Popular Maiden opinions


Staff member
It's so easy to be negative, and a lot of people have "unpopular" Maiden opinions and their own "Maiden blasphemies". In a way, an opinion that does not conform with the perceived mainstream opinion is more acceptable than one that does. For example, among Maiden fans, you get sneered for liking Run to the Hills precisely because it is perceived as Maiden's most popular track.

So this thread is for all you boring, trendy people to come out of the closet and tell us your popular Maiden opinions, those that most casual fans and the mainstream would entirely agree with. Don't tell us that The X Factor is your favourite album (it's mine), but tell us that The Number of the Beast is. Tell us that Bruce is Maiden's best singer and that you always get the chills when Fear of the Dark is played live. In other words, be so painfully conformist that you simply wouldn't fit in a proper Maiden community.

I'll start by saying that Number of the Beast, The Trooper and Two Minutes to Midnight are among my favourite Maiden tracks, ones that I never get tired of and love hearing live. I also think that the album covers from POM through SSOASS are completely unmatched in Maiden's catalogue, and I think nobody was ever able to match Riggs in the quality of painting Eddie.
The Trooper still sounds great live and should be played at every Iron Maiden concert.

To that end, the "hits" are hits for a reason and for the most part are among their greatest songs (Number of the Beast, The Trooper, Two Minutes, The Evil That Men Do).

Piece of Mind is the best album.

Despite some decent material, Maiden largely lost their way in the 90s and Blaze was a poor choice in replacement singer.

80s Maiden is best Maiden.
Wrathchild is a great classic.
Heaven Can Wait is a great classic, much better than most of the other tracks on SIT
Can I Play with Madness is a great classic, one of Maiden's most well known tracks.
Steve Harris writes much more of Maiden's best material than the rest of the members combined.
Rod Smallwood makes good managerial decisions and is a huge reason why Maiden are still around and bigger than ever.

I could probably go on all day truth be told.
I have a certain relationship with the 'classics.' I don't often seek them out if I am in a 'picking songs' mode of listening but I adore them all live, in the flesh. I fell into a period of dislike for 2 Mins until I heard it live. And absolutely, Fear of the Dark is always a stand out moment at a gig.
In terms of the upcoming tour, I am fine with a 'predictable' setlist. Give me Run to the Hills, give me Wrathchild and all the rest and above all, give me Running Free, The Evil That Men Do and Sanctuary.
Actually, I'm not sure if this belongs in a Popular Opinions thread....so confusing on here.
I have a certain relationship with the 'classics.' I don't often seek them out if I am in a 'picking songs' mode of listening but I adore them all live, in the flesh. I fell into a period of dislike for 2 Mins until I heard it live. And absolutely, Fear of the Dark is always a stand out moment at a gig.
In terms of the upcoming tour, I am fine with a 'predictable' setlist. Give me Run to the Hills, give me Wrathchild and all the rest and above all, give me Running Free, The Evil That Men Do and Sanctuary.
Actually, I'm not sure if this belongs in a Popular Opinions thread....so confusing on here.
I actually had the opposite experience at one time. Was tired of hearing the same classics constantly on the live videos and albums to the point where I didn’t care for the songs anymore. But then listening to the studio versions again helped remind me why those songs were great to begin with.
The Trooper still sounds great live and should be played at every Iron Maiden concert.
Yep. Same goes for Fear Of The Dark. Hell, even if I rarely listen to Iron Maiden (the song) at home, it's kickass live.

The Number Of The Beast not so much, but that's for another thread :P
Hallowed Be Thy Name is the best Maiden song.
Janick’s prancing is annoying.
The best bands besides Maiden are Priest and Sabbath.
My favourite album is Seventh Son. It also is my favourite artwork on any album. I also agree with Perun as to the artwork from POM to SSOASS was the best period, but I'd include Killers and NotB.
Fear Of The Dark, Trooper and Hallowed Be Thy Name should be perfomed in every gig.
Steve is God
Bruce is the best frontman for Maiden and one of the greatest metal singers
Adrian is an amazing guitarist and songwriter
A Matter Of life And Death and The Brave New World are the best postreunion albums followed closely by The Book Of Souls
Bruce still is a great vocalist and frontman
Maiden is a brilliant live band
Powerslave's cover has the best art work
Maiden rules
Going off the Wrathchild praise, I think replacing BTATS with it in 2010 was largely a good idea. I would’ve liked to have seen them find a way to keep BTATS in (maybe replace a different song and move it later in the set) but Wrathchild was overall a necessary addition to the set.
Powerslave is my favorite Maiden album
Same, followed by Seventh Son.

Run To The Hills is, if not the best Maiden song, the second best. It got me into Maiden and I purposefully don't listen to it too often to preserve my love of it. (Only Empire of the Clouds is better.)