Overall Favorite Albums

Diesel 11

As you scream into the web of silence...
So, given that I couldn't find an thread for this, I thought I'd make one myself. We have a thread for favorite bands, now I want to branch it out further into favorite albums overall. Which albums do you like best and why? Is it for nostalgia, atmosphere, or overall awesomeness?

After careful consideration, I've narrowed it down to the following 11:

#11: Slayer - Reign In Blood
Let's be honest, nothing has been the same since this album was dropped. It's only 29 minutes long, and yet it's one of the most gripping, brutal, kickass album of all time. All ten songs on here are great, and it's overall one hell of a ride.

#10: Death - Symbolic
It's not my favorite Death album, yet Symbolic is still in my list. There's just something about it that's different from everything else. It stretched the boundaries of death metal and transcends the genre, and I'm not surprised people consider it Death's finest hour. It's as if you've been placed in a wasteland and Chuck and his gang are the only thing around you... epic.

#9: Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Like I said in the death metal thread, the rest of MA's discography hasn't really impressed me, yet their debut is a genuine classic. Everything from Vincent's vocals to Trey's guitarwork is awesome. This is classic death metal at its finest. Awesome stuff.

#8: Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath
An album that, start to finish, is just great. A lot of it seems like it shouldn't work. Take "The Oath". Lyrics directly from a black mass sung in falsetto over heavy metal? And yet it remains one of the greatest metal songs ever. This album is the pinnacle of Fate and King's careers. A classic of the genre.

#7: Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime
My all-time favorite 'ryche songs come from Empire, yet album-wise, Mindcrime really reigns supreme. It weaves together a classic story and is the concept album to end all concept albums. Start to finish, an all-time favorite.

#6: Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea
I don't often come back to this album, and when I do, I usually just pick one song from it to listen to because I'm not big on ten-minute songs one right after the other. However, any time I do listen to the whole thing through, I'm always glad I did. There's something about this record that's just... so great. Atmosphere, feeling, it's a perfect record. The best album of the 21st century, hands down.

#5: Megadeth - Rust In Peace
From the opening to "Holy Wars" to the end of "Polaris", Rust In Peace remains one of the albums that helped bring me into the metal genre. And it's filled with classics. "Hangar 18" is my favorite song of all time, "Tornado of Souls" has the greatest solo of all time, and even the lesser tracks are still pretty goddamn good, like "Lucretia", "Take No Prisoners", and "Five Magics". Great stuff.

#4: Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
My favorite Maiden album keeps switching, but for now, this has taken the number 2 spot. The feel of the album, from the guitar to the synths, is what drives it, and I have yet to hear something sound more sci-fi than this. One of the best.

#3: ABBA: Gold
I'm cheating because this is a compilation album, but honestly I don't care. It features ABBA's finest tracks, and brings a lot of nostalgia back to me every time I listen to it. Pop is one of the greatest genres, if only because ABBA is a part of it.

#2: Iron Maiden - Powerslave
This album sums up why I love Maiden. All the songs on here fit together so well, the drumming is excellent, the bass is superb, the guitars are godly, and Bruce is the goddamn best. It all goes by so fast, it's so good. Love it.

#1: Death - The Sound of Perseverance
When it comes to talking about favorite albums, my #1 pick is obvious for me. There is not a song I'd rate below a 9/10 on here. Chuck's vocals ascended new heights, the band went for an entirely new sound, and overall it's a classic. "Voice of the Soul" is, tied with "Hangar 18", my favorite song of all time, and "Spirit Crusher" follows as the stand-out with one of the band's best choruses. Oh, and closing the album with the greatest cover song in the history of the world, "Painkiller"? This album is perfect, the whole way through.

So yeah, those are my favorites, what about you?
The beatles - s/t
Because it has a piece of every genre of music on it

Rainbow - rising
Its so epic and rocking, powerful vocals and drums, and Ritche of course

GNR - Appetite for destruction
Flawless rock'n roll

Ayreon - The human equation
The story, the variation of songs, singers...and the flutes and strings of course

Burzum - s/t

Bathory - Hammerheart
Atmosphere and passion by an amateur

Marduk - Panzer division marduk
30 minutes of reign in blood x 10

Iron maiden - Somewhere in time
Cause it always make me happy. Same can be said about anything Maiden.

Metallica - Ride the lightning
Nostalgia and just a perfect album from a then young band

Stratovarius - Visions
The album that made music a passion for me
My criteria for great albums = more than just a collection of good songs; it's something that's better when listened to all the way through as a complete work.

Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed, Sticky Fingers
Exile on Main Street gets a lot of praise, and it has some of their best songs, but there are a few clunkers on it and the song sequencing is a little weird in places. These two are fantastic from front to back, with a sequence of songs that build and release tension as they flow from one to the next; great opening songs that set the mood for what's to come, and climactic closing songs ("You Can't Always Get What You Want" and "Moonlight Mile," respectively) that wrap up the whole thing and leave you with your jaw on the floor.

Neil Young - Tonight's The Night
His darkest, and one of his rawest. Song sequencing is a little weird in places (e.g. going from the slow, sorrowful "Borrowed Tune" straight into the raucous "Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown") but overall fantastic, with a closing song that reprises the opener.

Pink Floyd - Animals
Not as big a hit as The Wall, Dark Side, or Wish You Were Here, but their best-developed concept album with no filler at all.

Aerosmith - Rocks
The album that made Slash take up guitar seriously. Not a clunker on the whole thing, and Side 1 especially is just a relentless barrage of rockers, starting with the one-two punch of "Back in the Saddle" and "Last Child." Includes the heaviest thing they ever did, "Nobody's Fault," which Testament covered decades later as though it were one of their own.

The Cars - debut
Only one song on this album failed to become a heavily-played radio hit. That in itself is nearly incredible. One of the all-time greatest debut rock albums ever. Only problem is, nothing they did later could quite live up to it.

Black Crowes - Southern Harmony & Musical Companion
Perhaps my all-time favorite album. A one-two punch of "Sting Me" and "Remedy" to open it up, strong rockers all the way through with enough variation in mood, tempo, and feel to keep things interesting, the climactic "My Morning Song" to bring it all crashing to a close, and the mellow Bob Marley cover "Time Will Tell" as a come-down.

The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
One of the first albums I fell in love with, when I was 7 years old. Not much I can add to the volumes that have been written about it for the past 50 years.

Harry Nilsson - Nilsson Schmilsson
I've liked this one since I was 4 years old; liked it even more when I listened to it as a grown-up. Harry had an amazing vocal range, a catchy and versatile but slightly offbeat and twisted songwriting style, and collaborated with some of the best in the business. You almost certainly know "Coconut" and "Without You" (his original of the latter is way better than Mariah Carey's cover). "Jump Into the Fire" is familiar from its use in Goodfellas. But the opener "Gotta Get Up," and other deep cuts like "Early In The Morning," "Down," and "Let the Good Times Roll," are equally strong. Relevance to hard rock & metal: Nikki Sixx credits this album as one of his early inspirations.
Diesel 11 hit a lot of my favorites in his list with Megadeth, Slayer, Mercyful Fate, Morbid Angel, and Queensryche, but I'll add a few more...

Dream Theater - Images and Words
This was the album that that got me into prog metal. It's heavy, fast, and melodic. I still listen to it regularly.

Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Loved the concept even though it wasn't as put together as Operation Mindcrime, but still my favorite Maiden album.

Overkill - Years of Decay
This was their peak IMO, but it was fast, heavy, and the best Overkill lineup IMO.

The Cult - Sonic Temple
Flat out great rock album. They never really topped this one. Every song on it could have been a hit single.

Rush - 2112
Discovered this late (like 1992). Basically invented prog metal with this album (I'm sure someone else invented it, but as far as I'm concerned this album did it). It was aggressive and still to this date sounds very modern considering it came out in 1976.

I could go on, but I'll stop here.
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# Some of my favorite albums ever:

Iron Maiden - Brave New World
Judas Priest - Firepower
HammerFall - Crimson Thunder
Bruce Dickinson - Tyranny Of Souls
Def Leppard - Pyromania
Dio - The Last In Line
Accept - Balls To The Wall
Kiss - KISS
Krokus - Headhunter
Manowar - Kings Of Metal
# Some of my favorite albums ever:

