Intro's: Doctor Doctor and Mars The Bringer of War
1) The Wicker Man. Apart from initial issues with Bruce's mic, fantastic choice. Also played with lots of energy and the crowd went wild. 5/5.
2) Ghost of the Navigator: Judging from the loudness of the crowd one could have thought one was at Rock in Rio 2000. It probably helped that Bruce played to the Viking sensibilities of the audience when introducing the song. Another great performance probably tops the Rock in Rio version. 5/5.
3) Wrathchild. Good, but not great. Personally I thought it sounded a bit forced. 4/5.
4) El Dorado. As expected, a great fist-pumper. Also sounded fresh (well, its new after all), inspired, and had a raw energy to it. 5/5.
5) Dance of Death. Exceedingly atmospheric, Bruce went all out in theatrics even without his costumes. You could tell Bruce really enjoyed doing this one. 5/5.
6) The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg. One of the weaker moments of the evening, probably because of its placement right after Dance of Death. Somehow the songs are too similar both lyricly, melodically, and length-wise to fit together side by side. 3.5/5.
7) These Colours Don't Run. The chorus is testimony to the greatness and uncompromising nature of Maiden. All of Stockholm sang along with gusto here. 5/5.
8) Blood Brothers. Highlight of the evening, at least for me personally and probably for many others out there too. It was dedicated to the first-timers and to Ronnie James Dio. Huge amount of emotion, feeling, atmosphere, just perfect. Maiden at its finest. 6/5.
9) Wildest Dreams. Even though I dislike this song, it got the crowd gong and even had me singing along a bit. 3/5.
10) No More Lies. Theatrical Bruce, chorus unleashed insanity. 5/5.
11) Brave New World. Even better live than on the studio album. Lyrics get me every time. 5/5.
12) Fear of the Dark. Works a treat for the crowd and I think Maiden tried to make it fun for themselves. Bruce spiced it up by commenting on the current weather conditions (it's wet). 4/5.
13) Iron Maiden. Pure, raw, energy. And of course, with the new Eddie playing guitar. 4/5.
14) The Number of the Beast. Hard to resist that scream. Although overall the song did sound a bit tired. 4/5.
15) Hallowed Be Thy Name. Classic, but not as good as on the Somewhere Back in Time tour Stockholm concert 2008.
16) Running Free. Bruce had a bit of the speech in the middle that ran on for a bit longer than necessary. A bit of fun, for the band as well as the fans. 3.5/5.
Overall, fantastic crowd, Maiden doing great, the weather conditions were absolute shite (torrential rain, I was standing in a mud pool for most of the festival) but it lightened up when Maiden played (Eddie must have had a word with the weather gods), and perhaps it was the awful weather that gave it such a great atmosphere. We were all in this together, we all went through hell to hear Maiden, and they delivered, acknowledging the Swedish fans as something extra special. It was worth every last raindrop, especially since I made it to the front row.