Saddam Executed

I agree with Onhell.  Besides, there are stories coming out that talk about lethal injection not being as painless as previously thought. 

From Wikipedia:

Opponents of lethal injection believe that it is not actually humane as practiced in the United States. Opponents argue that the thiopental is an ultra-short acting barbiturate that may wear off (anesthesia awareness) and lead to consciousness and an excruciatingly painful death wherein the inmate is unable to express their pain because they have been rendered paralyzed by the paralytic agent.

Opponents point to the fact that sodium thiopental is typically used as an induction agent and not used in the maintenance phase of surgery because of its short acting nature. Following the administration of thiopental, pancuronium bromide is given, to which opponents argue that it not only dilutes the thiopental, but masks any pain when the thiopental wears off since the patient is paralyzed.

Additionally, opponents argue that the method of administration is also flawed. They state that since the personnel administering the lethal injection lack expertise in anesthesia the risk of failing to induce unconsciousness is greatly increased. Also, they argue that the dose of sodium thiopental must be customized to each individual patient, not restricted to a set protocol. Finally, the remote administration results in an increased risk that insufficient amounts of the lethal injection drugs enter the bloodstream.

In total, opponents argue that the effect of dilution or improper administration of thiopental is that the inmate dies an agonizing death through suffocation due to the paralytic effects of pancuronium bromide and the intense burning sensation caused by potassium chloride.

Opponents of lethal injection as currently practiced argue that the procedure employed is entirely unnecessary and is aimed more towards creating the appearance of serenity and a humane death than an actually humane death. More specifically, opponents object to the use of Pancuronium bromide. They argue that its use in lethal injection serves no purpose, since there is no need to keep the inmate completely immobilized and the inmate is physically restrained.
Well, okay, no lethal injection, but what about shooting him in the head?  The guy would not even feel it, but now, seeing that you like researching, why don't you go to wikipedia and see how desperating being hanged is.
It looks like Tony Blair was none too pleased in the way Saddam Hussein died.  During the hanging, Shia slogans were used in front of Sunni Hussein.  That's a great way to bring peace between the two sides.  Way to go, Bush!  According to this report, the method of Hussein's death "has done nothing to lessen tensions between the Shia and Sunni communities."

I'm sorry for the double post, but without doing so this thread would not have bumped.  I feel this post did add something new. 