The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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"The Thing That Should Not Be" is an unusually slow and moody number for early Metallica. The riffs are good and the clean guitar and vocal lines make things suitably creepy. There's a little more repetition than necessary, and the solo is a bit unfocused outside of the middle eastern bit, but the atmospheric bits are great. It also inspired one of the greatest parody mash-ups of all time, Beatallica's "The Thing That Should Not Let It Be". Very good overall. "More Than Meets The Eye" isn't exactly a...transformative piece of art, but the driving groove is nice, the solo is very good, and the vocals and vocal melodies are competent, if uninspiring. Pretty good overall, but sorry @Spambot, I think the list nominee is better. Winner: Metallica - "The Thing That Should Not Be"

"Dark Art" has a wonderfully creepy piano intro that bursts into a bombastic, sinister groove. This unfortunately twists into more of a queasy robotic rhythm with weird orchestration and Cookie Monster vocals. The clean vocals are more palatable, but aren't very refined. Then we go full movie soundtrack with the Cookie Monster stuff and I almost feel like I'm listening to an Anette-era Nightwish album while someone aggressively gargles next to me. Well, that was definitely different, I'll give it that much. "The Killchain" is more Bolt Thrower, and it sure sounds like Bolt Thrower. The main riff and groove are great, and the Cookie Monster stuff is ridiculous as usual. It's pretty repetitive and doesn't go much of anywhere, though. Not a fan of either track, but sorry @DJ James, I think @Wogmidget's nominee was more unique and interesting. Winner: Septicflesh - "Dark Art"

"FullMoon" has strong vocal melodies, but the singer's accent is really strong to the point of distraction, and the synths are used in a pretty cheesy way. The "run away" bit in the chorus is also really cheesy. The first guitar solo is great, though, and has nice interaction with the bass. The tradeoff guitar and synth solo is less appealing because of the cheesy synth tone. It's certainly catchy and has a lot of positive elements. "Hunting High And Low" has a nice driving synth-infused groove at the start. This singer also has a noticeable accent, though it doesn't get in the way as much as the competitor's vocalist's does. The vocal melodies here are pretty good, but not quite on the same level as the other song. The drumming also plods in the same pattern to the point of annoyance. Still pretty good overall, but nothing special. I guess both of these songs are pretty good with some clear weaknesses, but congratusorrylations @DJMayes, I think the Sonata Arctica track's higher highs win the day here. Winner: Sonata Arctica - "FullMoon"

"No Love Lost" has predictably interesting riffs but predictably bad vocals. Some of the riffs are pleasantly funky, but others feel like place-holding crunch. The solo is technically impressive but doesn't really grab me, and I'm not sure this really holds together well as a song. "Fields Of Blood, Harvester Of Hate" brings the fire early, but soon gets into less interesting but still punchy riffs. The vocals stink, as expected. I like the more prominent role of the bass here, as well as the solo bass interlude, and the songwriting in general is a lot more interesting, if a bit unfocused in places. The guitar trilling bits aren't the best, especially when they hit out-of-tune harmonies; though at least they try a few ambitious things with melodic and harmonic interactions. Not a fan of either song, but this is still an easy call for @Magnus's nominee. Winner: Sentenced - "Fields Of Blood, Harvester Of Hate"

"Lorelei" has a nice driving melodic groove that opens up into an equally nice atmospheric verse. I don't know what's going on with the spoken word vocals for most of the verse, and the goth chorus with the low male vocals and high pixie female vocals sounded a bit icky at first, but I warmed up to it pretty quickly. Good song overall. "Ghosts" has a nice bass and clean guitar opener, and perfectly reasonable if uninspiring gothy vocals. I like the melodic leads that drive the chorus, and the interludes are also good. I kept girding myself for some kind of shouting, cackling, or growling to appear, but outside of a single scream this was a surprisingly well-behaved nominee for @Night Prowler. Sorry, @MindRuler, this was a close one, but I think @Night Prowler's choice was a little stronger. Winner: Paradise Lost - "Ghosts"

