SneakySneaky said:Raven got my point on pedophiles, and I agree with him on the subject of death penalties. I oppose them, but there are cases that should be an exception. When you've got a sick mind, imprisoning him/her has a lot of risks. a) the risk of him/her escaping, b) the risk of him appearing to have become "normal", and being freed, only to continue what he/she did. Although, I don't deny there are possibilities of that person becoming sane, honestly, do you people think that some serial killer who did foul things to his victims, has a chance?
Personally I don't think Saddam's death penalty is a punishment to him. There are two kinds of murderers. Those who are sick in mind, and those who have political/economical etc. profits from murder and they don't care about the human life. The first, deserve imo a death penalty. The latter don't. You're doing them a favor by killing them. If they rot in a God forsaken cell, and face being beat and raped, that is a proper punishment. By killing them, only the victim's relatives feel some justice.
Perun said:Given that Saddams last words were the Shahada
SinisterMinisterX said:Last night on NBC News (before Saddam was executed, but after it was known the execution was coming soon), a journalist picked a random person off the street and asked how Saddam had affected their life. Answer: 27 relatives killed. Fluke? The next random person selected said 14 family members killed.
Capital punishment is not about deterrence. It is about giving scum what they deserve. Saddam was scum, and deserved to die.
You're right, but your point is that Bush should meet Saddam's fate too? Or that Saddam shouldn't be executed because Bush won't be? Clarify this if you'll please...____no5 said:I wonder how many relatives were killed in the name of Bush....He will never be executted, he will finish his life probably as a gentelman.....and you SMX you pay taxes for he to be protected
SneakySneaky said:You're right, but your point is that Bush should meet Saddam's fate too? Or that Saddam shouldn't be executed because Bush won't be? Clarify this if you'll please...
Also, I'm a member on a greek forum (nothing to do with Maiden) and we're having the same discussion there. The problem is that Greeks tend to be extremely un-American, and not just in politics. So, many there seem to think that what the US government has done (the war namely) is relative to it's residents. Many also think that this execution shows that "Americans are uncivilized animals who still live in the Middle Ages". Opinions anyone? I'm probably gonna get banned or delete my account there, since it seems that there's no use telling them they're wrong. I really don't want to delete my account, as this would show "weakness". This may seem off topic, but it is something I think should be discussed...
____no5 said:I wonder how many relatives were killed in the name of Bush....He will never be executted, he will finish his life probably as a gentelman.....and you SMX you pay taxes for he to be protected
SinisterMinisterX said:Actually, I haven't paid a penny in taxes since 2002, as I've been unemployed for most of the past four years
SinisterMinisterX said:In fact, I'm extremely proud that I haven't financially supported the US invasion of Iraq at all
Genghis Khan said:Can you add some light on your statement No.5?
Which death would be honourable? The ones that hung Hussein, were certainly not his supporters.
Iran, a muslim country following Sharia law, has been accused of hanging people for quite a while now.
Here is a near 50 min. documentary on YouTube on Iranian hanging of a young woman.
____no5 said:pils, needle injection, sword, firearm -I are some more honorable deaths
after a discusion I had with some Arab friends, unlike you, I didn't ask what it could be honorable, I stayed to the fact of the dishonor of the hanging.....
so for the moment I can only assure you that these hanged Iranians did also had a dishonorable death
good question though I'll try to find your answer