I don't see the contradiction here. He isn't saying that Janick should either stop the antics or leave the band, he's just saying that he doesn't like the stage antics.
He went further. He said it is just not right for Maiden. If you think something is not right for Maiden, then that means you want it to stop, especially when you a love a band so much. It doesn't look like he doesn't care much. It is painful for him. Of course he wants to see it stopped. It doesn't need a rocket scientist to deduce that.
Look guys, I (and many other Iron Maiden fans, in case you don't know) didn't get angry for nothing. If he just said: "I don't like it", that's not a big deal. But that didn't happen.
4/5/09: Wow, what a week. I'll do my best to update what I can here but a bit pressed for time as I am home for 24 hours then headed to LA for the Anvil premiere Tuesday and some meetings. Spent this past Tuesday through Friday in Florida where I caught up with some friends and enjoyed the weather. Stayed at the Hard Rock casino in Hollywood a couple days. Great place but I got killed playing Blackjack! Even worse the only casino I have ever visited in my life that charged players for drinks! Imagine playing $25 a hand and getting killed, then ordering a club soda (YES club soda!) and paying $3! Must be nice to be the only blackjack in the state, lame! Visited the new Piazza estate, took a spin on his boat, and we hit the Maiden show Thursday night. Final show of the bands tour and it was amazing. The arena was huge and not an empty seat anywhere. Many came from all over to see the old school show one last time. Some changes to the set that were awesome. I freaked when they did Phantom Of The Opera and Children Of The Damned! As much as I love Maiden I must state what has been so obvious to so many for so long. Nobody can figure out why the band tolerates Janick Gers performance style. Don't know the man and I hear he is a nice guy, but he behaves like he is auditioning for Dancing With The Stars on stage and not playing guitar in Maiden. Not even sure what he is doing. Can not possibly be turned up in the mix much of the time. I know so many that have said the same thing. Its just not right for Maiden, especially with Adrian and Dave in classic mode on stage. I'm sure he's talented and a good guy, but it's way over the top and painful to watch that side of the stage. I love some of the things he has written with Maiden and I'm not for a minute saying he should be out of the band, but someone dancing and spinning his guitar just seems so out of place in Maiden. Otherwise great show and great tour from the metal legends. After a break the plan is a new Maiden album and tour to feature that album next year. Of course the film Flight 666, which I hear is great, is coming soon to theaters, DVD and VH1. Nicko McBrain on live this Friday on
Q104 show.
He also
talked with Adrian about it. He really was building a case, if I put it mildly.
I wasn't planning to come back at this, but what I noticed is that most of you have not quoted me. Without quoting my arguments, it's apparently easier to evade (or forget) what I've exactly said about Trunk's attitude regarding Janick. Perun did quote me, but what strikes me is that no one sees or showed that they realize the
proportions of negativity and positivity related to Janick; the positive stuff is only built in to not annoy all fans (only done in Trunk's own defense), and it's literally drown in his negative story; as a matter of fact, I have
never heard him talk positive about Janick without being negative in quadruple. Mostly he just ignores Janick, as if he is not in the band, but when Jan is in the picture, you know what's coming. Correct me if I am wrong. If you can show me a fragment where he mentions Janick specifically (not just out of politeness together with other members) in an appreciating way, without getting negative, then I stand corrected.
Also I have argued that you can't easily change natural (stage) moves. This is how Janick feels like playing. The man bulks from energy. It's not just an act. Since it cannot be changed without causing problems, I find it unfair to repeatedly attack these moves. It's like telling a handicapped person to be annoyed by his chair.
A strange comparison perhaps, but what can't be changed, can't be changed, so attacking it repeatedly (as Trunk did) is unfair.
By the way, speaking of beating the drum for classic metal, I was wondering how Trunk did in the difficult-for-metal nineties. Do some of you (e.g.
@SinisterMinisterX ,
@bearfan @Cornfed Hick @SomewhereInTime84 ) remember if he played nineties Maiden in the nineties (if he ever played something from this era at all)? Or did he go into hiding / hung in there with Grunge and alternative rock and played a tune a la Killers or NOTB every once in a while?