Random trivia

I'm not sure if this is such a major threat to this device*, but we all know that the flight of birds inspired planes. Now, the safety of planes from mechanical and human failure is pretty much minimal nowadays - but a flock of birds can cause a plane to come down.

*A quick Google search suggests that this is becoming more and more of a problem.
Well done Albie. I am afraid my previous post gave away too much, but you already found out that a living thing could be the inspiration!

Don't look this one up, but guess!

Which famous British female singer is 8 days older than Bruce Dickinson?
She was the first female singer who had a no. 1 UK single with her own composition.
Correct. I assume the 2nd piece of info was more helpful than the first.

I was so surprised that they were born so close from each other (in time), that I wanted to make a trivia question about it. :)
I don't see any unanswered questions,so can I ask one? Is so, then what is the only song Megadeth recorded as a 3piece? If not, just ignore this post.
Metalheadlady said:
I don't see any unanswered questions,so can I ask one? Is so, then what is the only song Megadeth recorded as a 3piece? If not, just ignore this post.
i know this one.... I believe it was a stump the trunk question on That Metal Show. Was it These Boots?
Ok, not something most would know, but I do, so I'll ask it. What are the circumstances of Randy Rhoads's birth? (city, state, day, month, year, and if possible, the hospital, to make it a little harder) don't call me a stalker, i just know some random stuff.
That is very random trivia (unless his birth is particularly remarkable for some reason I don't know). I could tell you a few things about his death though.
i'm not sure if anyone here could answer that without googling.
EDIT: Well I just did and there isn't anything spectacular about his birth. However a hint is that his birthday wouldn't have been too long ago.