Thanks Albie, that was interesting.

Looks like only one of those players is still active. Rooney can climb a lot because the diffence with the people above him is small. In the Dutch list, two are still active.
What's extra special about Wilkes (who was the big example for Cruijff) is that, for a prolonged period of his career, June 1949 through till March 1955, he was
banned from the national team since the KNVB did not allow professional players to participate.
Ridiculous rule, the KNVB apparently didn't like it that players earned money (were professional) and therefore they weren't allowed to play for the national team, at least not Wilkes, who did the first huge international transfer (3 Dutch guys went before him, but his transfer to Internationale was a big deal those days). Holland was very behind in those days, I guess.
But can you imagine how many more goals he might have made, if he
did play from 1949-1955?
(Still, til 1998 he was the record holder)