From google translate:I just did a google search for "pendragon's tears" most results are me saying it on this forum a few times
I did find this though if anyone speaks polish, it seems to be suggesting Arc of Space was another of the tracks albeit called Dreams of Space and Time.
"Przy okazji znalazłem, że Bruce próbował na SiT wcisnąć Tears of the Dragon i Arc of Space - wtedy Pendragon's Tears i Dreams of Space and Time, ale Steve odrzucił te pomysły, potem Dickinson chciał je na Fear of the Dark, ale Steve znów odrzucił, bo najbardziej podobało mu się Wasting Love, a nie było miejsca na tyle ballad. Jak wiadomo to też było przyczyną tego, że rok później mieliśmy przesłuchania na nowego wokalistę Maiden."
By the way, I found that Bruce tried to squeeze Tears of the Dragon and Arc of Space on SiT - then Pendragon's Tears and Dreams of Space and Time, but Steve rejected these ideas, then Dickinson wanted them on Fear of the Dark, but Steve rejected again. because he liked Wasting Love the most, and there was not enough room for ballads. As you know, it was also the reason that a year later we had auditions for the new vocalist, Maiden.