The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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I thought Hellrider was a more liked Priest song. It has every element for a great Priest song. It's a mix of Painkiller, the late 90's and Nostradamus sound. The opponent's song was good, but I didn't like the singer's voice that much.


Dr. Stein is a fun song with great riff, chorus and especially instrumental section, but I Want Out is probably Helloween's best song. Kiske owns it.
Shoot To Thrill is one of my favorite AC/DC songs, no contest.
KISS is one of my favorite bands. I Love It Loud is one of their classics (those verses). Anthemic song. I chose the more metal song.
Those early Rainbow classics are untouchable. Tarot Woman has amazing verses, chorus and melodies. That Ozzy song has a brutal riff, but the chorus is so weak.
I obviously will vote for my nominee, Last Ride Of The Day (one of Nightwish's best songs ever), but I appreciate the opponent (liked the melodies and the chorus a lot). Interesting singing too. A worthy song. Sometimes a shorter song wins over an epic.
I don't know what version of "Dr. Stein" is linked to here, but this jazzy thing with Andi Deris on vocals is not the original song -- this one is.
Yeah, I got confused for a second with the jazz talk. Then I remembered that the abomination that is Unarmed exists...
"I Want Out" is an excellent power metal song -- great vocal hooks, cool guitar bits around the vocals, a sweet guitar solo and harmonized interlude, and that killer long note Kiske holds under the final choruses. The bridge is perhaps a little weaker, and all orchestra hits must die, but otherwise there isn't much to criticize here. "Dr. Stein" (the actual original version) has some decent riffs and OK vocal lines, the chorus is catchy in an overly Broadway sort of way, and you've gotta dig the pipe organ bit -- but the solos are uneven, and its competitor is just too strong. An easy call for the Popoff nominee here. Winner: Helloween - "I Want Out"

"Shoot To Thrill" is an utterly classic AC/DC track with absolutely killer vocal lines that takes off like a rocket through the pre-chorus and chorus, and simmers wonderfully through the more laid back interlude before slowly building to a huge crescendo. There was a point in time when AC/DC was one of the biggest bands on the planet, and this song immediately makes it clear why that was. (It was also a great tonal and lyrical fit for Iron Man many years later.) "Great King Rat" has an interesting feel, with some playful Spanish/Western flavor mixed in with a little Broadway, and it's structurally unusual too. I appreciate it aesthetically, but I can't say that I really enjoy it all that much, and it got an absolutely brutal draw for this match. Sorry, @Stardust, but your nominee just walked in front of an 18-wheeler on the freeway. Winner: AC/DC - "Shoot To Thrill"

"Carry On Wayward Son" has buoyant riffs and guitar leads, great vocal lines, pleasant organs, and an epic structure and feel. It doesn't really have many flaws aside from dated production, and it's influenced a wide range of musicians, metal and otherwise. "I Love It Loud" feels big and dumb by comparison, though it's kind of catchy aside from its aborted solo. Still, this is an easy win for Kansas. Winner: Kansas - "Carry On Wayward Son"

"Waiting For You" wastes my time with a needlessly long subdued intro that lasts for over half the song before stumbling through some uninspiring distorted eighth notes for the rest of its runtime, squeezing in some annoying screaming at the very end. This boring drone sounds like something that didn't quite make the cut for background music at Hot Topic. "I Don't Dance" is annoyingly screamy, and conspicuously avoids locking in a coherent rhythm outside of the chorus and outro. I suppose it has some value as an artistic presentation, but it's not something I would ever actually want to listen to. This is another match-up where no one really wins and the only loser is the listener; but since I'm forced to choose, congratusorrylations @Night Prowler, I guess I'll go with the less boring song, since there isn't much else to judge against. Winner: Birds In Row - "I Don't Dance"

"Tarot Woman" has some nice spacey keyboards and a pleasant galloping rhythm. Dio sounds strong as usual, but the vocal lines aren't very memorable here. The first part of the solo is pretty mediocre, but the next couple of parts are much better. Not bad overall, but this song just underlines how Rainbow as a whole is super overrated. "I Don't Know" has a peppy riff and pretty good vocal melodies in the verse and pre-chorus, but the chorus sucks. The gentle bridge is nice, though, and the solo has its moments, even if it doesn't hold together very well. Not thrilled with either track here, but I'd probably rather listen to the Ozzy song if forced to choose. Cue the eye roll from @MrKnickerbocker... Winner: Ozzy Osbourne - "I Don't Know"

