
By Request, Part 1 - Orchid:

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The tour is over so we don't need spoilers anymore. This is a breakdown of what I've managed to see so far when it comes to Opeth... 31 different songs in 3 shows.

Deliverance needs to be dropped next tour... and Sorceress. Deliverance is overplayed and Sorceress blows.

Plovdiv 2015Berlin 2019Barcelona 2022
OrchidxxUnder The Weeping Moon
MorningriseAdventxBlack Rose Immortal
My Arms, Your HearseDemon Of The FallxDemon Of The Fall
Still LifeGodhead's LamentxThe Moor
Blackwater ParkThe Leper Affinity, The Drapery FallsThe Leper AffinityHarvest
DamnationTo Rid The DiseaseHope LeavesWindowpane
Ghost ReveriesThe Grand ConjurationHarlequin ForestGhost Of Perdition
WatershedHeir Apparent, The Lotus EaterThe Lotus EaterBurden
HeritageThe Devil's Orchard, The Lines In My HandNepentheThe Devil's Orchard
Pale CommunionEternal Rains Will Come, Cusp Of Eternity, Elysian Woes, Voice Of TreasonMoon Above, Sun BelowEternal Rains Will Come
In Cauda VenenumxDignity, Heart In Hand, All Things Will PassAll Things Will Pass
I was curious about my stats based on @Night Prowler's sheet, so I did the same...

Tucson 2013Chicago 2016Chicago 2017Chicago 2020TOTALS
My Arms, Your HearseDemon of the FallDemon of the FallDemon of the Fallx1
Still LifeWhite ClusterFace of Melindaxx2
Blackwater ParkBlackwater ParkThe Drapery FallsxThe Leper Affinity3
DamnationHope LeavesIn My Time of NeedIn My Time of NeedTo Rid the Disease3
Ghost ReveriesAtonement, Ghost of PerditionGhost of PerditionGhost of PerditionReverie/Harlequin Forest3
WatershedHeir ApparentHex OmegaHeir ApparentThe Lotus Eater3
HeritageHäxprocess, The Devil's Orchard, Lines in My HandThe Devil's OrchardThe Devil's OrchardNepenthe4
Pale CommunionxCusp of EternityCusp of EternityMoon Above, Sun Below2
SorceressxSorceress, The Wilde Flowers, Will O The WispSorceress, The Wilde Flowers, EraSorceress4
In Cauda VenenumxxxSvekets prins, Hjärtat vet vad handen gör, Allting tar slut3

So, I've seen a total of 29 songs in 4 concerts. They have played Deliverance every single time. I feel pretty lucky to have seen the 3 best songs from Blackwater Park.
My 2022 Opeth discography run is complete. Here's a brief "one-liner" of my thoughts this time around...

Orchid (1995)
Spooky, dark, eerily magical and enjoyable as hell. The whole thing is a blur in the best of ways. B+

More focused yet more nebulous, this album has great dynamics and is very moody but is less atmospheric and enjoyable than the debut. B

My Arms, Your Hearse
The beginning of peak Opeth, but far away from greatness. Every song has one great riff, but the whole is a wall of sound. B-

Still Life (1999)
Gothic death metal perfection, with Mikael Akerfeldt coming into his own as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. A+

Blackwater Park
Leveling up the production and experimenting with new sounds and textures, Opeth reaches their technical peak. A+

Half great, half average. Brutal, but sounds tired. B

A brilliant diversion and a masterpiece of mood. Stellar drum and bass grooves with excellent, simple guitars and melodies. A

Ghost Reveries
An incredible distillation of everything Opeth has to offer. Songs are well-rounded, heavy as hell, and incredibly exploratory. The end of the peak era. A+

Experimentation begins to overwhelm songwriting here and the album is both incredibly interesting and very confusing, often leaning too far into dull. B-

Heritage (2011)
A boring, unfocused exercise in self-indulgence. Listening to 90% of this album is a chore. D

Pale Communion
A return to form in terms of remembering how to write great songs, with some of the best melodies and harmonies in the whole discography. Fulfilling the promise of the new era. A

An acid jazz trip that falls off into uninspired monotony before the halfway point and never recovers. Mikael sings in his worst range (falsetto) for most of the album and it's a massive slog of a listen. C

In Cauda Venenum
Starts off with a whimper and ends as a revelation. Far too many "ah-AH's!" and "whoa-no's...", some songs are completely unmemorable, but multiple moments of pure melodic brilliance shine through. B
Anyone willing to support Opeth here?

So, thanks to @Midnight I tried out the preference revealer he mentioned.

It's a rather neat little thing, I let it check my Opeth preferences and this came out as my Top 15

1. Moonlapse Vertigo
2. Blackwater Park
3. Deliverance
4. The Moor
5. Reverie/Harlequin Forest
6. The Leper Affinity
7. Ghost of Perdition
8. Bleak
9. The Baying of the Hounds
10. A Fair Judgement
11. Godhead's Lament
12. The Drapery Falls
13. By The Pain I See in Others
14. Harvest
15. Beneath the Mire

I'm not sure if it's completely correct, but it does seem rather on point.