Studio tracks not on an album

Any ideas what Triumph Mix means?

Thanks - didn't realise that. I'll add it!

You don't happen to have the US Promo do you? I'm missing that edit and the SFX version isn't very fun to listen to.

I have the promo but it's in storage. Do you remember if they sound very different?

I remember the excitement - and subsequent disappointment - when that was announced! Not sure it's worth adding to the list...

Great, thanks. I'll add that one.

I didn't know that. I made my own edit for my digital collection - I don't like Satellite 15.

I also didn't know that. Any ideas what the difference is?

Do you know why?

Thanks so much for engaging in this.

Triumph as in the motorcycle, TBH I don't hear much difference.

Search for Samantas5855 on youtube, both the edit of TAATG and the Intro to VXI are on his channel

Coming Home just has a few sections edited shorter, i.e. 2 repetitions instead of 4

Women in Uniform was a mix from back in the day, allegedly it was on some german release in those days. I think it ended up on the 2014 7 inch by accident and they meant to include the standard mix.
Thanks. Do you know what compilation and where I might be able to find it?

Yep, Axe Attack

Unfortunately there two versions one with the demo and one with the album version and other than listening to them there's no way to tell apart the two versions. I'd say there's a good chance it's on youtube though.
I wonder why Thin Lizzy's 'Angel Of Death' (from AMOLAD sessions) wasn't released, yet.
I wonder the same, plus that ZZ-Top cover. They should release all these cover songs from AMOLAD sessions, the Massacre cover and other songs they haven’t released on Best of the B sides
I'll check mine later, I may have mixed it up, maybe it's the UK one that only has Space Station, one of them has it and the other doesn't.

Yep, I had it mixed up, the UK CD is the one without Bayswater, presumably this was because Bayswater was on the Picture Disc in the UK.
The different From Here to Eternity mix:
It has a way heavier sounding (thundering!) snare drum sound. You'll already hear this in the intro. There could be other different bits but that surely was the most striking I thought.
Did you forget "Virus"? I see you've mentioned other tracks on the single but not the track itself.
It always suprised me that Virus didn't make it on to an album and was never played live. It's great. Blaze plays it live regularly and it works brilliantly.
Did you forget "Virus"? I see you've mentioned other tracks on the single but not the track itself.
It always suprised me that Virus didn't make it on to an album and was never played live. It's great. Blaze plays it live regularly and it works brilliantly.
Yes I did forget Virus! I've always added it to the X-Factor, perhaps that's why. Thanks!
You also have the two track from More 4's Live from Abbey Road series, Hallowed and Brighter Than a Thousand Suns.

Only one of the track was actually on the DVD released from the series, I think Hallowed, so the full performance was only on the broadcast and there was no audio release.
The different From Here to Eternity mix:
It has a way heavier sounding (thundering!) snare drum sound. You'll already hear this in the intro. There could be other different bits but that surely was the most striking I thought.

Just gave a listen there and you're dead right. Bass guitar has way more bottom end too.
I wonder the same, plus that ZZ-Top cover. They should release all these cover songs from AMOLAD sessions, the Massacre cover and other songs they haven’t released on Best of the B sides

Wasn't there a video of them playing that in the studio on the AMOLAD bonus DVD?
Wasn't there a video of them playing that in the studio on the AMOLAD bonus DVD?

There was a short clip, but I think they were rehearsing rather than it being the version they recorded, I think Nicko was playing brushes
There was a short clip, but I think they were rehearsing rather than it being the version they recorded, I think Nicko was playing brushes
They were rehearsing it, but Shirley mentioned they half-seriously considered putting that version on a B-side since they had a couple of mics recording it. In the end they obviously didn't, but if they ever get around to releasing the missing B-sides, I think they might throw in that semi-acoustic recording too.