Iron Maiden - Brave New World
Judas Priest - Firepower
HammerFall - Crimson Thunder
Bruce Dickinson - Tyranny Of Souls
Def Leppard - Pyromania
Dio - The Last In Line
Accept - Balls To The Wall
Kiss - KISS
Krokus - Headhunter
Manowar - Kings Of Metal
@Kalata can you tell us why these are some of your favourite albums ever?
Here are 15 all timers plus 5 in the new millenium (I can't narrow it more than this) in chronological order
  • Led Zeppelin - II (this IS rock at its purest form)
  • Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (Not a single bad second of music. Great concept and a heartfelt tribute to a friend. Best guitar solos ever)
  • Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (When Sabbra Cadabra is the least awesome song of an album you can pretty much get the picture)
  • The Cult - Love (This is beauty in acoustic form. Mythical)
  • Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time (Way ahead of its time this record shows the powerhouse that Maiden is without fear of bringing new elements to their sound)
  • Slayer - Reign In Blood (heavy as hell even for today's standards this record is what aggression should sound like)
  • The Young Gods - Live Sky Tour (Absolute masterpiece from one of the most inventive bands ever)
  • The Smiths - Singles (unmatched class in pop music)
  • Mão Morta - Mutantes S21 (huge concept album from an unique alternative band)
  • Judas Priest - Painkiller (This is Metal embodied. Period)
  • Killing Joke - Extremities Dirt And Various Repressed Emotions (KJ coming full circle with a heavier edge. Top notch)
  • Godflesh - Selfless (because mr. Broderick is a genius)
  • Alice In Chains - Alice In Chains (Masterpiece from Jerry Cantrell)
  • Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (The album that made the letters NIN be known across the world. State of the art concept album, disturbing and sometimes hurtful to listen to)
  • Paradise Lost - One Second (class in form of music. I don't care if it's metal or not: this record is awesome and never gets old)
  • Devin Townsend - Infinity + Demos (Absolute Masterpiece! The most complete album I ever heard. Remains my favorite Dev release to this very day)
  • Tool - Lateralus (Tool reinvented Prog Rock for the 3rd Millenium with this... Amazing)
  • Rosetta - Wake/Lift (After an amazing debut these guys managed somehow to top themselves with this melodic wall of sound post-metal opus. Best record from one of the most underrated bands in the world)
  • Cynic - Traced In Air (Cynic said they wouldn't record anything else untill they came out with something better than Focus. And They did. That says it all)
  • Cult Of Luna - Mariner (This record is one of rock's greatest conceptual masterpiece when it comes to heavy sound breaking boundaries)
  • Peter Murphy - Lion (Well... with albums like Deep, Cascade, Dust or Nine the most recent has to be quite a legendary record to top them all. And, with a touch of Gary Numanesque ambiances and a couple of flashbacks to his well known former band, Mr Murphy proved with this album he knows where the fountain of youth lies. At least for composing awesome music.)
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Given that Maiden are my favorite band and Taylor Swift my favorite solo artist, I decided to follow the usual "one album per artist rule" so that the list wouldn't get filled with albums by only those two. I find it too hard to rank mixed stuff from several different artists, so I just chose my favorite album from each of these 8 artists (all of which I feel had some kind of impact in my life), and sorted them chronologically.
  • Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (1988)
  • Evanescence - Fallen (2003)
  • Lady Gaga - The Fame Monster (2009) [+ The Fame]
  • Amaranthe - Massive Addictive (2014)
  • Season of Ghosts - The Human Paradox (2014)
  • The Pretty Reckless - Who You Selling For (2016)
  • Lorde - Melodrama (2017)
  • Taylor Swift - reputation (2017)
By the way, @Diesel 11, don't you think your list needs an update? :p
By the way, @Diesel 11, don't you think your list needs an update? :p
Yeah. :P

Let's see... for an end-of 2018 list, I think that everyone already knows my number 1:

#1: Bruce Dickinson - The Chemical Wedding
Just a massive album that I first heard this year, took some time to grow, and then came and smashed me across the skull a little before summer and I haven't looked back since.

My second-favorite should also be no surprise:

#2: Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea
One of the most epic albums of all time, deep sound, dark themes, amazing lyrics, just fantastic stuff. Love it. As a side note, I actually have my two favorites on vinyl now!

My next two should also not be surprising:

#3: Iron Maiden - Powerslave
#4: Iron Maiden - The X Factor

Maiden's two pinnacles, the first the epitome of the classic Maiden, classic metal sound, and the second a dark, moody, emotional album that's not one of the favorites overall (except maybe on MaidenFans). Love them both for different reasons.

#5: Sabaton - Carolus Rex
The pinnacle of Sabaton's discography, everything built up to it and they haven't been able to top it yet. Great power metal with flash and smash and the concept is fascinating. Sabaton got me to do more reasearch on the Swedish Empire than I ever thought I'd do. Love this album.

