Enough of those ethnic jokes JudasYou don't mind he calls him a "bugger"?![]()
Who you callin queerYouse blokes are weird.![]()
Enough of those ethnic jokes Judas
This is not Montsegur DieselRIP this thread.
RIP this thread.
Anyway, back to the topic - SIT used to be my favourite album ever, I couldn't get enough of it. Then I realised I like AMOLAD much more so it went to the comfy second slot. But... I don't know, I guess I might have overplayed it in the past. I still love the first three tracks and Runner, but I honestly have a hard time going through the rest, even SIASL. And Alexander used to be one of my favourite Maiden epics, but somewhere along the way that feeling and appreciation almost completely disappeared. Partly it's the lyrics, but also - out of the 80's epics, at least - it might be the most simplistic. Nowadays I don't even understand that crazy obsession with it being played live. I'd personally like much more if To Tame a Land was brought to stage anytime soon. That one has even been actually played live, so it's not that great a stretch.
Quit trolling, Judas.
Anyway, back to the topic - SIT used to be my favourite album ever, I couldn't get enough of it. Then I realised I like AMOLAD much more so it went to the comfy second slot. But... I don't know, I guess I might have overplayed it in the past. I still love the first three tracks and Runner, but I honestly have a hard time going through the rest, even SIASL. And Alexander used to be one of my favourite Maiden epics, but somewhere along the way that feeling and appreciation almost completely disappeared. Partly it's the lyrics, but also - out of the 80's epics, at least - it might be the most simplistic. Nowadays I don't even understand that crazy obsession with it being played live. I'd personally like much more if To Tame a Land was brought to stage anytime soon. That one has even been actually played live, so it's not that great a stretch.
Art thou Cried's keeper, Magnus?Don't you ever distort Cried's words again, young Diesel.
It's one of my favourites, together with Seventh Son and the first two but I agree with you about it being played live. I doubt they could do it justice now, and I don't want to hear Heaven Can Wait ever.
Art thou Cried's keeper, Magnus?
EVERYTHING uttered by the Master must be received with the greatest of reverence, you silly bugger. Considering your low mental capabilities, let's just pretend that your filthy Janick had said those words, shall we?
* adoring Cried's used sock wildly *
Yeah, I really do. And it took me quite some time to appreciate it (this is starting to parallel our Attila Csihar conversationYou really like Killers all that much? I'm not attacking, merely interested. That one's always been the "hit and miss" record in Maiden discography, so it makes me wonder.