The all-new chat thread

Dunno. I can still get in via mibbit/kiwi. It also banned Juna (she's not on the forum). And sometimes when I ban a certain someone ( :P ), it prevents other people from entering. There also seems to be a limit on Mibbit users. Very sucky server. You know it sucks when #maidenfans is most visited channel on the server :p
That's part of why we chose it though, it was quiet - so no having to use bizarre nicknames.

The ban preventing other people entering is just that often Mibbit users share an IP due to the way it routes you, so if you try and ban someone using Mibbit it will ban the others too. The same goes for the limit on Mibbit users I imagine, lots of networks put limits on how many people can connect from a single IP at the same time.
I'm getting this message: Closing Link: [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast)

EDIT: All is good.
Are we chatting at all this evening?