#6: ABBA
--Gold: Greatest Hits
--The Visitors

I genuinely don't know which album to choose, because they're both amazing. Gold is the perfect compilation album, with all the really good songs and a great introduction to the discography. But damn, The Visitors is the perfect ending to a really great career, more mature than I've ever heard pop music done. Every song on both of these are great, so take what you will from this.

#7: Buckethead - Bermuda Triangle
The perfect Buckethead album, even if it's not quite the norm. Love the descent into darkness and it just blows me away. It's an experiment that paid off in full.

#8: Amputated - Wading Through Rancid Offal
Slamming death metal can be a great genre when used properly, but it takes a special kind of band to do it. Amputated is one of those bands. You legitimately feel like you're 'walking through rancid offal' when listen to this. It's got fat riffs, weird as fuck vocals, and just a heavy style that never lets up. Not for everyone, or even for most people, but I love it.

#9: Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth
Sometime ago I'd have preferred Tyranny of Souls over this one, but man has this grown on me. All solid songs (even if I don't like "Omega" as much as the next person), with a warm but heavy sound and the lyrics are fantastical. Great stuff, even if it's not as good as The Chemical Wedding itself.

#10: Iron Maiden - The Book of Souls
And just to round things off, Iron Maiden appear again for the third time with their latest release. It's an album where the weaker songs fit in really well in the context of the whole, and there's nothing really bad about it. The great songs are fantastic and we all know how much I love "Empire of the Clouds". Great album.

Honorable Mentions:
Some really tight stuff at the bottom of the list and I bet it'll change soon. Given another listen, I might've shoved Sabaton's other great, The Art of War, in instead of another album, and King Diamond's Abigail was also close in the running. Alestorm's Sunset on the Golden Age is another favorite I had to leave off, and Blaze has two albums - Silicon Messiah and Infinite Entanglement - that are really close behind as well. I also really liked Inhumano's slam masterpiece, Torturas de Almas Oscuras, so we'll see how soon this list changes. For now, though, I'll be satisfied with this.
Did this lift without prep so may not be entirely accurate:
Top 10
- Let There Be Rock - Amazing album with a live feel to it, title track and "Rosie" are outright masterpiece rockers. The deep cuts on the track is also super strong, "Overdose" and "Problem Child" are also great tracks. Angus and Malcolm are on fire for the entire album and Bon delivers the goods.

Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell - I am not an Ozzy fan for me Dio's era of Sabbath is where I gravitate to although I do feel the band should of been named Heaven and Hell. Regardless a Heaven and Hell features a ripping opener of "Neon Nights", the amazing and epic "Children of the Sea". The catchy "Lady Evil". And a Brutal Title track. And that's just side 1. Side 2 isn't as strong but Die Young is easily my favourite song off the album. Lonely is the Word is a wonderful closer.

Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet - Yea it is polished up and mainstream. But Slippery is an amazing album through and through, with only 1 true throwaway track in my mind in "Social Disease". Hit after hit on this album, Prayer, Bad Name, Wanted, Never Say Goodbye, I'd die for you. Although the latter two are massively improved with their live versions the album cuts are still among the best of Bon Jovi's classic era catalog. Even the left over "Edge of a Broken Heart" is a solid track which could easily have been a hit had it been released back in 86'.

Guns N Roses - Appetite for Destruction - Appetite for Destruction has few flaws from my perspective, great riffs, killer vocals, amazing solos and classic hits with amazing deep cuts. "Jungle" is a phenomenal opener, and all of side 1 just flat out rocks, the weakest of the 6 being "Paradise City". Side 2 has its fair share of kick ass songs, "My Michelle", "You're Crazy", "Think About You" and "Sweet Child" are catchy and rock. "Anything Goes" in my opinion should of been replaced by something else but I won't skip it during a album play through. "Rocket Queen" holds the title of best song on the album, an amazing closer to a near perfect record. And to think the leftovers from this albums include, "You Could Be Mine", "November Rain", "Shadow of Your Love", Don't Cry among other UYI hits.

Iron Maiden - Powerslave - "Aces High" is my favourite way to open any album ever. Straight forwards aggressive rocking with a killer chorus. "2MTM" comes in right away after although one of the maiden classics which for me I personally don't need to hear again, it still is a great strong song. The next 4 tracks are solid tracks I wouldn't call any of them weak however they are completely overshadowed by "Aces" and closing salvo that is "Powerslave" and "Rime". The title track kicks off with a airy opening before kicking into a rock epic earning its place as the title track. Finally you come to "Rime" which kicks your ass for the next 13 minutes. If I had to chose 1 song on the album to listen to it would be Rime, although Aces High would be an incredibly close contender.

Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time - My favourite sounding record from Maiden. "CSIT" opens with a beautiful guitar harmony before launching into an aggressive fast paced riff, overall one of Maiden's classic openers. "Wasted Years" is is my favourite song on the album, catchy, arena size chorus, upbeat with a killer guitar solo." Sea of Madness" has a wonderful riff and is a nice strong song, "HCW" has grown on me a lot over the past few months and I actively have been listening to it, fun song with a sing a long chorus. "TLOTLDR" And "Deja Vu" are my two least listened to tracks but they are enjoyable. "Stranger" is a close contender for the top spot on the album, killer prechorus and amazing solo. "Alexander" a overall strong epic track although it is overshadowed by Rime/Powerslave/Hallowed/SSOASS from the classic period of Maiden. The B-Sides of "That Girl" and "Reach Out" Make me wish for bonus track editions of the album

Rainbow - Rising - Side 1 is fun catchy and quick, "Tarrot Woman", and "(Lady) Starstruck" are solid rock tunes while the other two are okay. Side 2 however is 18 minutes of pure brilliance. "Stargazer" is an unreal epic track which honestly could go on a fair while longer and should of had its synth intro to it. However as it stands it still is a brilliant track that should be held at the pedestal it has been place upon. "A Light in the Black" has the unfortunate downside of following "Stargazer" it is an amazing fast epic track which honestly it's only real downside is that it follows a track of pure brilliance.

Scorpions - In Trance - So different from their 80s arena rock days, the Scorpions of the 70s let loose an amazing rock album with "In Trance", kicking off with "Dark Lady" featuring Uli singing in a tolerable way for once... Leading into the title track which honestly thinking about it makes me realise how long it has been since I've heard this amazing beautiful tune. "Life's Like a River" has a wicked Guitar intro. "Robot Man" and "Longing for Fire" are quick and fun tracks. "Top of The Bill" is a solid song which benefits from the live environment. "Evening Wind" is an incredibly calming ballad which while it feels like it is left unfinished has really no where to improve upon.

Scorpions - Lovedrive - Schenker's Return and Jabs Entry. Filled to the brim with hits, "Loving You Sunday Morning" kicks off with a decent paced heavy rocker. "Another Piece of Meat" picks up the pace rocking out before slowing down for the calm "Always Somewhere". "Coast to Coast is personally my favourite instrumental. "Can't Get Enough" shows the Scorpions knack for fast catchy songs with killer guitar work, "Lovedrive" shows their longer progressive rock side hasn't completely disappeared since their early days. "Holiday" closes out the album with a strong ballad.

Scorpions - Blackout - Straightforwards kick ass rock n roll, thats what "Blackout" is. The Title Track, "Now", "Dynamite" all pulverize the listener with fast riffs and amazing vocals from Klaus. "Can't Live Without You" and "No One Like You" while slower do not lose the catchyness for the other tracks. China White is a flattening riff that honestly is a shame that they don't break it out in concert. The Album only really slows at the end with the calm "When The Smoke Is Going Down" leaving a smooth calm ending to an aggressive rock album
If I'm not mistaken, this album contains one killer song - ''Bring Me To Life''. This song is blast from my childhood.... :)
Yes, it does! Iconic album, and one that I've listened to since it came out in 2003. "Bring Me to Life", "Going Under", "My Immortal", "Everybody's Fool"... So many hits! And the non-single album tracks aren't far behind.
The top 3 is easy...

Signals. Animals. Abbey Road. You know who made them.

After that it gets dicey, I'm less of a Metalhead than a lot of you guys, more a Prog/Jazz guy
Amongst my other all timers..

Close to the Edge - Yes
Thick As A Brick- Jethro Tull
Frank Zappa - One Size Fits All
Maiden- Powerslave
Starless and Bible Black - King Crimson
Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Dylan - Blood On the Tracks

thats 10, gun to head thats what I would bring on my desert island.
thats 10, gun to head
Eish... if it was that radical of a situation...

The Cult - Love
The Young Gods - Live Sky Tour
Alice In Chains - Alice In Chains

Paradise Lost - One Second
Devin Townsend - Infinity + Demos
Tool - Lateralus
Rosetta - Wake/Lift
Cynic - Traced In Air
Cult Of Luna - Mariner
Peter Murphy - Lion
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Probably not a very accurate list, but it's what I could pull out

Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
My favourite Maiden album. Great tracks all throughout (yes, even Charlotte) and I personally like the rough production it has as it gives it edge. You can clearly hear that it really is something special, and indeed it was.