"Last Ride Of The Day" is from the more bombastic period of Nightwish that I don't like as much as their earlier work. Anette's voice sounds really weak and can't stand up to the blast of the music, and the poorly phrased verse melodies don't work for me. The pre-chorus and chorus are better, but not really to my taste. The solo's pretty good, though, albeit too short. Ugh, spare me the Disney orchestra bits. No sir, don't like it. "Kings Of The Nordic Twilight" is a typically overblown Luca Turilli title track that's probably harder to appreciate in isolation, since it has a bunch of musical callbacks to other tracks on the album; but most of what's here is really good to great musically, aside from the rote and cheesy pre-chorus vocals and the cringey spoken word section. The lyrics are impossibly cheesy, of course, but that chorus is an earworm. Sorry @Kalata, but this is a clear decision for @JudasMyGuide's nominee. Winner: Luca Turilli - "Kings Of The Nordic Twilight"
I Want Out starts out fine enough, with a decent little harmonized riff and rollicking beat. The chorus comes out of nowhere but somehow still works, despite being kinda annoying. Vocals during the bridge are also annoying but the music is nice. Dr. Stein kinda just stinks. The verses and chorus are super lame. It’s got a nice up/mid-tempo, but nothing much works for me here despite the Halloween keyboard bridge.

I’ve always loved Shoot To Thrill. It’s a typical AC/DC song in most regards, but for some reason it just drives harder than most. The beat is incessant and that syncopated section with the vocals on top in the pre-chorus is awesome. I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard Great King Rat before, but damn is it a lot of fun! What a weird, wild ride. This is a tough battle as both bands are doing something different: AC/DC dropping their usual hammer down and Queen being wacky and experimental. In the end I think I have to go with Great King Rat. It’s just so much more diverse and interesting. If I listened to both of these songs 20 times in a row I’d be sick of Shoot To Thrill, but I think I’d still find something new in Great King Rat.

Carry On Wayward Son is an absolute masterpiece of prog rock from start to finish. It’s constantly evolving, self-referencing, and being catchy as hell while also maintaining a high level of accessibility. I don’t know about the “metal” moniker, but it is easily one of the greatest songs of all time. I Love It Loud stinks through and through. Zero competition.

I don’t really have anything to say about Waiting For You. It’s decent background music with one minute of screaming. It’s a fine enough mood piece, I suppose. The vocals in I Don’t Dance are my least favorite kind of screaming. It makes me want to throw up. Voting for Cult Of Luna because I can’t make it through this song.

Tarot Woman is a spectacular, mystical mini-epic that kicks off one of the greatest albums of all time. I wouldn’t even consider it one of my favorite Dio-era Rainbow songs, but it still kicks so much ass from start to finish. Tony Carey’s keyboard playing just rocks all the socks and Dio, as always, is perfect. I Don’t Know cannot compare in any way - but most all vocally. Ozzy is just so…ugh…Ozzy. Randy Rhoads has a nice solo, but the main riff is nothing special. The pre-chorus twinkling blues part is cool, though.

Last Ride of the Day is not even the best Nightwish song on its original album (though I would argue there are not many good songs on said album). It’s fine. It’s kinda fun. Marko’s “day-ay-ay-ay-ayeeayeeayeeeee” is the only truly memorable thing. I’m unfamiliar with literally all of Luca Turilli’s output, but this song is quite the epic. It’s a bit disjointed and the talking section is stupid, but I’d say it deserves the win over a mediocre Nightwish track.
"Tarot Woman" has some nice spacey keyboards and a pleasant galloping rhythm. Dio sounds strong as usual, but the vocal lines aren't very memorable here. The first part of the solo is pretty mediocre, but the next couple of parts are much better. Not bad overall, but this song just underlines how Rainbow as a whole is super overrated. "I Don't Know" has a peppy riff and pretty good vocal melodies in the verse and pre-chorus, but the chorus sucks. The gentle bridge is nice, though, and the solo has its moments, even if it doesn't hold together very well. Not thrilled with either track here, but I'd probably rather listen to the Ozzy song if forced to choose. Cue the eye roll from @MrKnickerbocker... Winner: Ozzy Osbourne - "I Don't Know"

