This choice is so unbelievably hard... And in typical fashion, I analyse each choice extensively with my lack of inner monologue!
I would normally jump straight to my favourite album (The Crimson Idol) but I don't know if I could cope on it for a year
probably drive me to suicide for the exact reasons I love it! ... It's got some emotional stuff and some rocky stuff, but I don't think I could cope. All other potential albums are currently out of bounds, Alice Cooper - Hey Stoopid would be high up the list due to diversity if not for that reason. Does Use Your Illusion 1+2 count as a double album.. they're seperate but it was referred to as a double...
Game wise I'd want something I know is good rather than a new game that I just thought would keep me occupied... RockBand would be fun but it gets very samey very fast unless you have access to DLC constantly. Tiberian Sun would be high up the list, or an MMO if there was an internet connection (social interaction!! And it extends the life span of games indefinitely if you have fun people to play with) .. I rarely play games these days and when I do they are almost 100% multiplayer games.
Book... Urf, there's nothing I particularly want to read and anything long and interesting e.g a massive War encyclopedia or mythology book would probably just get boring after a while anyway. My usual books are artist biographies.
Season... well if you're going away for a year you want something re-watchable that doesn't get old, Blackadder is an epic series but at 6episodes per season thats only 3hours killed... 2nd Season of Rockstar was decent, and assuming I was in a decent state of mind I'd say potentially one of the stargate atlantis seasons.. they're nice and long!
Movie.. Lord of the Rings 3, Saving Private Ryan or something comedy-esque... Probably LOTR3 for length and epicness.
Drug? .. Cyanide so that I don't have to get cabin fever and have to make this nightmare decision!
Okay I'll try make a decision >.< On the assumption I was 'sane' at the time:
Album: Use Your Illusion 1/2 (if it classes as double - Alice Cooper's Hey Stoopid if not)
Game: Guild Wars 2 (yes its not out yet, and assuming internet connection.. if no internet then Diablo 3>2)
Movie: LOTR3
Season: SG:Atlantis .. 2?
Book: Mythology Encyclopedia (Unless I can have my guitar with me! In which case a monster music theory book, that way I'm actually able to write stuff when I get out
Drug: Cider to pass away the long nights. I'd rather sleeping tablets and just sleep out the entire year but I am rather immune :/