Crimson Idol
If you distribute power equally then the 'evil' will always make more use of it, so in some respects balance is wiping out the dark. That is most likely the way the Jedi deemed it and imho the way that the original trilogy was pointing it, Anakin brings balance to the force by (eventually) destroying the sith completely. Maybe Lucas deserves more credit than we thought and decided that balanced meant equal distribution and this is what the prequels were about, rectifying this incorrect perception. Doubt it though 
The black and white attitude has certainly not always been there, there were always grey jedi - Windu himself was pretty grey tbh. It's quite possible that like the Sith created the rule of two to help their advancement, the Jedi also adjusted their rules to include the no love etc so they could ensure that the traditional movie villain "Kidnap the girlfriend" type thing couldn't be used against them
The EU certainly has a lot of grey jedi and flipflopping jedi alike, look at Revan for one thing. The Old Republic era was definitely full of it.
The EU has some great stuff in it, but also some ridiculous stuff... I've not read any of the books really but going off wiki's and forum discussions I've seen, I think Starkiller was pretty OTT for one, and the post-trilogy stuff sounds kinda stupid as well, Luke becoming a god etc. Hell Luke was meant to be like the most powerful Jedi ever and is apparently described as "mastering light sabre styles in mid fight" against Vader... whereas to me it looks like he's just angry and flailing like a kid with a heavy sword that he can't control ;p I think there's a very mixed reaction to things like Bobba Fett's EU as well.

The black and white attitude has certainly not always been there, there were always grey jedi - Windu himself was pretty grey tbh. It's quite possible that like the Sith created the rule of two to help their advancement, the Jedi also adjusted their rules to include the no love etc so they could ensure that the traditional movie villain "Kidnap the girlfriend" type thing couldn't be used against them

The EU has some great stuff in it, but also some ridiculous stuff... I've not read any of the books really but going off wiki's and forum discussions I've seen, I think Starkiller was pretty OTT for one, and the post-trilogy stuff sounds kinda stupid as well, Luke becoming a god etc. Hell Luke was meant to be like the most powerful Jedi ever and is apparently described as "mastering light sabre styles in mid fight" against Vader... whereas to me it looks like he's just angry and flailing like a kid with a heavy sword that he can't control ;p I think there's a very mixed reaction to things like Bobba Fett's EU as well.