"Bulls On Parade" is pretty typical Rage Against The Machine -- 2 or 3 prominent, simplistic, fat riffs repeated to the point of annoyance, with pretty reasonable rapping that also falls into an overly repetitive refrain. The DJ scratch guitar solo is simultaneously kind of interesting and unintentionally funny. I don't know, there seems to be about 2 minutes' worth of musical ideas in this 4 minute long song. It's OK. "Sabotage" is also repetitive with the guitars and vocals, but not to the same degree, and the little guitar and synth/sample breaks are more interesting. It also leans into its silliness rather than taking itself all seriously like Rage does, which seems to work better for this type of sound. I don't actively dislike either song, but the Beastie Boys delivered something noticeably more enjoyable to me. Winner: Beastie Boys - "Sabotage"
I always thought Thing That Should Not Be was a pretty big blemish on an otherwise great album, especially after the onslaught that is Battery/Master of Puppets - probably their finest 15 minutes or however long it is. You hear hints of what is to come with the Black Album and I just find that the midtempo sound of those tracks is kinda bland compared to the first of their uptempo thrashers. Frankly just kinda encapsulates why Metallica largely isn't one of my favorite bands. Not really sure what it's doing on a greatest Metal song list when there are at least 4 or 5 other songs from this album alone that could be at least top 20 contenders. So even though I'm not a big Testament fan at all, they're going into this with a pretty big advantage because it won't take much to convince me to vote against Metallica here. Overall though it doesn't take much convincing because More Than Meets the Eye is far away one of the more enjoyable Testament tracks I've heard and actually the first time one of these Testament songs has made interested in checking out a full album. The riffing is great and while I'm not a big Chuck Billy fan, he sounds fantastic on this song. A lot of what I miss from their early albums is memorable riffing and some vocal hooks, this song has plenty of this. As usual, Alex Skolnick is the main event for me and he delivers a textbook shred solo. Pleasant surprise here!

SepticFlesh might be the Metal band that best incorporates orchestral ideas. Where orchestras are often there for padding, the orchestrations on these SepticFlesh albums feel like a vital piece of the music and fully integrated with the rest of the band. It's actually amazing. Dark Art is relentless and epic, like all of their other work. I'm a big fan. On the other side of things, Bolt Thrower is one of those bands that have long been on my list and I may have even listened to a little bit, but haven't really taken the plunge. The main riff and groove of The Killchain is undeniable. This is a really solid track and I am definitely going to check out this album again (it has been recommended countless times), but I have to give it to Dark Art for the epic orchestrations. Super close though.

Sonata Arctica is another band that I have been tangentially familiar with but never really checked out, although I am familiar with FullMoon. I feel like it's a really great song. Great hook, some really nice melodies, really nice interplay between the keys and guitar. The vocals are just a little much. It almost sounds like a parody of power metal vocals. There's always some level of cheese involved, but they really take it to the next level. But once the song gets going I'm too busy headbanging to care. Hunting High and Low is along the same lines, all the cheese but none of the interesting songwriting, which I've found to be pretty typical of Stratovarious. It just kinda plods along without any melodies I can really grab on to and really annoying vocals without any of the character of the Sonata Arctica guy. FullMoon takes it no problem.

I love the Heartwork album but I wouldn't say No Love Lost is one of my favorite tracks. It's a nice groovy riff but kinda loses me early on. On the other hand, Sentenced is constantly engaging and reminds me of the more technical Death Metal ala Atheist that I love. Just lots of excellent riffing, unpredictable rhythmic twists and turns, and a bass player who is way too funky for this music. Fields of Blood, Harvester of Hate is a clear favorite here. This song goes places!

So I guess Lorelai features lyrics written in early modern english? That's really funny but also kinda cool. I would be even more impressed with it if I could actually understand the lyrics instead of them being buried in reverb. I really like the main riff and the vibe that this song establishes, but the vocals are awful. Both vocalists sound bored and, like I said, it's so overproduced and simultaneously low in the mix that I can't really understand anything they're saying. I actually really want to like this song because I think it sets up a really unique and interesting vibe, but the vocals really kill it for me unfortunately.

I've tried Paradise Lost many times and they don't really do a lot for me in general. It's a little too grimy for me, for lack of a better word. Once again, a lot of it comes down to the vocalists. Way too monotonous and overall I just find the music lacks a lot of energy. Drums are cool, but beyond that I don't find a lot of it interesting. I'm not in love with either song but I'm actually going to give it to Lorelai for at least being more unique (and more enjoyable than Ghosts when you take the vocals out of both).

Well, I guess we couldn't go an entire round without getting some false Metal songs. :ninja: I actually really enjoy both artists and songs so this is a pretty tough matchup. Sabotage is definitely one of those songs that has suffered by being used so frequently as a needle drop for movie trailers, but it is a really cool track with a great flow. Ad-Rock has great flow, but he's no Zack de la Rocha. Bulls on Parade, while not my favorite Rage song, has more to say and that puts it over the edge for me.
Thingie is one of those tunes that works better in the sequence of the album than as a standalone track. The vibe is amazing, it’s about Lovecraftian lore, the riffs hit hard, and Kirk has a very fitting solo. But it’s way too long. Coming back for 2 more minutes of verse and chorus after the bridge is just too much. It actually feels more like a modern Metallica song in that regard. More Than Meets The Eye lacks a little in the catchiness department, but it doesn’t waste a single second. The guitars are on absolute fire and the song never lets you go. Despite the classic status of Master of Puppets as an album, I’m gonna give this to Testament as the underdog.

