Eternal classic, not only for the band, but for the heavy metal genre. Only Steve can write such a masterpiece. The intro is amazing/haunting, the riff is brutal and so fast - one of the bests from Maiden. Strangely, I like the lyrics. Great solos (especially Dave's both), the part with Steve's little bass solo is another thing which I want to praise. Amazing drums all over the song. Di'Anno performance is really good. Still to this day I'm amazed by the tempo of the song. I quite like this part: ''Keep your distance, walk away, don't take his bait''.... The twin-lead guitar harmonies are (as always) fantastic. Steve's bass playing in the whole song is so good. This song shows that this band is going to be special... I mean, how many debut albums has such a (epic) timeless masterpiece! A greatest hit song for the band - one of the best epics of the band. The song is an example how you have to do heavy metal. Early classic that will live forever and beyond. If someone want a ''best of'' of Maiden you should include this song at the top.