For calling Rainbow overrated and saying Dio's vocal lines aren't memorable at all while praising Ozzy's pedestrian vocals deserves far more than an eye roll, thank you very much! More like a :puke:

The best part of I Don't Know is Bob Daisley's bass playing.
For calling Rainbow overrated and saying Dio's vocal lines aren't memorable at all while praising Ozzy's pedestrian vocals deserves far more than an eye roll, thank you very much! More like a :puke:

The best part of I Don't Know is Bob Daisley's bass playing.
Pretty much goes for the whole album, he was grooving hard on those sessions.
I Want Out is my preferred Helloween song

Voting for AC/DC is a legal requirement here in Oz.

Carry on my Wayward Son is one of the quintessential calling cards of 70s US dad rock. Kiss just sounds dumb in comparison.

Waiting for You, more like Waiting for this song to do something. Still, boredom is preferable to the actively objectionable I Don't Dance, so a win by default.

Tarot Woman reinforces my default position of Dio>Ozzy in all circumstances

Luca Turilli gives us his usual level of cheese. More fun than anything off one of Nightwish's weakest albums.
Helloween - I Want Out vs. Helloween - Dr. Stein
I'm not a huge fan of Helloween, I think I have illegally downloaded mp3s of the keepers albums that I might have listened to once or twice but that's about it. The only tracks that I am familiar enough with to like are Halloween and I Want Out. I Want Out may be a complete rip off of Gary Moore and Phil Lynott's Out in the Fields but the rip is done in a clever way, similar riffs arranged similiarly rather than something directly lifted, and there's nothing wrong with that especially if it's done well. Dr Stein was okish, but the obvious weaker track. I Want Out

AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill vs. Queen - Great King Rat

Not familiar with Queen bar the songs on their hits albums so never heard it before. It's pretty much reminiscent of my opinion when I've checked out their deep cuts before, i.e. pretty bad. Shoot to Thrill kicks ass Shoot to Thrill

Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son vs. KISS - I Love It Loud

I have a few Kansas albums bought off the back of this being in South Park #dorky. They are actually an enjoyable, if rare listen, and this track is clearly great. I like Kiss but I Love It Loud is pretty shit, and I wonder why they play it so often Carry on Wayward Son

Cult of Luna - Waiting For You vs. Birds in Row - I Don't Dance

I've got a good laugh out of @Night Prowler spending most of the game dismissing some of the biggest, still relevant and influential bands of all time as not metal for most of the game and then nominating two indie tracks. Cult of Luna wasn't much to complain about other than being about 4 times as long as the amount of music in it. Birds in Row, is it row i.e. a line, or row, i.e. a fight. Either way the much worse track. Waiting For You

Rainbow - Tarot Woman vs. Ozzy Osbourne - I Don't Know

This is an intriguing match. Both tracks open the best albums from their respective artists. I love I Don't Know but Tarot Woman is clearly the better track Tarot Woman

Nightwish - Last Ride of the Day vs. Luca Turilli - Kings of the Nordic Twilight

Neither of these tracks did anything for me. I also didn't give Turilli a fair crack of the whip either, as I was listening to both tracks on my tea break and I wanted to finish them to listen to the new Priest, so I only managed about 3 mins but it was enough to know the vote was going to Nightwish Last Ride of the Day
Wow, 17-2 against Dr. Stein. I never got I Want Out.

Great King Rat

Carry on Wayward Son

Waiting for You

Tarot Woman

Kings of the Nordic Twilight
. One of the parts, the one that started starts with "I can't believe what I have seen there", sounded very similar to the chorus of Gamma Ray's Tribute to the Past.
"I Want Out" is a certified classic and I'm voting for it. One of the few Helloween songs that's pretty much perfect from beginning to end, I adore the riff and Kiske actually has some great moments in here. I will say though that "Dr. Stein" is a lot of fun and way better than I remembered it. The whole instrumental section is awesome.

