Share your "trying to get your other half into Maiden" stories here


So, I am pondering the tricky issue of how to try to get my good wife into Maiden. She likes some hard rock/metal - Zeppelin, some Metallica tracks, Queen, Pearl Jam, Placebo, but I have singularly failed to get her into some bands (Deep Purple, Rush, Whitesnake/David Coverdale, Van Halen).

I'm wondering if there is any point even trying. It's just that sometimes it would be nice not to have to listen on my headphones ! We have quite a nice hi fi and it would be good to hear Maiden through the speakers without the dulcet tones of "turn that sh*t down" in the background !

Any tips? What songs to start with? Any similar stories?!
I managed to brainwash my daughters enough that The Final Frontier sits next to Taylor Swift on their playlists.
My wife, however, has a been a much tougher nut to crack.
We have, however, twice caught her absent-mindedly singing When The Wild Wind Blows, so maybe there's still hope!  :D
My wife grew up on Motely Crue and Slayer, but avoided Maiden because of their covers.  I eased her in with the Death on the Road DVD, and we went to our first Maiden show together in July.  It is now her favorite band, and she has coaxed me into putting up Maiden posters, flags, and tapestries in our computer room/office.
Wait, your wife was okay with Slayer's covers, but didn't like Maiden's?!?!

I think the best way to get someone into Maiden is taking them to a show. Barring that, it may make sense to start with songs that are similar to the bands she already likes. There are plenty of instances when Maiden sounds like Deep Purple.
Brave New World experience: During the first listen of Dream of Mirrors, she was washing the plates in the kitchen and mocking the song by singing an improvisation of hers with all the words she could find that finish in -tion in the like of the
All my hopes and expectations, looking for an explanation
Have I found my destination?

AMOLAD experience: I made her listen to all tracks to convince her how Maiden had changed. She told me: They seem the same to me, and put me under the ground. However, she recognized some changes of sound during The Legacy

12 wasted years  :D
I have found the major deal breaker for most women who you are trying to introduce to Iron Maiden is actually Bruce himself (Shocking, I know). I noticed that they (mostly) enjoyed the instrumental portions of songs like Powerslave, but didn't particularly enjoy the chorus. It seemed most effective to ease them into Maiden through the first album, especially with songs like Phantom of the Opera. For some reason, they weren't immediately skeptical of the vocals. Obviously you can't JUST listen to the first two albums, so moving on to Bruce songs that are not as "air raid siren-y" such as Revelations seemed like a good move. This tactic worked with a few women, but some just aren't cut out to be die hard Maiden fans. Kind of a deal breaker if you ask me.  :D
Three words: No More Lies. That's as close to a chick magnet as it gets for a Maiden song, I have found out.
Well my ex-wife didn't have a problem with Maiden and after we saw Bruce on the TM tour she became a big fan...of Bruce!! ::)

She made no secret that she loved his "sweaty hairy chest" and "cave man like aggression" !! I didn't mind..I'm a rather secure guy and if she's going to like another guy I'd rather it be Bruce than the guy down the street!

Any way she left me for an guy who looks just like Bruce...Just kidding!! :bigsmile: Anyway, my current GF is a tougher nut to crack as she is a ugh. :huh: punk fan... 

I took her to the SBIT show and she treats Maiden with respect and tolerates my love of them but I don't think she truly feels it...

oh well...I hope to see Maiden again and take her to the show and this time really immerse her in the whole Maiden family aspect of it...

..if she doesn't ever get it I guess it's ok....

Maiden were there long before and they wlll be there till the end!!

Up The Irons!
My ex bint was shocked when she first realized I was a Maiden fan. She associated them with noise and fuck all else. Being a very art minded girl I was confident she'd end up liking them. She never became a  full on fan but she did like some of the stuff and admitted to having massive respect for them. She was very fond of Journeyman, bless her crazy heart :)
My wife was never a big music buff and her musical sensibilities mostly jive with mainstream pop. She was able to tolerate me playing the entire Maiden catalog over and over again when I was ranking the songs though, and it came to a point where she was able to warm up to the band (it's a stretch to say she likes them) and identify a handful of songs.

The first song she was able to sing to and easily identify is CIPWM :) (of course it helps that the intro is exceptionally distinct :p)
A big success from the beginning.

Before she lived with me, I sent her a tape with Maiden (live versions of Hallowed, TETMD & Rime) + and other bands (My Dying Bride, Midnight Oil, Bad Religion, Enthral).

Bruce has become her favourite male singer, and she was impressed from the first time she heard him.
She liked the complexity of the music. She went with me seven times to a Maiden gig.

Maiden directed her towards metal and now she's also big collector of female fronted metal albums. Her big hero is Kate Bush, who -like Maiden- is also known for history, films and literature as inspiration for the lyrics. And like Bruce, Kate is theatrical as well, and expressive.

Our one and a half year old kid has a feel for music. Not just Maiden, but he loves to hear music, and to move with it. Yesterday he was having fun with Sea of Madness. He headbangs too, occasionally  :D

I think I wouldn't want a relation with anybody who couldn't stand Maiden, seriously.
That's leading an uncomfortable double live.
Can we get clones ordered up, Foro? I think we'd all like to have a SO who has the same interests in music.
I'm with Loosey.  Though, we do cross over into some of the classic rock bands (Triumph, April Wine, Mellenkamp, stuff along those lines)... never metal.  I get metal, she gets country, and we just let it go at that.

OK, I have to add to this-- I always knew that we both liked Classic Rock, but one day I was listening to Triumph and she said "Hey, thats Triumph, right?".  Let me stop here and say that I only know 2 other people (in person) that even know who Triumph were.  Yeah, that was pretty impressive.  And, she bought me AMOLAD the day it came out, because she knew I was wanting it.