- and especially the album title. I don't like it. Sounds strange and very un-Maidenish... weird choice. But the most important thing is the songs to be great. I knew they will go for a one word album title this time. From the tracklist, ''The Time Machine'' would have been a very good album title.
I think it being un-Maidenish is what makes it very interesting. At this point, I really like when they venture a bit out of their... well, if not comfort zone, at least something put another foot in the territory of something less-expected. Personally, I wouldn't cheer for "The Time Machine" as an album title.

I think
Senjutsu felt a bit odd at first, but now... I think it's quite cool and rather fitting. In addition to loosely translating as "tactics/strategy/art of war", it's also "scrying" and the "art of sages." For an ageing band and especially the lyrical themes TBOS touched, I think it's quite an interesting and somehow graceful, even.
About the song structures:
I get the
acoustic intro & outro, busy vocal lines, chorus repeats with OO-OOs meme, but to be fair, TBOS didn't really have those acoustic intro & outro pieces that much. Yes, the title track. The Red and the Black and Empire of the Clouds open and close with the same motif and whatnot, but all of the three are rather different, anyway, and they're not going anywhere near The Talisman, where the kinda cool intro feels like a separate piece, or When the Wild Wind Blows (which I love, anyway!) where the outro repeating the intro feels a bit copy-pasted.
Through earth and water, fire and wind
You came at last, nothing was the end!