AC/DC for sure, "Shoot to Thrill" is a stone-cold motherfucker of a rock song. "Great King Rat" has a lot to it but none of it is memorable.

Kansas take an easy win over Kiss. "I Love It Loud" is actually a super fun song but "Carry On Wayward Son" is just so perfect. It also brings back memories of comfort years ago when my dad got the call that his mom was dying of cancer. The two of us had been out in our little canoe and as we drove home to get packed for the trip to Richmond where his parents lived, this song came on. It's the only song I remember from the evening but it's clear as to why. The whole message was so applicable to that event. And everything from the vocal harmony to the awesome instrumental work is classic rock gold. Again, it's an easy vote.

Cult of Luna eek out a win. "Waiting on You" is a lengthy mostly instrumental track that doesn't really do much but I do like where it goes eventually. Its competition is screamo Queens of the Stone Age, which isn't bad, but isn't as investing.

Ozzy Osbourne nabs this one because he's losing. To be clear, both of these songs are about on the same level. "Tarot Woman" is not too imaginative at its core but the layers, especially the synth work, are awesome and I love the key change at the end where Dio really soars. Meanwhile "I Don't Know" recycles The Beatles' "Think for Yourself" in the verses and I'm pretty sure there's a Led Zeppelin song that they've nicked the bridge from too. But it's also a super fun song and Randy Rhoads is one of the greatest guitar gods of all time. As soon as that riff kicks in - Jesus Christ. One of the most distinctive guitar tones of all time and over forty years later still one of the best.

Nightwish nab the final match of the night. Luca Turilli is aight but it goes into a lot of the power metal tropes. The whole intro actually feels like stuff Nightwish typically do. But anyway, "Last Ride of the Day" is actually overrated by both the fandom and the band (it does not need to be played at every show), but I get why. It's pretty euphoric. It's not my favorite from the album but it's still a great song and I will very much be voting for it.
Helloween - I Want Out. By the way what's that version of Dr. Stein you posted (YouTube link) @LooseCannon?
Queen - Great King Rat
KISS - I Love It Loud
Cult of Luna - Waiting For You. Wonderful song, thanks @Night Prowler
Rainbow - Tarot Woman
Nightwish - Last Ride of the Day.
Both the Nightwish song and the Luca Turilli song had a lot going on. I didn't expect to like either of them but they were both pleasant listens, especially that Nightwish song!
A lot of votes this round. Thanks to everyone who voted on every song!

There's no escape for Dr. Stein as I Want Out wins the Helloween-fest in a landslide, while it seems to be a thrill to shoot down Queen as AC/DC earns a strong win. Do you love it loud? Too bad, wayward son, no carrying on for KISS as Kansas earns promotion. Birds in Row don't dance and don't continue in the GMSC as they are trounced by Cult of Luna. Ozzy might not have known the outcome at the start, but I now know that Rainbow's foretold victory was the truth. It's not Nightwish's last ride of the day (or tournament) as the Kings of the Nordic Twilight fall to their Finnish cousins (even though they're Italian).

Part 1, Round 19, Matches 109-114

Play In Round
Match 109
Dance of Death Division​
Rush - The Spirit of Radio
Rush - Limelight​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
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Play In Round
Match 110
Sign of the Cross Division​
Michael Schenker Group - Lost Horizons
The Darkness - I Believe in a Thing Called Love​
Popoff 500
Radio EHS 100​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 111
Sign of the Cross Division​
Evanescance - Call Me When You're Sober
Deftones - Rocket Skates​
Youtube 50
Best Music Art 100​
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Play In Round
Match 112
Sign of the Cross Division​
System of a Down - Aerials
Monster Magnet - Space Lord​
Youtube 50
Radio EHS 100​
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Play In Round
Match 113
Beast Over Hammersmith Division​
Stratovarius - My Eternal Dream
Manowar - Return Of The Warlord​
Best Music Art 100​
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Play In Round
Match 114
Beast Over Hammersmith Division​
Fates Warning - The Apparition
Symphony X - Church of the Machine​
Popoff 500
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