IM Rock In Rio 2001
What can be even better than Iron Maiden? Live Maiden of course! This is my go to album for live Maiden. Great setlist and energy

Venom - Welcome To Hell

This album is soooo good. It's a great mix of thrash and black metal, as it is foundations for both. Great riffs all throughout, and always a fun listen. Fun to play bass along too

The Business - Hardcore Hooligan
I absolutely adore punk, and this album to me is the epitome of punk. Rough, rude, gritty, patriotic and of course being football themed it gives it a proper punk cherry on top

Toxic Holocaust - Chemistry of Consciousness
I'm not the biggest fan of thrash in the world, but this album is epic. It's extremely fast and brutal, but still gives great and memorable riffs and avoids sounding like a typical thrash album that blends together and you forget

Black Sabbath - Paranoid

The classic one! Black Sabbath at their finest, with a mix of different styles songs, need I say more?

Metallica - AJFA
This is perhaps not my absolute favourite Metallica record, but with so much great stuff it's hard to choose. It features heavy riffage such as Eye of the Beholder and features my favourite Metallica solo in Blackened.

Oasis - What's The Story? (Morning Glory)
Once again, just so so many good tunes. Wonderwall, DLBIA, Morning Glory, Champagne Supernova, Roll With It etc. Makes for a nice change from heavy metal
1. Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time
The album that got me not only into Maiden but Eddie big time.

2. Guns 'N' Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Again I heard this when I was getting into rock/metal. It was around the same time as hearing SIT

3. Fields of The Nephilim - The Nephilim 1988
I first heard this incredible album in 2004, and I knew after hearing it, that I'd heard something very unique. One of the elite of rockin' goth bands. The V16 luxury of goth rock.

4. Heart - Bad Animals
One of my all time fave female fronted bands. A fantastic album from start to finish

5. Moonspell - Night Eternal
Probably one of the very best Moonspell albums. Although Wolfheart, irreligious, Extinct and Alpha Noir/Omega White are equally awesome.

6. Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel
A truly incredible album. If you love black metal with a good dose of melody, then you have to hear this album

7. Megadeth - Youthanasia
As far as I'm concerned this is Megadeth's best album. 'Reckoning Day' is one hell of an opening song and way better than Skin 'O' My Teeth

8. U2 - Boy
One of U2's best albums from the 80's. Not a single bad or filler song on it

9. Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
I heard this around the same time as 'In The Nightside Eclipse'. Dimmu's best album from the 90's, although SBD is also amazing too

10. David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World
The album that got me into Bowie in first place. There is more to the album than just the amazing title song

11. The Cult - Sonic Temple
I heard this album by pure chance on tape in the early 2000's. Really incredible album

12. Bryan Adams - Reckless
This was another album I first heard back in 2004, and it just blew me away. No bad songs at all.

14. Kid Rock - Devil Without a Cause
Kid's best album for sure, and great lyrics, guitars and God rest Joe C.

15. Thin Lizzy - Thunder And Lightning
I love Lizzy, and it was hard to pick one album but I love the heaviness of this album. It's a pity it was the last one

16. Faith No More - Angel Dust
The cover art, the songs, the lyrics and even two amazing covers

17. Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
I love both this album and 'Athems', but there is something about this album I love more.

18. Paradise Lost - Draconian Times
Believe it or not, I bought this album based on the artwork alone. When I heard it that night while lying in bed I just couldn't believe how truly mind bending it was

19. Amorphis - Tuonela/Amuniversum - These two albums remind me of the hazy summery mornings going into college. Both albums are stunning
01. Iron Maiden - Brave New World (best album of my favourite band)
02. Autumn - Altitude (contains my favourite song ever: Skydancer -
03. Marillion - Afraid Of Sunlight (best album of my second favourite band)
04. Bruce Dickinson - The Chemical Wedding (lost for words...)
05. Halford - Resurrection (the Metal God at its best)
06. Marillion - Seasons End
07. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
08. Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime (best concept album ever)
09. Marillion - Clutching At Straws
10. Def Leppard - Hysteria (Love And Affection, Gods Of War, Hysteria, Women)
Other than Maiden, the 3 albums that spring to mind are Thin Lizzy : Live and Dangerous, Queensryche : Operation Mindcrime and W.A.S.P. : The Crimson Idol