The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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God DAMN Worship the Warship. Is it too late to change nominations LC?

Alright, I'll be real I was expecting this to be a decisive victory for Worship the Warship. It seems that I did grow used to many of the tropes, and that Together We Rise is in fact cheesier than normal. Worship has whatever the cheese equivalent of "higher highs" is: the electronic intro with robot vocals, verses going between chugga and a stupid keyboard riff like four times. The stupid title of course, and overdramatic vocals. The worst offender is whatever is a 30 second repetition of a riff with the worst fucking keyboard sound ever on top, followed by a sing-along drum break. 4:17 if you're interested.

Together We Rise doesn't have a lot of those. What it does have is great imagery. The rhythm section is the key. It evokes the image of dwarves pounding with hammers, and the singer does a great deal to solidify it. Solid voice and fitting melodic lines, and it's catchy to boot. I don't get any of this from Deep Sun. I mean, they have a dystopian thing going on, but the cheese comes primarily from the song being bad.

So, which is cheesier? Bad music, or cheesy themes? I will consult a friend. I swear this is the end.
1. How can you not vote for "Ian Gillian"
2. Demolition Hammer.
3. Death, no question.
4. Mastodon, because proboscideans, and water in a trunk still tastes better than DT.
5. Thoroughly enjoyed both. Voted for the member-nominated song in the end.
6. Really, really hated both. Wind Rose win on costumes.
Born Again has some (or most) of my favorite Gillan vocals on it. He just sounds wicked and evil on most tracks, and his screams are insane. Zero the Hero maybe isn't his best performance on the album, but it has fantastic guitar work instead.
"Zero the Hero" wasn't as bad as I remembered it to be. Some good guitarwork on it. Still way too long and plodding and Gillan's voice is just not vibing on this track. Wish we had the Cannibal Corpse cover here instead. Armored Saint weren't perfect but they did kick some ass and Bush's voice is killer.

Not what I expected at all from Kreator. How is this the same band that made Pleasure to Kill? This just sounds German. Demolition Hammer have a shitty vocalist but man this is some chunky guitarwork, I love it. Also dips a little into death metal territory, seriously good stuff.

Tough third round, man oh man. "Scavenger of Human Sorrow" is a madhouse opening track to what was, five or so years ago, my absolute favorite album. It still holds up quite well, even if some transitions are a little jank. The older I've gotten the more obvious Chuck's writing patterns have become [riff - verse - pre-chorus - pre-chorus - pre-chorus - chorus - bridge - solo - verse - pre-chorus - pre-chorus - pre-chorus - chorus - possibly bridge again - sudden end], but this is one of those songs that slays regardless. Richard Christy is an octopus, his drumming is insane. Maybe too insane, but I still love his work. Chuck's higher range is also strong as shit. Such a great song overall. Cannibal Corpse really brought it too, though. Corpsegrinder's voice is awesome on this track, great chorus, that final held note is cool as hell. Wish I could vote for both songs, this is really a masterclass matchup here between the two most famous bands in the death metal canon. Still, given its significance in my life, and because I have to actually vote for a @KidInTheDark666 nominee at SOME point in this game (is this the first time?), I shall cast my lots in with Death.

Another tough round. "Divinations" is incredibly tight from Mastodon, a band who I've never really given many spins aside from Leviathan, cuz Moby Dick. "The Spirit Carries On" is a classic for a reason, though. The chorus gives me literal chills, it's so beautiful, lyrically too. Of course "Victoria's real! I finally feel!" is silly, but it's definitely one of the best songs on Metropolis Pt. 2. But man I really wish they had a different vocalist because I cannot take LaBrie seriously at all. "Spirit" has way higher highs, but "Divinations" has better vocals and I think is a little better-rounded overall, so I'll go with Mastodon, especially since I'm sure they're about to lose hard.

Two really interesting thrash tunes from a Scottish NWOBHM band called Holocaust (nominated by a German of all things!) that feels like a precursor to early Metallica ("Seek & Destroy" especially). I enjoyed both; "Death or Glory" was stronger as a whole, while "Heavy Metal Mania" had a great build-up. I think I'll go with the track currently losing, so that's a vote for "Death or Glory". May have to check them out further.

