Queensryche & Geoff Tate

First show with Todd La Torre in Queensrÿche, setlist:

01. Queen Of The Reich
02. Speak
03. Neue Regel
04. Walk In The Shadows
05. En Force
06. I Don't Believe In Love
07. Child Of Fire
08. The Whisper
09. Warning
10. Spreading The Disease
11. The Needle Lies
12. Prophecy
13. Take Hold Of The Flame
14. My Empty Room
15. Eyes Of A Stranger
16. Empire
17. Wrathchild (IRON MAIDEN cover)
18. Jet City Woman
19. Roads To Madness

God, Sarzo must work for the rent-a-rocker temp agency.
Not excited about this at all.
Interesting. I hope they both do really well. That would double Queensryche's output and make up for time lost from releasing shitty albums. Though part of me hopes Geoff fares better than the rest because I still cannot see a Queensryche without him. :D
"During the METALICA tour [in 1998], Eddie Jackson came onto the tour bus where Geoff Tate was sitting and, unprovoked, preceded to 'Kung Fu' kick Geoff in the face. As Geoff recounts, 'It was a brutal blow that caught me completely off guard. Two other witnesses, Messrs. Beyer and Rafeal, both of whom provided declarations, corroborate Geoff Tate's memory of this incident.



Read this and then see all the comments below: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=180466 I don't think GT is going to make it too far!

Also, here is the setlist from the October 12th show with the REAL QR and some video footage: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=180797 Todd is SO AMAZING! And the rest of the band is so energetic with him too!

Also, here are audio samples from GT's new solo album: http://www.amazon.com/Kings-Thieves...=1350148360&sr=1-4&keywords=kings+and+thieves

And a full song:

Can't say I'm too impressed. Sounds like more DTC crap with a bit more edge.
Well the new Geoff Tate material just confirms that he's mostly interested in doing pop music these days.
I'm very intrigued as to what material is gonna come from Queensryche.
This song redefines the word "terrible".
Naaah, sounds like a Tribe bonus track. I really liked Tribe.

However... That last section of the interview... *shrugs* And what, he's saying they did the Rising West show before they fired him?

And "I mean, first off, the people that are talking in support of them are a very small number ofQUEENSRŸCHE fans, a very small segment of the big pie, so to speak. And also, Michael, I know, and Scott both have multiple Internet accounts and they go online and pose as different people and they go onFacebook and all these different social medias and they are on a smear campaign of trying to create a public opinion in a negative way for me. ": What the fuck?
I saw Tate spit on his band. I heard the sad state for their music. That's real evidence.
This? This is the sort of stuff you usually hear from serial liars.
I'm sad the band imploded, but they've not written a great song since DeGarmo flew the coop.
And that's why my hope for the Latorre-fronted Queensryche is muted, despite his great voice.
For Tate, I have no hope at all.
It's really difficult to imagine that Dark Money came from the same mind that came up with Operation: Mindcrime.
WOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! From those samples alone, it is sounding like their best album since Mindcrime! I can't wait! And look at who they got to "helm" the project: http://blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=182271
You must not like Empire. But it's surely the most Metal since Mindcrime.
I also like Promised Land quite a bit. I can say that this might prove to be their best album since Promised Land - But then again, I liked Tribe as well.