Dark Art feels like the soundtrack to a gothic action horror film that is occasionally a metal song. I’m actually kind of into it. I’m not sure it all works, but the atmosphere and overall batshit nature of the composition intrigues me. Bolt Thrower commits a massive crime by having a fade IN on a full band thrash riff. Come on, y’all. Do better. But the main riff after that fucking rules. Unfortunately the song never lives up to the strength of the main riff. It does nothing for me, so I’m gonna give to Septicflesh.

Fullmoon is a very engaging song with a great structure, epic feel, and a lot of power and emotion. It’s the kind of power metal I’m completely onboard with, grandiose and ridiculous but with an undercurrent of darkness. The vocals are alright. They’re striving for something they can’t really produce, but I guess that’s part of the charm. I’m actually glad LC placed the re-recorded version here, as I prefer it. The vocals have more depth (but are still stretching) and the production is vastly superior. The guitar solo and keyboard duel are absolutely stellar. Sure, the lyrics are quite poor, but at the end of the day this song really won me over. Am I crazy or do I hear this chorus influencing the hell out of Seventh Wonder? Compared to this, Hunting High and Low just fails miserably. It sounds so very twee, especially that major key turn in the pre-chorus. I’m not onboard with this. I’m putting on my life vest.

No Love Lost has great guitar work and a heavier than hell instrumental, but the vocals are just horribly not my thing. Sentenced are light years more technical and their instrumental is equally pummelling while dabbling in a hefty dose of prog. The vocals are just as terrible as Carcass, but the music is vastly more interesting. I mean, the bassist alone deserves to win the round.

Theatre of Tragedy were smoking something very high quality while making this song. They’re combining goth rock, alt rock, shades of new wave, fucking Middle English lyrics, and proto-Lacuna Coil vibes. It’s a bit too ridiculous for me, and not in a fun cheesy way. Paradise Lost have a similar tune, but it rocks so much harder.

Bulls on Parade is one of many killer RATM tunes that just crushes you the whole time. Yeah, if broken down it all feels very basic, but this band had an aggressive, groovy magic that few can capture. This song is just pure fire. Sabotage is good fun, but I’m pretty sure the music video is better than the song. It’s a cool tune, but I’m not voting for the Beastie Boys in a metal game.
Metallica - The Thing That Should Not Be vs Testament - More Than Meets the Eye. Second best pair of the round. Testament delivers the better song.
Septicflesh - Dark Art vs Bolt Thrower - The Killchain
Sonata Arctica - Full Moon vs Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low
Carcass - No Love Lost vs Sentenced - Fields of Blood, Harvester of Hate
Theatre of Tragedy - Lorelei vs Paradise Lost - Ghosts
Rage Against the Machine - Bulls on Parade vs Beastie Boys - Sabotage What a pair! Voted for Sabotage, breakthrough song and video. :notworthy:
The Thing That Should Not Be has always been an odd Metallica song for me. Maybe because of the type of vocals. Kirk with a great solo.

Another epic clash between Stratovarius and Sonata Arctica, with two of their best songs imo. Just listen to those choruses, especially FullMoon's one. I mean, what more could a song ask for! It's impossible to decide, the little details will make the difference.
Bolt Thrower commits a massive crime by having a fade IN on a full band thrash riff. Come on, y’all. Do better.
The fade-in really makes it for me. Also, the fade-in is sort of a tradition they do with a handful of their songs. Same riff and everything usually, off the top of my head I know World Eater and Cenotaph are in this saga. Icon or Embers from IVth Crusade too, can’t remember which one.

It is odd though, in just about every heavy metal circle I know, Bolt Thrower is like the be-all, end-all of death metal. And The Killchain is one of their best tracks. In fact, that riff is one of my favorite riffs ever. Maybe when more Europeans wake up and check this site, the votes will swing in its favor, but I am very surprised it is losing right now.
Metallica - The Thing That Should Not Be vs. Testament - More Than Meets the Eye
I've never been a huge fan of The Thing That Should Not Be, it's the second weakest on Puppets after Leper Messiah, but that's all related to the strength of the rest of the tracks. I recognise the woah woahs at the start of the Testament track, so I've heard it before or they're ripping themselves off. The solo is good, it was always going to be good, but it other wise feels like a solid album track at best. The Thing That Should Not Be

Septicflesh - Dark Art vs. Bolt Thrower - The Killchain

Septicflesh didn't interest me at all. This is the best sounding Bolt Thrower that's been in the game, and I'm guessing the tuning isn't anywhere near as low as on the other tracks, which again adds to the better production. The Killchain

