Steve's repeated attempts to create The Ultimate Maiden Epic (Harris) during the last decades has been discussed previously, and Maiden's latest album shows he wouldn't mind one or two Skyclad epics as well apparently. Fragments from his - so far undelivered - magnum opus seem to float through space though, occasionally hitting innocent bystanders. Recent casualties include Lost In A Lost World, a song that might have been fantastic but, due to the aforementioned collision, is now sadly reduced to the tripartite structure of [lovely intro]* - [Lost In Terest]** - [very good outro indeed].
Fortunately, there are five songs on the album (ranging from good to great) that flow in a deliciously effortless manner just like in a millennium now long gone, four of them with H in the credits incidentally. Afraid To Shoot Strangers' heir, Hell On Earth***, could have been there as well with some minor trimmings, and so would The Parchment if it weren't for the "The prodigal has returned [...] That the same will happen - searching for gold" part but yeah, those lyrics had to go somewhere after all.
So: Is Senjutsu a masterpiece? Not in my opinion but it comes close, and could have come even closer with some trimmings to Hell On Earth (minor), The Parchment (some more), and Lost In A Lost World (quite some), plus leaving out the two Skycladish songs (which are great fun nevertheless, and feature some really good parts): speaking in Ancient, an album with 8 songs and 2 b-sides. Is it Maiden's best album since Seventh Son? Hell yeah, and once again listening to a new Maiden album is a pleasure rather than a chore. I think I've already played it more times than all the reuninon albums combined. Everything I dislike about those has been greatly reduced (yes, there is recycling, and occasional fits of Harrisitis, that disease of songs manifesting in lots of words over lots of chugga chugs, again and again, but it could have been worse, and it has been). It's a daring album, going into territories unusual for Maiden, and, most importantly for me at least, it feels fun, and alive, once again.
* Planet Caravan, The Moody Blues and Pink Floyd have been mentioned in reviews, but it reminds me of Dust In The Wind for some reason.
** When listening to the album in its entirety, this is the first bump on the ride.
*** The "Love in anger, life in danger" part is out of this world. It's been a long, long time since I got goosebumps from a new Maiden record - unless you count Darkest Hour a few songs before.