Sat 15 wouldve been great if edited down

Sure, why not? Let's see what name he comes back with next time.

Wasted will now wield the banhammer. Everyone stand back.
Fear not, lesser being. This is the same All Powerful Mod Squad that dealt with thousand_suns before you were a gleam in your ISP's eye.

Well, THEY were....I wasn't here for that.
I feel as if the voice of a troll cried out and was suddenly silenced...

hotjocko1 said:
ladies. dont be sycophants. Im a huge Maiden fan but am not deaf. Not everything they do is going to be great

We know that, that's hardly the point though is it. Fact is you made this point on a different thread but still had to start one of your own. What do you expect?
hotjocko1 said:
ladies. dont be sycophants. Im a huge Maiden fan but am not deaf. Not everything they do is going to be great

If you've been here for any length of time, you'll know that people have many varied opinions on Maiden's different records. Look no further than some thread around here with Jeffmetal and I disagreeing on AMOLAD - I love it; he hates it. But he gives detailed and compelling reasons for his opinions. You, on the other hand, have slagged this tune in one thread and started an entirely new thread with trite commentary like "annoying as hell." it just doesn't contribute anything to a good discussion of the song.

Look, I appreciate that you don't care for the song. It is different than anything they've ever done; some fans are bound not to like it. But at least give us some well-thought out reasons why.
Feverdog said:
Ive got no prob with sat 15  but i  think final frontier should have been seperate song .

It certainly would be nice to not have to fast forward through 4:30 of stuff to get to the real song, yeah.