Rush Studio Album Survivor: Moving Pictures wins !


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04. Hemispheres (1978)
05. Grace Under Pressure (1984)
06. Clockwork Angels (2012)
07. 2112 (1976)
08. Power Windows (1985)
09. Counterparts (1993)

10. Signals (1982)
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11. Presto (1989)
12. Snakes and Arrows (2007)
13. Vapor Trails (2002)

14. Fly By Night (1975)
15. Roll the Bones (1991)
16. Test for Echo (1996)
17. Rush (1974)
18. Hold Your Fire (1987)
19. Caress of Steel (1975)
My vote goes to Permanent Waves.

The other two albums do IMO not suffer (or hardly) from negative aspects such as these:

Even though I am getting more used to the happy, over the top "let's have FUN"-hallalujah mood of the opening track, I prefer music of a different vibe.
And hearing it as the constant (or at least very often?) setlist opener is coming a bit out of my nose (sorry, Dutch expression). Besides, live, Geddy doesn't sound that nice on it. I really like Peart's drum patterns on it though.

Also not a big fan of Entre Nous (this was the song Billy Corgan talked about). Not very enthralling melodies and I feel that the jumpy, happy music in the couplets and choruses are out of place, when comparing it with the more concerned theme of the lyrics. The instrumental parts are more dramatic though, but not very captivating.

Natural Science. Fantastic beginning, build-up and couplets and then it all gets worse when they start jamming some totally irrelevant and unfitting music.
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Permanent Waves. Very strong as an album because of its great flow but not as strong as the other ones when you go track by track.
Meant to vote for AFTK, if you could count that instead of MP, @Forostar

PW is my favorite of the three albums left.
A Farewell To Kings.
I really love this album. It's one of my favorites by Rush. But it can't beat the two other albums. So, I guess this is a farewell to A Farewell To Kings.
03. Permanent Waves (1980)
04. Hemispheres (1978)
05. Grace Under Pressure (1984)
06. Clockwork Angels (2012)
07. 2112 (1976)
08. Power Windows (1985)
09. Counterparts (1993)

10. Signals (1982)
- - - - - - -
11. Presto (1989)
12. Snakes and Arrows (2007)
13. Vapor Trails (2002)

14. Fly By Night (1975)
15. Roll the Bones (1991)
16. Test for Echo (1996)
17. Rush (1974)
18. Hold Your Fire (1987)
19. Caress of Steel (1975)
A Farewell to Kings

'Moving Pictures' is a masterpiece. I'm not suggesting that 'A Farewell to Kings' isn't but 'Moving Pictures' is just about perfect.
AFTK has been alive for too long now. Send in the Vote missile to eliminate it! Haha, now you'll die, AFTK! It's five against zero. Only a miracle can save you now.
But now I'll take my leave.
Sleep peacefully and hopefully you'll be gone when the final round ends.

Moving Pictures. ...And I'm the only one voting against it, it seems.

I like Moving Pictures but I like Kings more. I guess I feel that because Moving Pictures is like the classic album almost everyone knows by Rush, the top is more deserving to the album that's not so common. I can't complain too much though since it will be number 2.
Thanks for playing everybody!


01. Moving Pictures (1981)
02. A Farewell to Kings (1977)
03. Permanent Waves (1980)
04. Hemispheres (1978)
05. Grace Under Pressure (1984)
06. Clockwork Angels (2012)
07. 2112 (1976)
08. Power Windows (1985)
09. Counterparts (1993)

10. Signals (1982)
- - - - - - -
11. Presto (1989)
12. Snakes and Arrows (2007)
13. Vapor Trails (2002)
14. Fly By Night (1975)
15. Roll the Bones (1991)
16. Test for Echo (1996)
17. Rush (1974)
18. Hold Your Fire (1987)
19. Caress of Steel (1975)

Cool to see such a high place for AFTK. The album, or at least the epic songs on it got some slag in the Rush discography thread. It's my favorite of the seventies, nice to see a majority appreciating it so much as well.
I like it pretty good. The top 7 are my favorite 7 (but not exactly in that order), so it's hard to argue with it. Disappointed Caress of Steel was dead last. I really think Bastille Day is awesome, while The Necromancer and The Fountain of Lamenth set the stage (and template) for 2112, Kings and Hemispheres which followed.
The best album won, so I'm good with it.
I'd rearrange it a lot, but power Windows is the only one significantly off the curve.
Thanks Foro.