Sonata Arctica - FullMoon vs. Stratovarius - Hunting High and Low

Sonata Arctica has a vibe that sounds a bit like the Wind Beneath My Wings mixed with Highway to the Danger Zone, I realise that sounds like ridicule but I mean it as a compliment, there's much more going for this than the usual identikit Power Metal carry on. I recognise the Run Away part so I presume it's some sort of a well known hit, solo is great and even the keys aren't as shit as keys usually are (but would undoubtedly be improved by having a real guitar solo instead). Hunting High and Low also kicks in with an 80s pop rock vibe too, almost Billy Idol, again I'm pretty sure I recognise this one too. I could dig Power Metal a bit more if there was more in the sort of register of these two tracks, a bit disappointed that some shite from the other Power Metal rounds will go through and one of these tracks is knocked out. FullMoon

Carcass - No Love Lost vs. Sentenced - Fields of Blood, Harvester of Hate

A mate had that 4 track ep. when it was out at the time, and I used to kind of like this track and Heartwork at the time, I don't really remember it now listening to it though, and can't really see what made it stand out at the time bar the "when all is said and done" hook. The Sentenced track is much better straight away, and there's a lot of it doesn't click with me but there's far more going on than on No Love Lost, there's a kind of black metally bit in the middle that has good production which kinds of asks why don't black metal bands get some good production so we can hear what they are up to. Fields of Blood, Harvester of Hate

Theatre of Tragedy - Lorelei vs. Paradise Lost - Ghosts

@MindRuler this is pretty good stuff, it reminds me of a new band I discovered in the last couple of years and have a track (i think) nominated from, Unto Others, check them out. I like the vibe of goth but there's usually not enough going on musically for me to keep paying attention to it, but when rock or metal bands dip their toe into goth I usually like it and will definitely check out more of this. And they can even spell theatre. This Paradise Lost track is pretty good too, but veers a bit more towards goth and metal elements that I'm not a big fan of. Lorelei

Rage Against the Machine - Bulls on Parade vs. Beastie Boys - Sabotage

Bulls on Parade is probably the best rage song that isn't on their first album, the pissed off Led Zep main riff and the wah hook are great. Sabotage is great too, not as great, and certainly I'm in favour of fitting as many things under the umbrella of metal for this game, but I think a song from a hip hop act is maybe pushing it, and surely Fight For Your Right or No Sleep 'til Brooklyn are better options anyway if you're going to allow a beastie boys track. Bulls on Parade
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Match 199 - Testament
Every time someone mentions Thing That Should Not Be I make a mistake and place it somewhere in S/T-Load-Reload era. Nothing wrong with this one, but it's a bit plodding. I planned to vote for Testament anyway and then saw that I actually nominated it. I don't have idea why. Maybe because it's one of the rare trash post-2000 songs/albums that sounds like I think trash should sound in post-2000.

Match 200 - Septicflesh
This is second time I've come upon Bolt Thrower in this tournament and TBH, I just don't see the appeal. Maybe, if I came across them earlier or if I was listening to music when those albums came out I might have and different opinion. Septicflesh has that apocalyptic atmosphere going for it.

Match 201 - Sonata Arctica
I remember Ecliptica sounding much much different and then saw it is a re-recording. Or maybe I've mistaken this one with some other albums. Even if I expected it to be much more melodic it's still better than Stratovarius.

Match 202 - Sentenced
"No Love Lost" is the only song I remember from the only album I've heard from Carcass. It's OK-ish. Sentenced' title of the song should be enough to win this one.

Match 203 - Paradise Lost
Wouldn't vote for Paradise Lost if Lorelai wasn't such a abomination. Somebody should say this the guy who "sings" in Theater of Pain: "It's OK, right? You don't have to be a singer, you don't have to sing. There's plenty of things to do in this world, if you don't want to sing - you don't have to. There's no universal guidebook for life, so there's a huge choice of things you can do. Or you don't even to do anything. Nothing wrong with wasting your days, occasionally finding something that interests you and then lose that interest and just wander through life until you die. But if anything like this singing happens around me again, you're gonna get slapped. Or if I hear something like this I'm gonna slap a speaker. Or myself."

Match 204 - Rage Against the Machine
I can not listen to Sabotage without visualizing in my head one of the best (if not the best!) music videos of all time. I know it's been used in movies a lot (at the moment, I can only think of one of those newer Star Trek movies where it was a really nice touch). On the other hand RATM's song is just so full of energy (and funky bass licks in one part) that I can not ignore how fun it is. If your head doesn't, at least, bob on this one - you're an European with no blood running through your veins. Go eat a mummy.