Cornfed Hick
Ancient Mariner
Cool reviews, thanks Mosh. I would, however, quibble with the premise that Still Life is one of the top 2 most "classic" or "renowned" Opeth albums. Blackwater Park is certainly one of them, but Ghost Reveries, not Still Life, is the other. Ghost Reveries is the most critically acclaimed of all the Opeth albums. I am not sure how exactly to prove this conclusively, the best I can do is point to the Wikipedia entries for each album and compare the "Reception" section in each. The reviews of Ghost Reveries are staggering, lots of 5/5, 9/10 and 10/10 ratings. Personally, I like Ghost Reveries a LOT more than Still Life. Looking forward to your views on that one, Mosh. 
EDIT: I voted in the poll. Blackwater Park and Ghost Reveries got two of my three votes. The third? Pale Communion. I've listened to it at least a half dozen times already, it keeps getting better. Probably premature to make this call, but it may end up being my favorite Opeth album ever. Certainly the best new music I've heard this year, with "River" being the high-water mark (pun intended). Great, great album.

EDIT: I voted in the poll. Blackwater Park and Ghost Reveries got two of my three votes. The third? Pale Communion. I've listened to it at least a half dozen times already, it keeps getting better. Probably premature to make this call, but it may end up being my favorite Opeth album ever. Certainly the best new music I've heard this year, with "River" being the high-water mark (pun intended). Great, great album.
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