clean wail in the middle was welcome, and the atmospheric interlude toward the end is great. Actually, the whole second half of the song works much better than the first. Despite a decent showing, I have to say sorry @KiDDo, but Confe____no5's nominee is ultimately more listenable. Winner: Iseditionist Earth - "Dante's Inferno"
I much prefer The Who in general to System of a Down, but "Toxicity" is probably the song that best represents the latter's style, even if it's not exactly my favourite. Usually I refrain from the whole "is it metal or not" debate, but in a Greatest Metal Song Cup, I will pick "Toxicity" over "My Generation", which is iconic, but not The Who's best anyway. SOAD.

I don't recall being that impressed with "Master's Apprentices" the last time around, but I found myself enjoying it far more now. The opening is wonderfully heavy, the cleaner parts very good, but the ending once again drags on for far too long. "Refuse/Resist" is Sepultura doing what I was expecting them to do, and also enjoyable enough for what it is, but I think I'm leaning more towards Opeth today.

Porcupine Tree does absolutely nothing for me. AAAH! - it's Helloween.

Fuck. I knew "Metropolis Part 1" was good, but I had forgotten just how good. Every little part of it is so integral to the overall flow; nothing feels out of place, and it never drags. Definitely the best song on Images and Words, and possibly Dream Theater's best song of all time. It's a waste of time to even consider "Broken Cog", because Meshuggah just cannot compete in any way here. Easiest of easiest votes for Dream Theater.

Megadeth. The weakest song in the Something Wicked-trilogy can't do anything against "Tornado of Souls" and its fantastic riffs, amazingly catchy chorus and one of the greatest solos of all time.

"Dante's Inferno" is one of those rare songs where you never notice the runtime. It could be twice as long as it already is, and I wouldn't care - right from the sinister opening it just grabs you and never lets go. I love everything about it, but in Schaffer's grand catalogue of amazing riffs, special mention goes to the one just before the solos, and also the riff that kicks in and then harmonizes right before the "Down! Be still thy cursed wolf" bit. And the "Imagine a place where every horror comes to life" part just never fails to send shivers down my spine. Oh, wait, was there another song in this match? Sorry, I was too busy voting for Iced Earth to notice.
Toxicity is another wild and wacky System song that ends up being way catchier and more interesting than it has any right to be. My Generation, though classic, doesn’t belong in this game.

Master’s Apprentices contains some of the most relentless and brutal music by Opeth. It’s also a little bit too long, a little too repetitive and monotonous despite its heaviness. The good riffs are absolutely stellar, though, and I still rate it pretty highly as it works overall. No chance for Sepultura.

Sorry, folks, I just don’t get Helloween. Halloween is an absolute mess. The vocals are terribly obnoxious. I find some enjoyment in the instrumental solo bit towards the end that sounds like a bad video game, but the recording is so sloppy that it’s hard to say it’s “good”. I’m no Steven Wilson fanboy, but Even Less is the much better song here, even if it is far less metallic. I’m sure Helloween will win, but at least the Porcupine Trees song feels like a composition rather than a bunch of non-dynamic shrill layers of shite.

Metropolis is a tour de force of musicianship. Some of the best music for musicians ever made. Every instrumental note is genius and executed to perfection. I still hold the opinion that the vocal melodies are below Dream Theater’s usual standard. No faulting LaBrie, who is in his prime here, but Petrucci’s lyrics are just so ridiculously unmusical that it’s almost impossible for the vocals to sit well in the song. It’s like LaBrie is just making up melodies in a stream of consciousness. It’s very 90s in that way. Still, class song. By comparison, Broken Cog, also music for musicians, sounds like cavemen.

Prophecy is a great song, but it cannot compete with the mighty Tornado of Souls. Sorry, Barlow. You don’t deserve to lose to Dave Mustaine’s voice, but thems the breaks.

Dante’s Inferno kicks ass once it gets going, but I’d never call it one of my favorite Iced Earth songs. I agree with others who have said that it does not justify its length. It gets lost under the weight of the same triplet chug riffs over and over again, but at least that last two minutes is awesome. Overall, it’s fine. But as far as epics go I’d rate this one similar to Opeth’s Black Rose Immortal: good for what it is, but far too ambitious for the level of songwriting at the time. Ultimately, I guess I still prefer it to Punish My Heaven, even if I love the instrumental on the Dark Tranquility track. Unfortunately the vocals drag it down.
The kids are alright as System Of A Down becomes the Sun and shines into our hearts with Toxicity. Sepultura Refuse/Resist Master's Apprentice from hurling tanks on the streets, on a no man's land. Helloween may have spelt 'Halloween' wrong in their name but makes Porcupine Tree blush by making a longer song than them and makes their chances Even (more) Less in the tournament. Meshuggah finds itself swimming in a lake of fire and that too with a broke cog (whatever that means) against Dream Theater's Metropolis Pt.1. Megadave makes the call as Iced Earth gets blown away in the eye of the Tornado (Of Souls). Iced Earth shows Dark Tranquility who can better rip Iron Maiden harmonies into their songs and punishes their heaven with Prophecy!

