Simon Dawson is the new drummer

Simon is obviously a versatile drummer and would probably would do a fine job (technically enough, let's see 'cus I'm not sure), but I don't think/feel he is the right choice for Maiden and to replace Nicko, although considering his former bands and styles he could be the ''right'' replacement and will definitely be more curious and can bring something different. I don't want a copy either, but at least with Joe you know you're getting Nicko's groove (more or less) and from a young and energetic drummer. It's not that much about the age or image methinks. Joe was probably the top choice in the last few years, but he had to try to have his own career and that probably played some role.
I get why this is such a topic of discussion, but I also don't get it. In a live setting, sure, you want someone to be able to do the job, which is important. "Replacement" doesn't seem to be the right word in any of these discussions since it doesn't seem as though he's a member of the band, nor does it seem like he will ever be a member of the band at this stage in their career. He's the touring fill-in, and I imagine in the annals of Maiden history, the lineup from 1999-2024 will be the final lineup which includes Nicko McBrain. From the verbiage used in the press release as well as Nicko's statements that he's still very much part of the band, this seems to be the case.

I don't mean to diminish Simon's ability or accomplishments, but this keeping of the status quo seems pretty apparent to me, but...maybe that's just me. I certainly could be wrong.
It still feels up in the air to me. I agree they are choosing their words carefully and, at least for now, it feels like "officially" Nicko is a member of the band and Simon is not. But that's where we're at now. I don't rule out the possibility of them deciding to record with him if there are intentions to make another album. They're in such unprecedented territory that I don't think you can really say anything for certain about Simon's role in the band.
It still feels up in the air to me. I agree they are choosing their words carefully and, at least for now, it feels like "officially" Nicko is a member of the band and Simon is not. But that's where we're at now. I don't rule out the possibility of them deciding to record with him if there are intentions to make another album. They're in such unprecedented territory that I don't think you can really say anything for certain about Simon's role in the band.
Very true, which is why I was also careful with my wording with a lot of "seems to be," etc. For all we know, Simon's a fill-in while they look for someone more permanent, or he's on a trial basis until they see how he meshes with the band as a whole on tour. Anything could happen. But as it stands, this is what it looks like.
We'll see.
Well, given all his past efforts to buy all the royalty rights from former members (which I'm sure isn't only a business move), I'm 100 % sure he has already done everything, with Rod's help, to make sure that nothing could happen without him. Should he disappear all of a sudden, I'm sure we would get a statement saying this is it for Maiden. And this would be the only thing to do, just like with Motörhead. Just thinking of a Thin Lizzy-like situation makes me sick.
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Nicko didn't play the songs like Clive and maybe they are looking for someone who isn't an exact Nicko copy playing wise.
I think that's the second reason Steve chose Simon, like with Blaze. The first and probably the most important is - because he plays with him.
Yeah, but… what about ask 5 or 10 great drummers and try them ? If you still thinking that Simon is your preferred, ok like when he choose Blaze
I think with a vocalist is different than with a new drummer for the bassist. And they did a lot of auditions for the former, while I think the choices for a drummer were always just a few. And they most likely knew about this change since the start of the tour last year. Definitely, everything should be organized. BL touring along Maiden dates pretty much confirms that.
I get why this is such a topic of discussion, but I also don't get it. In a live setting, sure, you want someone to be able to do the job, which is important. "Replacement" doesn't seem to be the right word in any of these discussions since it doesn't seem as though he's a member of the band, nor does it seem like he will ever be a member of the band at this stage in their career. He's the touring fill-in, and I imagine in the annals of Maiden history, the lineup from 1999-2024 will be the final lineup which includes Nicko McBrain. From the verbiage used in the press release as well as Nicko's statements that he's still very much part of the band, this seems to be the case. I don't mean to diminish Simon's ability or accomplishments, but this keeping of the status quo seems pretty apparent to me, but...maybe that's just me. I certainly could be wrong.
Totally agree. Someone to do the job live, to fill-in. But what if Nicko doesn't want to record in the studio because he can't play fills or properly enough? No more albums, I guess. Not recording with the Reunion lineup would be even more shocking than Nicko stepping from touring.
It still feels up in the air to me. I agree they are choosing their words carefully and, at least for now, it feels like "officially" Nicko is a member of the band and Simon is not. But that's where we're at now. I don't rule out the possibility of them deciding to record with him if there are intentions to make another album. They're in such unprecedented territory that I don't think you can really say anything for certain about Simon's role in the band.
No argue, but Bruce's speech should suggest that they want to continue with Nicko in the studio. What if they recorded another album in 2019 or even wilder in 2022. Surely not right.
For all we know, Simon's a fill-in while they look for someone more permanent, or he's on a trial basis until they see how he meshes with the band as a whole on tour. Anything could happen. But as it stands, this is what it looks like.
I think Rod saying they always get their man (also: ''new drummer'') means that whatever they do in the future, Simon will be the drummer. And I doubt Steve would want anyone else or to do auditions now. Simon's playing with that groove band (even though the albums are from the 90's?) makes me think he should do the job.
Simon will make more money from this tour than he has made in his life. Which should hopefully enough compensation for the hammering he's going to get from certain parts of the fanbase when he steps on stage next year.

