After many many listens, here is my review.
This is a strong album, and a grower in every sense. I can't place it among the reunion albums or rank it among all of their albums yet, time will tell. Also, how it will age, will see.
My ratings are so far:
Senjutsu 10/10 - a cinematic masterpiece, one of the best songs on the album. Also a big plus is that it is a little bit unusual for Maiden. Lots of Priest vibe. Really good storytelling, you can visualize that you are in the middle of a battle. Epic!
Stratego/TWOTW - 10/10 in a bundle. The former because it is classic Maiden, and there is not a single note in it that is unnecessary, perfect songwriting and composition. The latter because again, a little bit unusual for Maiden and sounds huge. And of course the Adrian solo.
Lost in a Lost World - 6/10 the first song that lost me, definitely a grower. The intro is nice, indeed Pink Floydish. The rest is not that good to be honest, uninteresting "modern" Maiden guitar work, really drags the album down for the first time. Unnecessarily long and boring.
Days of Future Past - 8/10 nice, and unnecessarily short for a change! Could have been worked on it more, with a more interesting instrumental part, but otherwise really good vocals and melody.
The Time Machine - 9/10 It has grown on me! I like the vibe of it, and despite having some standard "modern" Maiden patterns, for some reason they work here well. It really has some proggy influences, and I love the lyrics. Might be a new favorite of mine later!
Darkest Hour - 10/10 OK, it has a simpler structure but perfect! Fully Bruce solo vibe and this is how one writes a song without any unnecessary part and it is spot on! One of the best songs Maiden has ever written (OK, Bruce and Adrian

and one of the best solo is in this song. Perfect feel and vibe! Amazing guitar solo, let me highlight again!
Now the real problems begin

Each of the Harris epics has some really good parts, or even amazing parts, and within the very same song, cringeworthy parts too. Really badly stitched together sometimes. The parts where the guitars just disappear to allow the weak synth part come in to make it a live song for a crowd singalong, well, I don't know what to say
But otherwise, each has its highlights and if I had to choose one, I would choose The Parchment as a standout song which more or less is consistent and has an arc and a vibe.
Death of the Celts - 5/10 The worst out of the three epics. Simply a rehash of previous ideas stitched together, in a bad way. I am not a friend with this, of course, my opinion can still change over time.
The Parchment - 9/10 The best out of all these epics. It is consistent, amazing prog influences, nice vocal performance, it has VIBE! It does not feel boring and does not drag despite its length.
Hell on Earth - 8/10 Could have been the best epic, but sadly I now know what my problem is with this. OK, I understand Steve and his long intros, even if I tend to understand why he forces these, here, not a surprise, I would have simply started the song with the punchy part after 2 minutes. To make the album flow better and the outro would have been still left intact and worked. Anyway, the song has really nice melodies, but I can't get over the similarity to a Romanian pop song and it destroys it to me somewhat. I know, I know, but still, that's my problem LOL The cheap synth part appears here too. Other than that, I am pretty much sure, this will be a live favorite.
Overall the album sounds good and it's an interesting listen. Every time I find something new.