Take your time @LooseCannon I have you covered.
The kids are alright as System Of A Down becomes the Sun and shines into our hearts with Toxicity. Sepultura Refuse/Resist Master's Apprentice from hurling tanks on the streets, on a no man's land. Helloween may have spelt 'Halloween' wrong in their name but makes Porcupine Tree blush by making a longer song than them and makes their chances Even (more) Less in the tournament. Meshuggah finds itself swimming in a lake of fire and that too with a broke cog (whatever that means) against Dream Theater's Metropolis Pt.1. Megadave makes the call as Iced Earth gets blown away in the eye of the Tornado (Of Souls). Iced Earth shows Dark Tranquility who can better rip Iron Maiden harmonies into their songs and punishes their heaven with Prophecy!

Thank you, Siddharth. I'm back now and we can assume updates will proceed at their usual pace. Thank you all for your patience.

Part II, Round 1, Matches 79-84

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 79
Revelations Division​
Accept - Balls to the Wall
Boston - More Than a Feeling​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, VH1 40, Best Music Art 100
Radio EHS 100​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 80
Speed of Light Division​
Judas Priest - Exciter
Queen - The March of the Black Queen​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 81
Moonchild Division​
Rainbow - Stargazer
Grand Magus - Fear is the Key​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Radio EHS 100, Rate Your Music 100, Best Music Art 100
@Mosh, @The Dissident, @MrKnickerbocker, @Black Bart, @____no5, @The Sentient, @LooseCannon, @DJMayes, @Poto, @KiDDo
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 82
Nights of the Dead Division​
Mercyful Fate - The Oath
Black Sabbath - Hand of Doom​
Popoff 500, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100, Best Music Art 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 83
Remember Tomorrow Division​
Judas Priest - Victim of Changes
Dark Funeral - Atrum Regina​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100, DigitalDreamDoor 100, Rate Your Music 100
@Black Bart
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 1
Match 84
Stranger in a Strange Land Division​
Deep Purple - Highway Star
Ted Nugent - Cat Scratch Fever​
Popoff 500, Radio EHS 100, Best Music Art 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
I know I've praised Accept in the past and I still think that they deserve more love than they get on this forum, but Balls to the Wall was always among my least favourite albums of their "classic" era. It was a huge hit in America, IIRC, but to me it always felt like way too much mid-tempo, mid-melodious, just an overall meh album. The title track is... hilarious. I'll go with the Boston track here, overplayed as it is (and much as I'd rather have Peace of Mind, for example, in the cup), it's much more fun.


Going with Loosey's pick, as one of the most creative things in Queen's catalogue and one of their few attempts at prog (along with A Prophet's Song and Innuendo, I guess). Exciter is good, 70s Priest can't do wrong, really, but it's much more run of the mill.


I feel really sorry about srfc, I genuinely love Grand Magus, they're a great band, however, it's against fucking Stargazer. Stargazer. Just look at the list of fucking nominators. Honestly, it's justified, I know I always said I love the Rainbow debut the most (and I still probably do overall, as an album), this is such a fine track with Blackmore and Dio overdoing themselves I just can't vote otherwise. I'm really sorry.


Don't Break the Oath and Abigail are pretty much the only albums with King Diamond I rather like and The Oath slaps, the funny vocals notwithstanding. Hand of Doom is among my least favourite tracks off my least favourite Sabbath album (as far as the immaculate 6 "self-titled->Sabotage"). I'm really inclined to go with the band bias anyway, but nah, I'll make @Diesel 11 happy and will vote for The Oath.


Despite stating a moment ago that 70s Priest can't do no wrong (and that's still true), Victim of Changes always felt a bit overrated to me. However, I saw the album cover to the Dark Funeral track and I just instinctively knew I'd go with Priest here. Sorry, Per (you know I often try to support your picks, as long as I don't have to bend myself over too much)


Lol, Highway Star. I mean, the band with Blackmore and Lord vs Ted fucking Nugent? I don't really think so.