Steve 'Loopy' Newhouse's blog

If he really was an old friend of the band he would find a way to easy get in contact with Steve and the rest of the boys if they are old mates. Why is he writing Nicko to "PLEASE give me recognition" and who in their 40s/50s would write about something as old as that, as if he was a frustrated 15 year old..
He isn't an old friend. He was shortly in the band. Ignored by everyone and everything that has to do with official Maiden. But the mail sounds "shady" to say the least.

I just call it the "latest addition" in the Soundhouse Tapes story.
Ok, so Davey wasn't working, maybe he was held up at some bird's house. Who knows, or it never happened at all. I'm guessing the general opinion is that this guy is just BSing? Or "missremembers" ?
There is no general opinion him. We're talking about someone who claims to be on the Soundhouse Tapes.
I wish Maidenfans member lira could comment on it. He is the guy who got the ball running.

In the book The Clairvoyant, the author was contacted by Ricardo Lira, a Brazilian fan, who questioned the guitar sounds and suggested there must have been another guitarist involved at the time.

I'll pm him and see if he can tell us why he thinks he hears two different guitarists and why it is possible that Paul Cairns was still in the band around that time.
I really don't see why Maiden would not include him (if he exists) when they've mentioned all the other 30+ members of pre-1980 Maiden. Add to that, that no one else from their crew or old members have spoken about the guy, ever. If some other guy really did play on the Soundhouse Tapes, the story would have been out long ago. I think it is more likely that the reason why Maiden is ignoring this guy is because he doesn't exist :D Everyone can fabricate a "Benjamin Breeg" story.

But if people want to believe it, no problem, it's an interesting conspiracy theory at least... but nothing more than that.
I wouldn't be surprised if Maiden did not mention all other 30+ members. I am sure there were more people who came and went, unheard of. If convenient, why not leave somebody out of a story?
Yeah but then we're talking insignificant Steve once contacted this guy about joining the band, he said yes but then three days left the band because his mom didn't want him to hang around the rock clubs...

If this supposed guy was in the band at the time they did The Soundhouse Tapes why would they leave him out of the official story or not put his name on the cover? And why has nobody around the band at the time, or the people who recorded it never heard about him?
Add to that, that the site that this story is on is rather dodgy and the "mail to Nicko" just screams FAKE. I think this is just fabricated by some dudes who wants to spin up stuff for Maiden fans to talk about. But yeah as I said, I don't think there is any truth to it :)
If this supposed guy was in the band at the time they did The Soundhouse Tapes why would they leave him out of the official story or not put his name on the cover?

I found lira's reaction on Loopy's blog:

Loopy, just for the record, I first contacted Barry Considine - who is a huge Maiden fan - and he got in touch with Paul Cairns. Way back then his brother Hugh Cairns had posted on Spaceward Studios' guestbook re. the demo, which was the first "proof" we were looking for. People can find it here:
- - -
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 9:45 AM
Subject: Iron Maiden demo

Hi there,
not sure if you can help, but here goes!

My brother was one of the lead guitarists with Iron Maiden at the time they recorded their original demo tape at Spaceward. He left the band around 6 months later but kept hold of the demo tape for posterity. Stupidly I lent it to a friend who then "lost it" Ah well.
Anyway, I wondered if you had any photos from that session - probably around 78/79.

WIth kind regards

Hugh Cairns
- - -
I think you made clear you don't believe all this. :)

Lira is not crazy. He is a member of this forum who knows a lot of Maiden trivia (especially solo activities). Check e.g. what he posted in the Nicko topic. Pretty cool imo.
That's cool but the stuff about Nicko is actually tangible evidence. Stuff people would be able to find out for themselves searching hard enough for connections. Do a search for Blazer Blazer and for example and you'll see sources and various sites mention and talk about that band. So far in this case all we have is stories of "my brother who once had a sister, who's nephew..." text on a computer screen and supposedly sent emails, emails which just as well could be fabricated...

Also read the "email to Nicko" again carefully and tell me someone didn't make that shit up :p
We also have our ears. Let's listen to the Soundhouse Tapes.
Listen to the solos in Invasion:
That first solo (my right audio channel) does not sound like Dave. Not in the least.

The second solo (left audio solo) is clearly Dave.

The third solo is the "other guy" again:

The opening riff in Prowler (again right audio channel) really doesn't sound like how Dave would play rhythm guitar either. That goes for everything you hear on that same right audio channel. I feel sure it's again "the other guy".

In Strange World it looks like the channels are switched. The right channel is clearly Dave. The first solo is his, and so do we recognize lots of his playing style that landed on the debut album version.

The left channel features playing that is distinct from what we hear at the debut album version. Also the 2nd solo is different from Dave's style. So I tend to believe this is "the other guy" as well.

Now, even though I can't prove there are 2 different guitar players, I am absolutely not going to rule it out either. On the contrary: it is very likely we're hearing two different guys here.
Actually, the first time I heard The Soundhouse Tapes, I kept thinking: "Who the heck is that playing?"
But it doesn't add to or detract from anything as far as I'm concerned, it's just a case of well, that was different.