My song-by-song review of the album (as I listen to it for the first time):
Battering Ram - Solid song. It's relatively simple, but the main riff and the solos are pretty good. Chorus is kinda underwhelming... just repeating the song title is kinda lame.
The Devil's Footprint - Riffs are really nice and heavy, and the song has a really good groove going on. Solo section is again pretty awesome. But again, song-title-only-chorus is underwhelming.
Queen Of Hearts - This one sounds a bit too dark for the sake of being dark and the chorus is underwhelming again.
Destroyer - Again, nice verses. Again, song-title-only-chorus. Wtf guys.
Hard & Fast - 5th song in a row with song-title-only-chorus

At least the lead guitars are pretty good on this one.
Eye Of The Storm - 6th song in a row with song-title-only-chorus

Solid beginning, but nothing special afterwards.
Stand Your Ground - 7th song in a row with song-title-only-chorus

Main riff is too hard rockish, but the solo section is again good with some keyboards thrown in.
Top Of The World - 8th song in a row with song-title-only-chorus

For fuck's sake. Is it really that hard to write more than one line for a chorus? At this point I don't even care about the good parts of songs because the repetitive choruses are too annoying
To The End - Finally a song with a bit more complex chorus. Still has the song title in it but at least it consists of more than one line. However, it's musically probably the worst song on the album

Slow plodding hard rock.
Kingdom Of The Cross - This was so slow and boring and plodding I almost fell asleep.
Three Sheets To The Wind (The Drinking Song) - Hard rock
Overall: doubt I'll be coming back to this album in the near future. Horrible choruses are too offputting to make me listen to the good parts.