Chris R.
Me and Adrian, Chicago `97
I'm in complete agreement with no5- would LOVE to see Adrian do more side projects and with a variety of people. I think you mean Matt Barlow (ex Iced Earth) and that would be a GREAT pairing. I enjoyed his IE work and love his voice. And, I am also MORE interested in what Adrian might do on the side than what Maiden will put out next. Obviously, I love Maiden, always will, but H's side projects are unbound by Harris's "conventional wisdom" or the need to please all 6 bandmates and millions of hidebound fans and go in directions that surprise and reward the listener, sometimes not immediately, but almost always eventually. This is proven out by this thread- where quite a few folks have said they stuck with AB gave it fair chances, repeated listenings and then BOOM, the light went on. For others, the positive reaction was more immediate, but however we got there is fine. With BL, I went in really wanting it to be good, different from Maiden, and a positive outlet for Harry. And while it isn't all good, it is different and maybe he'll be a bit more democratic when Maiden contemplates writing for their next album. I.e.- maybe Steve won't feel the need to "Steve-ize" all of Adrian's stuff and just let the man contribute his stuff and get it recorded unaltered? I know, big hopes.