I can see it now. When those first videos begin to appear, every single beat will be scrutinised to the Nth degree. All it will take is one mistake and they'll be calling for his sacking. Steve Lazarus will probably go on another rant saying "I told you so".

It's going to get ugly.
Nicko didn't play the songs like Clive and maybe they are looking for someone who isn't an exact Nicko copy playing wise.
They’re in the final stages of their career. Five years at most. People don’t want to hear new drum arrangements, they want to hear it like the record. Especially going out on this new greatest hits tour (which mark my words will extend into about four legs and ultimately be billed as a farewell tour. They’ll do all old stuff, then change to a career overview greatest hits, which will be the final tour).
Outside of this forum, was there any actual indication that a) he was interested in joining Maiden and b) that he was on their radar?
A) I don't know, he's a session drummer, he has several projects, he plays with his band, he played with Toto and more bands.… and it's just 4 months of tour. He's probably do it.
b) To be honest I think the Maiden's radar has a short range.

But anyway, Steve's decision is taken and there's nothing we can change at all. Good luck to the new live drummer.
Totally agree. Someone to do the job live, to fill-in. But what if Nicko doesn't want to record in the studio because he can't play fills or properly enough? No more albums, I guess. Not recording with the Reunion lineup would be even more shocking than Nicko stepping from touring.

No argue, but Bruce's speech should suggest that they want to continue with Nicko in the studio. What if they recorded another album in 2019 or even wilder in 2022. Surely not right.
I think at the very least if there is a new album, Nicko will at least be offered the job to record. Given the circumstances, I imagine it would be unlike the stories of "grumpy Nick" who showed up for the Senjutsu sessions, and he'd be happy to be included on the project. I hope that's what happens (if it happens). And if his drumming is simplified? Well, we got through Virtual XI just fine, we'll get through this next one too.
They’re in the final stages of their career. People don’t want to hear new drum arrangements, they want to hear it like the record.
True that.
To be honest I think the Maiden's radar has a short range.
But anyway, Steve's decision is taken and there's nothing we can change at all. Good luck to the new live drummer.
I can see it now. When those first videos begin to appear, every single beat will be scrutinised to the Nth degree. All it will take is one mistake and they'll be calling for his sacking. Steve Lazarus will probably go on another rant saying "I told you so". It's going to get ugly.
Expecting to hear more or less the proper groove of the songs from a new drummer is normal. I doubt there will be comments about sacking (he is not a drummer without experience), but it depends on the groove, stamina and tempo. His technique and more so age for a drummer is what concerns me.
I think at the very least if there is a new album, Nicko will at least be offered the job to record. Given the circumstances, I imagine it would be unlike the stories of "grumpy Nick" who showed up for the Senjutsu sessions, and he'd be happy to be included on the project. I hope that's what happens (if it happens). And if his drumming is simplified? Well, we got through Virtual XI just fine, we'll get through this next one too.
Yeah. Good argument about VXI, but Nicko's playing on it is with full speed and power. I can see the connections, he wasn't that ''interested'' with Blaze in the band and now he won't tour the potential new album. But as I said before, I don't think he would want to play simple in the studio, even now. He always wants to give his all. Me too, but if that means Nicko on the new album, then I have to accept it.
Especially going out on this new greatest hits tour (which mark my words will extend into about four legs and ultimately be billed as a farewell tour. They’ll do all old stuff, then change to a career overview greatest hits, which will be the final tour).
Extended into 4 legs? First 9 albums, the next 9 and then both together? Not sure. The next 9 could only be 1 year as a 3rd leg (remember the hollow dark space in the social media post on the left for the poster(?)), but they've already written on the poster ''2025-2026'', but ofc they could change the theme for a (in that case) fresh 3rd leg. And then the next tour (2028-2029/2030) could be new album or again more of the same. Deep cuts tour is what we're missing.
Since Maiden has a new drummer, can we assume that setlist will be longer? Not 15 but maybe 16-17 songs?
The sets have been roughly the same length for a while now I think? Didn't seem to have anything to do with Nickos stroke so I doubt it will change.
Since Maiden has a new drummer, can we assume that setlist will be longer? Not 15 but maybe 16-17 songs?
The sets have been roughly the same length for a while now I think? Didn't seem to have anything to do with Nickos stroke so I doubt it will change.
Since most of the songs won't be that long, maybe there is a chance for an easier song like Wrathchild to be an addition. It depends on Bruce. His solo tour was also 15 songs. Maiden's tours number of songs:
TFP: 15
LOTB: 16 (first two legs) / 15 (3rd leg)
TBOS: 15
ME: 17
TFF: 16
SBIT: 16
DOD: 16
GME: 17
BNW: 17 (usually, in 2001 were 18 or 19)
TEH: 17
VXI: 18 to 20
TXF: 18 (usually)
RLT: 20
FOTD: 20
STOAST: 18 (usually)
SOT: 16 (usually)
WST: 13 (usually)
WPT: 17 (usually)
KWT: 17
IMWT: 15 (headline shows)

So I'd say there's a chance, but 1 or 2 more at most. Only 4 tours (excluding the debut album one) are with 15 songs and 3 of them are recent, one is because they played an entire new album. I kind of doubt it, but why not, to help the variety of chosen songs and because of the new drummer. I expect everything now. What about an introducing Drum Solo live, wow?