Ancient Mariner
Any ideas what Triumph Mix means?
Thanks - didn't realise that. I'll add it!
You don't happen to have the US Promo do you? I'm missing that edit and the SFX version isn't very fun to listen to.
I have the promo but it's in storage. Do you remember if they sound very different?
I remember the excitement - and subsequent disappointment - when that was announced! Not sure it's worth adding to the list...
Great, thanks. I'll add that one.
I didn't know that. I made my own edit for my digital collection - I don't like Satellite 15.
I also didn't know that. Any ideas what the difference is?
Do you know why?
Thanks so much for engaging in this.
Triumph as in the motorcycle, TBH I don't hear much difference.
Search for Samantas5855 on youtube, both the edit of TAATG and the Intro to VXI are on his channel
Coming Home just has a few sections edited shorter, i.e. 2 repetitions instead of 4
Women in Uniform was a mix from back in the day, allegedly it was on some german release in those days. I think it ended up on the 2014 7 inch by accident and they meant to include the standard mix.