Finally, the power metal battalion. Wind Rose is the "Diggy Diggy Hole" meme band. I kinda hate their whole shtick. This song straddles a fine line between awful and "hey, these rhythms and melodies actually work. sorta." But it just goes on forever. I wasn't 100% sold on Roy Khan but he's doing some really good clean, soft vocals and it's amazing how this track builds. By the final chorus I'm in chills. EASY vote for Kamelot (almost wrote Epica lmao) and I might go and check them out further. Had only heard "March of Mephisto" up till now.

And finally finally, Deep Sun's "Worship the Warship". Incredible that a song with such an amazing title could be so plodding and filled with power/symphonic tropes I've already heard bettered before in Nightwish and Sabaton. In good conscience, I cannot vote for this track, so I will instead toss my vote to its competitor,
"Warzone" has great riffs, and the verse vocal line is pretty good, but the vocal melodies kind of fall apart on the pre-chorus and chorus. The solos are good, but not great. The soft, neutered bass tone also isn't my favorite. "Zero The Hero" has simple but effective riffs, but the vocal lines stink outside of the chorus, which is merely OK. The solo has some great moments, but it's uneven and way too long. The song also goes on and on, way past the point where its musical ideas have run out. Not thrilled with either song, but @MrKnickerbocker's nominee is a bit better overall. Winner: Armored Saint - "Warzone"

"Skull Fracturing Nightmare" has periodically cool riffage with super-annoying non-melodic thrash/punk vocals and equally annoying cut-time drumming. The song is also pretty aimless, meandering around through its different parts without much direction. "Endorama" has a nice tense opening, but the barely melodic chorus vocals sound ridiculous. I like the melodic lead in the middle, but where the hell are the riffs? Once again, not a fan of either track, but sorry @DJ James, I think I found @MindRuler's nominee to be a bit less annoying. Winner: Kreator - "Endorama"

"Scavenger Of Human Sorrow" gets a little too clever with the rhythmic play, to the point where it borders on incoherence at times. The vocals are terrible, as expected, though I've heard much worse. The songwriting approach is also needlessly chaotic, though there are a number of cool guitar bits sprinkled throughout, including the rhythmically stable parts with strong leads and the first part of the solo. But on the whole it's too long, too directionless, and too unhinged to be enjoyable. "They Deserve To Die" has less interesting riffs and more annoying Cookie Monster vocals with a heaping side dish of crappy cut-time drumming. The ending solo was perhaps the most appealing thing about the entire song. Both tracks are fundamentally bad songs, but @KidInTheDark666's nominee at least had a few more interesting elements to latch on to. Winner: Death - "Scavenger Of Human Sorrow"

"Divinations" has dope riffs and a cool solo, but the singer during the verses is pretty bad, and the vocal lines are merely OK. The bright backing guitar during the first chorus with the better singer feels a little out of place, too. Still a pretty good song overall. "The Spirit Carries On" is schmaltzy, and LaBrie sounds like he's putting on half of a British accent at the beginning. The solo's great, though, and makes up about a third of the song. Ew, this part with the backing singers sounds really cheesy, though. Yeah, sorry @DJMayes, but I can't get behind a song that's 1/3 dope and 2/3 nope, so I'll be going with @Spambot's nominee here. Winner: Mastodon - "Divinations"

Well, climb me like a monkey, it's "Death Or Glory"! The riffs are simple but effective. The vocals are OK, though I'm not keen on the punky, barely melodic delivery. The solo is pretty meh too. "Heavy Metal Mania" has better melodies, though the weirdly phrased and half-sung delivery isn't the best. The anemic singing and slower pace also doesn't really line up with the lyrics, but this song is clearly catchier than its opponent (though Gamma Ray's cover absolutely slays the original). An easy call for @Perun's nominee. Winner: Holocaust - "Heavy Metal Mania"

"Together We Rise" has a pretty good opening that builds nicely, but it diggy diggies itself a hole pretty quickly afterward. The accents are thick and the lyrics and delivery are cheesy as fuck, though the melodies are pretty good and the folky interlude is cool. Better than I expected, but not something I could take even a little bit seriously. "Wander" is a crisp, classy affair with nice melodies, strong vocal performances, and a pretty great solo. It gets a bit too repetitive by the end, and I can't say that it wowed me or anything, but it was a very solid track. Sorry, @LooseCannon, but your nominee was ironically dwarfed by @JudasMyGuide's choice here. Winner: Kamelot - "Wander"