Random trivia

Switzerland, Turkey, The Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Scotland (if it were independent), Israel (depending on your definition of Europe).
Two more! (at least based on*)

On the Netherlands:
Amsterdam has more citizens than any other Dutch city but when we strictly look at area, then R'dam is probably bigger indeed. Hmm, this comes unexpected, I was using a wiki article, but that's purely *"largest by population". :)
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Huh, I believed that either Den Haag or R'dam would be more populous than Amsterdam. -_-
Here's two shots in the dark: Belarus and Lithuania?
Nope. Both countries in question start with the last letter of Maiden's third single.

1. Amsterdam: around 824.000
2. Rotterdam: around 620.000 (at least one third of its area consists of water!)
3. The Hague: around 511.000
Switzerland, Turkey, The Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Scotland (if it were independent), Israel (depending on your definition of Europe).

Now Israel I can accept as European, it is treated as European by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. However how on Earth is Kazakhstan on that list?
On how many album songs (I don't want to take into account crappy bonus tracks ;-) ), co-written by Adrian Smith, did Janick Gers play a guitar solo?
Correct! I even forgot about Hooks in You! I was only thinking of albums by the current line-up.

So, who knows: again 1 (co-)Smith song with a Gers lead on The Book of Souls.
I think it's only one from each of the reunion albums, plus Janick plays the main lead on Hook in You.

So, my guess would be five.
Janick does not play the main lead (if you mean there's only one main lead). He does the first and Dave the second. Or is the first the main in your opinion?
I have always seen that as a Dave solo, (with or without some effect) doubling himself.

The live versions confirm this somewhat, where Janick plays rhythm guitar during that moment.
I haven't listened to it in a while: does Janick not play the first lead & then they both play a little harmony bit?
I have always seen that as a Dave solo, (with or without some effect) doubling himself.
Okay, so live Janick plays that entire lead line right up to & including the first solo, then Dave plays the second lead (un-harmonised live). So yeh, you're right, there's two leads: Janick's then Dave's. It is just an overdub on the album version from Dave.